/** Called from the ExecutionEngine to request serialized dependencies. */ public byte[] nextDependencyAsBytes(final int dependencyId) { final VoltTable vt = m_dependencyTracker.nextDependency(dependencyId); if (vt != null) { ByteBuffer buffer = vt.getDirectDataReference(); if (d) LOG.debug( String.format( "Passing Dependency %d to EE [rows=%d, cols=%d, bytes=%d/%d]\n%s", dependencyId, vt.getRowCount(), vt.getColumnCount(), vt.getUnderlyingBufferSize(), buffer.array().length, vt.toString())); assert (buffer.hasArray()); return (buffer.array()); } // Note that we will hit this after retrieving all the VoltTables for the given dependencyId // It does not mean that there were no VoltTables at all, it just means that // we have gotten all of them else if (d) { LOG.warn( String.format( "Failed to find Dependency %d for EE [dep=%s, count=%d, ids=%s]", dependencyId, m_dependencyTracker.m_depsById.get(dependencyId), m_dependencyTracker.m_depsById.size(), m_dependencyTracker.m_depsById.keySet())); } return null; }
protected static void checkQueryPlan(Client client, String query, String... patterns) throws Exception { VoltTable vt; assert (patterns.length >= 1); vt = client.callProcedure("@Explain", query).getResults()[0]; String vtStr = vt.toString(); for (String pattern : patterns) { assertTrue(vtStr.contains(pattern)); } }
public void testENG5156() throws IOException, ProcCallException { Client client = this.getClient(); VoltTable result = null; String insertProc = "SCORE.insert"; client.callProcedure(insertProc, 1, "b", 1, 1378827221795L, 1, 1); client.callProcedure(insertProc, 2, "b", 2, 1378827221795L, 2, 2); result = client.callProcedure("@ExplainProc", "GetTopScores").getResults()[0]; // using the "IDX_SCORE_VALUE_USER" index for sort order only. assertTrue(result.toString().contains("IDX_SCORE_VALUE_USER")); assertTrue(result.toString().contains("inline LIMIT with parameter")); result = client.callProcedure("GetTopScores", 1378827221793L, 1378827421793L, 1).getResults()[0]; validateTableOfLongs(result, new long[][] {{2, 2}}); // Test AdHoc. result = client.callProcedure( "@Explain", "SELECT user_id, score_value FROM score " + "WHERE score_date > 1378827221793 AND score_date <= 1378827421793 " + "ORDER BY score_value DESC, user_id DESC LIMIT 1; ") .getResults()[0]; assertTrue(result.toString().contains("IDX_SCORE_VALUE_USER")); assertTrue(result.toString().contains("inline LIMIT with parameter")); result = client.callProcedure( "@AdHoc", "SELECT user_id, score_value FROM score " + "WHERE score_date > 1378827221793 AND score_date <= 1378827421793 " + "ORDER BY score_value DESC, user_id DESC LIMIT 1; ") .getResults()[0]; validateTableOfLongs(result, new long[][] {{2, 2}}); }
protected static void validStatisticsForTableLimitAndPercentage( Client client, String tableName, long limit, long percentage) throws Exception { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (true) { long lastLimit = -1, lastPercentage = -1; Thread.sleep(1000); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > 10000) { String percentageStr = ""; if (percentage >= 0) { percentageStr = ", last seen percentage: " + lastPercentage; } fail("Took too long or have wrong answers: last seen limit: " + lastLimit + percentageStr); } VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("@Statistics", "TABLE", 0).getResults(); for (VoltTable t : results) { System.out.println(t.toString()); } if (results[0].getRowCount() == 0) continue; boolean foundTargetTuple = false; boolean limitExpected = false; boolean percentageExpected = percentage < 0 ? true : false; for (VoltTable vt : results) { while (vt.advanceRow()) { String name = vt.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (tableName.equals(name)) { foundTargetTuple = true; lastLimit = vt.getLong("TUPLE_LIMIT"); if (limit == lastLimit) { limitExpected = true; } if (percentageExpected || percentage == (lastPercentage = vt.getLong("PERCENT_FULL"))) { percentageExpected = true; } if (limitExpected && percentageExpected) return; break; } } if (foundTargetTuple) break; } } }
