public static Resource getSubject(Model r, Resource predicate, RDFNode object) throws ModelException { Model m = r.find(null, predicate, object); if (m == null || m.size() == 0) return null; // if(m.size() > 1) // throw new RuntimeException("Model contains more than one triple"); return ((Statement) m.elements().nextElement()).subject(); }
public static RDFNode getObject(Model r, Resource subject, Resource predicate) throws ModelException { Model m = r.find(subject, predicate, null); if (m == null || m.size() == 0) return null; // if(m.size() > 1) // throw new RuntimeException("Model contains more than one triple"); // FIXME: we do not check whether it is a resource or literal return ((Statement) m.elements().nextElement()).object(); }
/** Collects the triples of a model into an array. */ public static Statement[] getStatementArray(Model m) throws ModelException { Statement[] v = new Statement[m.size()]; int i = 0; for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement t = (Statement) en.nextElement(); v[i++] = t; } return v; }
// FIXME: use digest instead of size static void getReachable(Resource r, Model m, Model result) throws ModelException { int oldSize = result.size(); Model directlyReachable = m.find(r, null, null); SetOperations.unite(result, directlyReachable); if (result.size() == oldSize) return; for (Enumeration en = directlyReachable.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement t = (Statement) en.nextElement(); if (t.object() instanceof Resource) getReachable((Resource) t.object(), m, result); } }
/** returns true if old triples from r were removed */ public static boolean setUniqueObject( Model r, Resource subject, Resource predicate, RDFNode object) throws ModelException { Model old = r.find(subject, predicate, null); SetOperations.subtract(r, old); Statement stmt = get1(old); if (subject == null && stmt != null) subject = stmt.subject(); if (predicate == null && stmt != null) predicate = stmt.predicate(); r.add(r.getNodeFactory().createStatement(subject, predicate, object)); return !old.isEmpty(); }
/** * @return a new model in which all occurrences of the old namespace are replaced by the new one. * All replaced resources are summarized in the map if not null. If resourcesToIgnore != null, * ignore resources listed there. */ public static Model replaceNamespace(Model m, String o, String n, Map o2n, Set resourcesToIgnore) throws ModelException { Model res = m.create(); NodeFactory f = m.getNodeFactory(); Enumeration en = m.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement(); res.add(replaceNamespace(st, o, n, f, o2n, resourcesToIgnore)); } return res; }
public static List getObjects(Model m, Resource subject, Resource predicate) throws ModelException { List result = new ArrayList(); if (m == null || m.size() == 0) return result; for (Enumeration en = m.find(subject, predicate, null).elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement(); result.add(st.object()); } return result; }
/** tries to determine the file name from getSourceURI */ public static void saveModel(Model m, RDFSerializer s) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ModelException, SerializationException { // URI to filename URL url = null; try { url = new URL(m.getSourceURI()); } catch (Exception any) { throw new ModelException("RDFUtil: cannot determine model file name: " + m.getSourceURI()); } if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) saveModel(m, url.getFile().replace('/', File.separatorChar), s); else throw new ModelException("RDFUtil: cannot save to non-file model URI: " + m.getSourceURI()); }
/** Removes all triples which have something to do with the given namespace */ public static Model removeNamespace(String ns, Model m) throws ModelException { Model res = m.duplicate(); for (Enumeration en = m.duplicate().elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement t = (Statement) en.nextElement(); if (t.subject().toString().startsWith(ns) || t.predicate().toString().startsWith(ns) || t.object().toString().startsWith(ns)) { // System.err.println("REMOVING TRIPLE: " + t); res.remove(t); } } return res; }
public static Set toSet(Model m) throws ModelException { Set s = new HashSet(); Enumeration en = m.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) s.add(en.nextElement()); return s; }
/** Prints the triples of a model to the given PrintStream. */ public static void printStatements(Model m, PrintStream ps) throws ModelException { for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement t = (Statement) en.nextElement(); ps.println(t); // "triple(\""+t.subject()+"\",\""+t.predicate()+"\",\""+t.object()+"\")."); } }
