public Topic displayques(int alid) throws Exception { Topic topic = new Topic(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; PreparedStatement stmt1 = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = Dbtopic.getConn(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select * from IMQUES WHERE IMQUES.ALID =?"); stmt1 = conn.prepareStatement( "UPDATE imques SET scannumber=scannumber+1 WHERE imques.alid = ? "); stmt.setInt(1, alid); stmt1.setInt(1, alid); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); stmt1.executeQuery(); while (rs != null && { topic.setAlid(rs.getInt("alid")); topic.setPubren(rs.getString("pubren")); topic.setPubtime(rs.getString("pubtime")); topic.setQues(rs.getString("ques")); topic.setQuesinfo(rs.getString("quesinfo")); } } finally { Dbtopic.closeconn(conn); } return topic; }
public List<Topic> displaymyreply(String replyren) throws Exception { List<Topic> topics = new ArrayList<Topic>(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = Dbtopic.getConn(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement( " select alid,ques,pubtime,scannumber from imques where imques.alid in (SELECT alid FROM IMREPLY WHERE IMREPLY.REPLYREN =? ) and isonline=1"); stmt.setString(1, replyren); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while (rs != null && { Topic topic = new Topic(); topic.setAlid(rs.getInt("alid")); topic.setQues(rs.getString("ques")); topic.setPubtime(rs.getString("pubtime")); topic.setScannumber(rs.getInt("scannumber")); topics.add(topic); } } finally { Dbtopic.closeconn(conn); } return topics; }
public List<Topic> displaytopic() throws Exception { List<Topic> topics = new ArrayList<Topic>(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; PreparedStatement stmt1 = null; PreparedStatement stmt2 = null; ResultSet rs = null; ResultSet rs1 = null; ResultSet rs2 = null; try { conn = Dbtopic.getConn(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select * from imques where isonline=1 order by pubtime desc"); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while (rs != null && { Topic topic = new Topic(); topic.setAlid(rs.getInt("alid")); stmt1 = conn.prepareStatement("select count(alid) replynum from imreply where alid=?"); stmt1.setInt(1, rs.getInt("alid")); rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(); while (rs1 != null && { topic.setReplynum(rs1.getInt("replynum")); } topic.setScannumber(rs.getInt("scannumber")); stmt2 = conn.prepareStatement( "select replytime from (SELECT REPLYTIME from IMREPLY where ALID=? ORDER BY REPLYTIME DESC) where rownum = 1"); stmt2.setInt(1, rs.getInt("alid")); rs2 = stmt2.executeQuery(); while (rs2 != null && { topic.setReplytime(rs2.getString("replytime")); } topic.setQues(rs.getString("ques")); topic.setPubtime(rs.getString("pubtime")); topics.add(topic); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { Dbtopic.closeconn(conn); } return topics; }
public List<Topic> displaymytopic(String pubren) throws Exception { List<Topic> topics = new ArrayList<Topic>(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = Dbtopic.getConn(); stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM IMQUES WHERE IMQUES.PUBREN =? and isonline=1"); stmt.setString(1, pubren); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while (rs != null && { Topic topic = new Topic(); topic.setQues(rs.getString("ques")); topic.setPubtime(rs.getString("pubtime")); topic.setScannumber(rs.getInt("scannumber")); topic.setAlid(rs.getInt("alid")); topics.add(topic); } } finally { Dbtopic.closeconn(conn); } return topics; }