public static String getTableSpace(Connection connection, String dataFile1, String dataFile2) throws SQLException { String sql = null; String result = ""; switch (connection.vendor()) { case Oracle: { sql = "SELECT TO_NCHAR(q.tablespace_name) AS TBS FROM user_ts_quotas q inner join user_tablespaces t on (q.tablespace_name=t.tablespace_name) WHERE (upper(q.tablespace_name) like '%" + dataFile1 + "' ESCAPE '/' or upper(q.tablespace_name) like '%" + dataFile2 + "' ESCAPE '/') AND q.max_bytes<>0"; break; } case SqlServer: { sql = "select Convert(nvarchar(max), groupname) as TBS from sysfilegroups where (upper(groupname) like '%" + dataFile1 + "' or upper(groupname) like '%" + dataFile2 + "') and (status & 8 <> 8)"; break; } default: { return result; } } Cursor cursor = BasicSelect.cursor(connection, sql); result = ? cursor.getString(1).get() : ""; cursor.close(); if (result.isEmpty()) { return result; } switch (connection.vendor()) { case Oracle: return " TABLESPACE " + result; case SqlServer: return " ON " + result; default: throw new UnknownDatabaseException(); } }
static void dropIndex(Connection conn, String tableName, String indexName) throws SQLException { switch (conn.vendor()) { case Postgres: case Oracle: dropIndexOracle(conn, tableName, indexName); break; case SqlServer: dropIndexSQLServer(conn, tableName, indexName); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
private static void dropIndexSQLServer(Connection connection, String tableName, String indexName) throws SQLException { DatabaseVendor vendor = connection.vendor(); String sql = "drop index " + vendor.quote(tableName) + "." + vendor.quote(indexName); Statement.executeUpdate(connection, sql); }