   * Add specified closure of OWLObject to annotation and bioentity docs.
   * Not the map for bio.
  private Map<String, String> addClosureToAnnAndBio(
      List<String> relations,
      String closureName,
      String closureNameLabel,
      String closureMap,
      OWLObject cls,
      OWLGraphWrapper graph,
      SolrInputDocument ann_doc,
      SolrInputDocument bio_doc,
      boolean isNegated) {

    // Add closures to doc; label and id.
    final Map<String, String> cmap = graph.getRelationClosureMap(cls, relations);
    List<String> idClosure = new ArrayList<String>(cmap.keySet());
    List<String> labelClosure = new ArrayList<String>(cmap.values());

    ann_doc.addField(closureName, idClosure);
    ann_doc.addField(closureNameLabel, labelClosure);

    // WARNING this is a side effect for the bio-entity
    // only add the class and closure, if it is a non-negated annotation
    if (isNegated == false) {
      for (String tid : idClosure) {
        addFieldUnique(bio_doc, closureName, tid);
      for (String tlabel : labelClosure) {
        addFieldUnique(bio_doc, closureNameLabel, tlabel);

    // Compile closure maps to JSON.
    if (!cmap.isEmpty()) {
      String jsonized_cmap = gson.toJson(cmap);
      ann_doc.addField(closureMap, jsonized_cmap);
      // NOTE: This is harder since we'd be adding multiple, so the is done on a collector variable
      // elsewhere.
      // bio_doc.addField(closureMap, jsonized_cmap);

    if (isNegated) {
      // WARNING this is a side effect for the bio-entity
      // only add the class and closure, if it is a non-negated annotation
      return Collections.emptyMap();
    return cmap;