public VoltTable[] run(long zip) throws VoltAbortException { Date timestamp = new Date(); // create a District, Warehouse, and 4 Customers (multiple, since we // want to test for correct behavior of paymentByCustomerName. final double initialYTD = 15241.45; voltQueueSQL( insertDistrict, 7L, 3L, "A District", "Street Addy", "meh", "westerfield", "BA", "99999", .0825, initialYTD, 21L); // check that a district was inserted long resultsl = voltExecuteSQL()[0].asScalarLong(); assert (resultsl == 1); voltQueueSQL( insertWarehouse, 3L, "EZ Street WHouse", "Headquarters", "77 Mass. Ave.", "Cambridge", "AZ", "12938", .1234, initialYTD); // check that a warehouse was inserted resultsl = voltExecuteSQL()[0].asScalarLong(); assert (resultsl == 1); final double initialBalance = 15.75; voltQueueSQL( insertCustomer, C_ID, D_ID, W_ID, "I", "Be", "lastname", "Place", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "91083", "(193) 099 - 9082", new Date(), "BC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 0L, 15L, "Some History"); // check that a customer was inserted resultsl = voltExecuteSQL()[0].asScalarLong(); assert (resultsl == 1); voltQueueSQL( insertCustomer, C_ID + 1, D_ID, W_ID, "We", "Represent", "Customer", "Random Department", "Place2", "BiggerPlace", "AL", "13908", "(913) 909 - 0928", new Date(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 1L, 15L, "Some History"); // check that a customer was inserted resultsl = voltExecuteSQL()[0].asScalarLong(); assert (resultsl == 1); voltQueueSQL( insertCustomer, C_ID + 2, D_ID, W_ID, "Who", "Is", "Customer", "Receiving", "450 Mass F.X.", "BiggerPlace", "CI", "91083", "(541) 931 - 0928", new Date(), "GC", 19899324.21, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 2L, 15L, "Some History"); // check that a customer was inserted resultsl = voltExecuteSQL()[0].asScalarLong(); assert (resultsl == 1); voltQueueSQL( insertCustomer, C_ID + 3, D_ID, W_ID, "ICanBe", "", "Customer", "street", "place", "BiggerPlace", "MA", "91083", "(913) 909 - 0928", new Date(), "GC", 19298943.12, .13, initialBalance, initialYTD, 3L, 15L, "Some History"); // check that a customer was inserted resultsl = voltExecuteSQL()[0].asScalarLong(); assert (resultsl == 1); // long d_id, long w_id, double h_amount, String c_last, long c_w_id, // long c_d_id final double paymentAmount = 500.25; // VoltTable[] results = client.callProcedure("paymentByCustomerName", W_ID, // D_ID, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID, "Customer", new Date()); // assertEquals(3, results.length); // being proc voltQueueSQL(getCustomersByLastName, "Customer", D_ID, W_ID); final VoltTable customers = voltExecuteSQL()[0]; final int namecnt = customers.getRowCount(); if (namecnt == 0) { throw new VoltAbortException( "no customers with last name: " + "Customer" + " in warehouse: " + W_ID + " and in district " + D_ID); } try { System.out.println("PAYMENT FOUND CUSTOMERS: " + customers.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } final int index = (namecnt - 1) / 2; final VoltTableRow customer = customers.fetchRow(index); final long c_id = customer.getLong(C_ID_IDX); voltQueueSQL(getWarehouse, W_ID); voltQueueSQL(getDistrict, W_ID, D_ID); final VoltTable[] results = voltExecuteSQL(); final VoltTable warehouse = results[0]; final VoltTable district = results[1]; try { System.out.println("WAREHOUSE PRE: " + warehouse.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } voltQueueSQL(getWarehouses); VoltTable warehouses = voltExecuteSQL()[0]; try { System.out.println("WAREHOUSE PRE: " + warehouses.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } voltQueueSQL(updateWarehouseBalance, paymentAmount, W_ID); voltQueueSQL(updateDistrictBalance, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID); voltExecuteSQL(); voltQueueSQL(getWarehouses); warehouses = voltExecuteSQL()[0]; try { System.out.println("WAREHOUSE PRE: " + warehouses.