private Record parseRR(MyStringTokenizer st, boolean useLast, Record last, Name origin) throws IOException { Name name; int ttl; short type, dclass; if (!useLast) name = new Name(st.nextToken(), origin); else name = last.getName(); String s = st.nextToken(); try { ttl = TTL.parseTTL(s); s = st.nextToken(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (!useLast || last == null) ttl = defaultTTL; else ttl = last.getTTL(); } if ((dclass = DClass.value(s)) > 0) s = st.nextToken(); else dclass = DClass.IN; if ((type = Type.value(s)) < 0) throw new IOException("Parse error"); return Record.fromString(name, type, dclass, ttl, st, origin); }
/** * Adds a record to the Zone * * @param r The record to be added * @see Record */ public void addRecord(Record r) { Name name = r.getName(); short type = r.getRRsetType(); RRset rrset = (RRset) findExactSet(name, type); if (rrset == null) addSet(name, type, rrset = new RRset()); rrset.addRR(r); }
/** * Determines if an RRset with the given name and type is already present in the given section. * * @see RRset * @see Section */ public boolean findRRset(Name name, int type, int section) { if (sections[section] == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < sections[section].size(); i++) { Record r = (Record) sections[section].get(i); if (r.getType() == type && name.equals(r.getName())) return true; } return false; }
/** * Removes a record from the Zone * * @param r The record to be removed * @see Record */ public void removeRecord(Record r) { Name name = r.getName(); short type = r.getRRsetType(); RRset rrset = (RRset) findExactSet(name, type); if (rrset != null) { rrset.deleteRR(r); if (rrset.size() == 0) removeSet(name, type, rrset); } }
private final void maybeAddRecord(Record record) throws IOException { int rtype = record.getType(); Name name = record.getName(); if (rtype == Type.SOA && !name.equals(origin)) { throw new IOException("SOA owner " + name + " does not match zone origin " + origin); } if (name.subdomain(origin)) addRecord(record); }
/** * Removes a record from the Zone * * @param r The record to be removed * @see Record */ public void removeRecord(Record r) { Name name = r.getName(); int rtype = r.getRRsetType(); synchronized (this) { RRset rrset = findRRset(name, rtype); if (rrset == null) return; rrset.deleteRR(r); if (rrset.size() == 0) removeRRset(name, rtype); } }
/** * Adds a Record to the Zone * * @param r The record to be added * @see Record */ public void addRecord(Record r) { Name name = r.getName(); int rtype = r.getRRsetType(); synchronized (this) { RRset rrset = findRRset(name, rtype); if (rrset == null) { rrset = new RRset(r); addRRset(name, rrset); } else { rrset.addRR(r); } } }
/** * Asynchronously sends a message to a single server, registering a listener to receive a callback * on success or exception. Multiple asynchronous lookups can be performed in parallel. Since the * callback may be invoked before the function returns, external synchronization is necessary. * * @param query The query to send * @param listener The object containing the callbacks. * @return An identifier, which is also a parameter in the callback */ public Object sendAsync(final Message query, final ResolverListener listener) { final Object id; synchronized (this) { id = new Integer(uniqueID++); } Record question = query.getQuestion(); String qname; if (question != null) qname = question.getName().toString(); else qname = "(none)"; String name = this.getClass() + ": " + qname; Thread thread = new ResolveThread(this, query, id, listener); thread.setName(name); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); return id; }
private final void maybeAddRecord(Record record, Cache cache, Object source) throws IOException { int type = record.getType(); Name name = record.getName(); if (type == Type.SOA) { if (!name.equals(origin)) throw new IOException("SOA owner " + name + " does not match zone origin " + origin); else { setOrigin(origin); dclass = record.getDClass(); } } if (origin == null && type != Type.SOA) throw new IOException("non-SOA record seen at " + name + " with no origin set"); if (name.subdomain(origin)) addRecord(record); else if (cache != null) cache.addRecord(record, Credibility.GLUE, source); }
/** * Adds a record to the Cache. * * @param r The record to be added * @param cred The credibility of the record * @param o The source of the record (this could be a Message, for example) * @see Record */ public void addRecord(Record r, byte cred, Object o) { Name name = r.getName(); short type = r.getRRsetType(); if (!Type.isRR(type)) return; boolean addrrset = false; Element element = (Element) findExactSet(name, type); if (element == null || cred > element.credibility) { RRset rrset = new RRset(); rrset.addRR(r); addRRset(rrset, cred); } else if (cred == element.credibility) { if (element instanceof PositiveElement) { PositiveElement pe = (PositiveElement) element; pe.rrset.addRR(r); } } }
private static boolean sameSet(Record r1, Record r2) { return (r1.getRRsetType() == r2.getRRsetType() && r1.getDClass() == r2.getDClass() && r1.getName().equals(r2.getName())); }