public static void collectPredicates(Model m, Collection target) throws ModelException { for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement(); target.add(st.predicate()); } }
/** * @return a new model in which all occurrences of the old resources are replaced by the new ones. * Returns number replacements done. */ public static int replaceResources(Model src, Model dest, Map o2n) throws ModelException { NodeFactory f = src.getNodeFactory(); Enumeration en = src.elements(); int replaced = 0; while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement(); Statement st_n = replaceResources(st, f, o2n); dest.add(st_n); if (st_n != st) // yes, pointer comparison replaced++; } return replaced; }
public static void collectLiterals(Model m, Collection target) throws ModelException { for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement(); if (st.object() instanceof Literal) target.add(st.object()); } }
public static void collectNamespaces(Model m, Collection target) throws ModelException { for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement(); collectNamespaces(st, target); } }
/** Fills <tt>m</tt> with statements from <tt>s</tt> and returns it. */ public static Model toModel(Set s, Model m) throws ModelException { Iterator it = s.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object o =; if (o instanceof Statement) m.add((Statement) o); } return m; }
public static Hashtable getNodes(Model m) throws ModelException { Hashtable t = new Hashtable(); for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement s = (Statement) en.nextElement(); t.put(s.subject(), s.subject()); t.put(s.object(), s.object()); } return t; }
/** Collects the triples of a model in a vector. */ public static Vector getStatementVector(Model m) throws ModelException { Vector v = new Vector(); for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement t = (Statement) en.nextElement(); v.addElement(t); } return v; }
public static void collectResources(Model m, Collection target) throws ModelException { for (Enumeration en = m.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement(); if (!(st.object() instanceof Literal) && !(st.object() instanceof Statement)) target.add(st.object()); target.add(st.subject()); target.add(st.predicate()); } }
/** * @return a new model in which all occurrences of the old resources are replaced by the new ones. * Returns number replacements done. */ public static int replaceResources(Model m, Map o2n) throws ModelException { NodeFactory f = m.getNodeFactory(); Enumeration en = m.elements(); Model toRemove = m.create(); Model toAdd = m.create(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Statement st = (Statement) en.nextElement(); Statement st_n = replaceResources(st, f, o2n); if (st_n != st) { // yes, pointer comparison toAdd.add(st_n); toRemove.add(st); } } SetOperations.subtract(m, toRemove); SetOperations.unite(m, toAdd); return toAdd.size(); }
public static void parse(String fileNameOrURL, RDFParser parser, Model model) throws IOException, SAXException, MalformedURLException, ModelException { URL url = new URL(normalizeURI(fileNameOrURL)); // maybe this model is loaded as schema... // Model model = factory.registry().get(url.toString()); // if(model != null) // return model; // Prepare input source model.setSourceURI(url.toString()); InputStream in = url.openStream(); InputSource source = new InputSource(in); source.setSystemId(url.toString()); parser.parse(source, new ModelConsumer(model)); in.close(); }
/** Returns the first triple of the model */ public static Statement get1(Model m) throws ModelException { if (m == null || m.isEmpty()) return null; // if(m.size() > 1) // throw new RuntimeException("Model contains more than one triple"); return (Statement) m.elements().nextElement(); }
/** * returns a subgraph of "m" containing "r" and all nodes reachable from "r" via directed edges. * These edges are also included in the resulting model. */ public static Model getReachable(Resource r, Model m) throws ModelException { Model result = m.create(); getReachable(r, m, result); return result; }
/** Creates a new unique unnamed resource. */ public static Resource noname(Model m) throws ModelException { return m.getNodeFactory().createUniqueResource(); }
public static void add(Model m, Resource subject, Resource predicate, RDFNode object) throws ModelException { m.add(m.getNodeFactory().createStatement(subject, predicate, object)); }
public static boolean isInstanceOf(Model r, Resource i, Resource cls) throws ModelException { return !r.find(i, RDF.type, cls).isEmpty(); }