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // do stuff to extract district and warehouse info. // customer info final byte[] c_first = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_FIRST_IDX); final byte[] c_middle = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_MIDDLE_IDX); final byte[] c_last = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_LAST_IDX); final byte[] c_street_1 = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_STREET_1_IDX); final byte[] c_street_2 = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_STREET_2_IDX); final byte[] c_city = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_CITY_IDX); final byte[] c_state = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_STATE_IDX); final byte[] c_zip = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_ZIP_IDX); final byte[] c_phone = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_PHONE_IDX); final TimestampType c_since = customer.getTimestampAsTimestamp(C_SINCE_IDX); final byte[] c_credit = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_CREDIT_IDX); final double c_credit_lim = customer.getDouble(C_CREDIT_LIM_IDX); final double c_discount = customer.getDouble(C_DISCOUNT_IDX); final double c_balance = customer.getDouble(C_BALANCE_IDX) - paymentAmount; final double c_ytd_payment = customer.getDouble(C_YTD_PAYMENT_IDX) + paymentAmount; final long c_payment_cnt = customer.getLong(C_PAYMENT_CNT_IDX) + 1; byte[] c_data; if (Arrays.equals(c_credit, Constants.BAD_CREDIT_BYTES)) { c_data = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_DATA_IDX); byte[] newData = (c_id + " " + D_ID + " " + W_ID + " " + D_ID + " " + W_ID + " " + paymentAmount + "|") .getBytes(); int newLength = newData.length + c_data.length; if (newLength > Constants.MAX_C_DATA) { newLength = Constants.MAX_C_DATA; } ByteBuilder builder = new ByteBuilder(newLength); int minLength = newLength; if (newData.length < minLength) minLength = newData.length; builder.append(newData, 0, minLength); int remaining = newLength - minLength; builder.append(c_data, 0, remaining); c_data = builder.array(); voltQueueSQL( updateBCCustomer, c_balance, c_ytd_payment, c_payment_cnt, c_data, W_ID, D_ID, c_id); } else { c_data = new byte[0]; voltQueueSQL(updateGCCustomer, c_balance, c_ytd_payment, c_payment_cnt, W_ID, D_ID, c_id); } // Concatenate w_name, four spaces, d_name byte[] w_name = warehouse.fetchRow(0).getStringAsBytes(W_NAME_IDX); final byte[] FOUR_SPACES = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' '}; byte[] d_name = district.fetchRow(0).getStringAsBytes(D_NAME_IDX); ByteBuilder builder = new ByteBuilder(w_name.length + FOUR_SPACES.length + d_name.length); builder.append(w_name); builder.append(FOUR_SPACES); builder.append(d_name); byte[] h_data = builder.array(); // Create the history record voltQueueSQL(insertHistory, c_id, D_ID, W_ID, D_ID, W_ID, timestamp, paymentAmount, h_data); voltExecuteSQL(); // TPC-C Must display the following fields: // W_ID, D_ID, C_ID, C_D_ID, C_W_ID, W_STREET_1, W_STREET_2, W_CITY, W_STATE, W_ZIP, // D_STREET_1, D_STREET_2, D_CITY, D_STATE, D_ZIP, C_FIRST, C_MIDDLE, C_LAST, C_STREET_1, // C_STREET_2, C_CITY, C_STATE, C_ZIP, C_PHONE, C_SINCE, C_CREDIT, C_CREDIT_LIM, // C_DISCOUNT, C_BALANCE, the first 200 characters of C_DATA (only if C_CREDIT = "BC"), // H_AMOUNT, and H_DATE. // Return the entire warehouse and district tuples. The client provided: // w_id, d_id, c_d_id, c_w_id, h_amount, h_data. // Build a table for the rest final VoltTable misc = misc_template.clone(8192); misc.addRow( c_id, c_first, c_middle, c_last, c_street_1, c_street_2, c_city, c_state, c_zip, c_phone, c_since, c_credit, c_credit_lim, c_discount, c_balance, c_data); // Hand back all the warehouse, district, and customer data VoltTable[] resultsX = new VoltTable[] {warehouse, district, misc}; // resume test code // check that the middle "Customer" was returned assert ((C_ID + 1) == (resultsX[2].fetchRow(0).getLong("c_id"))); assert ("".equals(resultsX[2].fetchRow(0).getString("c_data"))); // Verify that both warehouse, district and customer were updated // correctly // VoltTable[] allTables = client.callProcedure("SelectAll"); voltQueueSQL(getWarehouses); warehouses = voltExecuteSQL()[0]; try { System.out.println("WAREHOUSE POST: " + warehouses.