@Test(description = TEST_DESCRIPTION)
  public void testAppPropertyRetrieval() throws Exception {
    HttpResponse response =
        appmPublisherRestClient.webAppCreate(appName, context, appVersion, trackingCode);
    JSONObject responseData = new JSONObject(response.getData());
    String uuid = responseData.getString(AppmTestConstants.ID);
    String appType = AppmTestConstants.WEB_APP;

    HttpResponse appPropertyResponse = appmPublisherRestClient.getWebAppProperty(uuid);
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(appPropertyResponse.getData());

    // Check App Id
    String appId = (String) jsonObject.get(AppmTestConstants.ID);
    assertTrue((appId.equals(uuid) == true), "Unable to Retrieve application id.");

    // Check App Type
    String type = (String) jsonObject.get(AppmTestConstants.TYPE);
    assertTrue((type.equals(appType) == true), "Unable to Retrieve application type.");

    // Check lifecycleState
    String lifecycleState = (String) jsonObject.get(AppmTestConstants.LIFE_CYCLE_STATE);
        (lifecycleState.equalsIgnoreCase(AppmTestConstants.PUBLISHED) == true),
        "Unable to Retrieve application life cycle.");

    // Check Path attribute
    String appPropertyString = userName + "/" + appName + "/" + appVersion + "/" + appType;
    String path = (String) jsonObject.get("path");
    assertTrue(path.endsWith(appPropertyString), "Unable to Retrieve application path.");