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } assert (1 == warehouses.getRowCount()); double amt1 = initialYTD + paymentAmount; double amt2 = warehouses.fetchRow(0).getDouble("W_YTD"); assert (amt1 == amt2); voltQueueSQL(getDistricts); VoltTable districts = voltExecuteSQL()[0]; assert (1 == districts.getRowCount()); assert ((initialYTD + paymentAmount) == districts.fetchRow(0).getDouble("D_YTD")); voltQueueSQL(getCustomers); VoltTable customersX = voltExecuteSQL()[0]; assert (4 == customersX.getRowCount()); assert ((C_ID + 1) == customersX.fetchRow(1).getLong("C_ID")); assert ((initialBalance - paymentAmount) == customersX.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_BALANCE")); assert ((initialYTD + paymentAmount) == customersX.fetchRow(1).getDouble("C_YTD_PAYMENT")); assert (2 == customersX.fetchRow(1).getLong("C_PAYMENT_CNT")); return null; }
public void loadTables(String tableNames, String procNames) throws SQLException, IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { String[] tableNameArray = tableNames != null && !"".equals(tableNames) ? tableNames.split(",") : null; String[] procNameArray = procNames != null && !"".equals(procNames) ? procNames.split(",") : null; ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(tableNameArray.length * 3); CompletionService completion = new ExecutorCompletionService(executor); for (int j = 0; j < tableNameArray.length && tableNameArray != null; j++) { String tableName = tableNameArray[j]; String procName = procNameArray != null ? procNameArray[j] : ""; // if procName not provided, use the default VoltDB TABLENAME.insert procedure if (procName.length() == 0) { if (tableName.contains("..")) { procName = tableName.split("\\.\\.")[1].toUpperCase() + ".insert"; } else { procName = tableName.toUpperCase() + ".insert"; } } // query the table String jdbcSelect = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + ";"; // create query to find count String countquery = jdbcSelect.replace("*", "COUNT(*)"); int pages = 1; String base = ""; if (config.srisvoltdb) { if (config.isPaginated) { try { // find count if (countquery.contains("<") || countquery.contains(">")) { int bracketOpen = countquery.indexOf("<"); int bracketClose = countquery.indexOf(">"); String orderCol = countquery.substring(bracketOpen + 1, bracketClose); countquery = countquery.replace("<" + orderCol + ">", ""); } VoltTable vcount = client.callProcedure("@AdHoc", countquery).getResults()[0]; int count = Integer.parseInt(vcount.toString()); // determine number of pages from total data and page size pages = (int) Math.ceil((double) count / config.pageSize); System.out.println(pages); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Count formation failure!"); } } } else { // find count Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(config.jdbcurl, config.jdbcuser, config.jdbcpassword); base = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase(); Statement jdbcStmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); if (countquery.contains("<") || countquery.contains(">")) { int bracketOpen = countquery.indexOf("<"); int bracketClose = countquery.indexOf(">"); String orderCol = countquery.substring(bracketOpen + 1, bracketClose); countquery = countquery.replace("<" + orderCol + ">", ""); } ResultSet rcount = jdbcStmt.executeQuery( countquery); // determine number of pages from total data and page size if (base.contains("postgres") && config.isPaginated) { int count = Integer.parseInt(rcount.toString()); pages = (int) Math.ceil((double) count / config.pageSize); } } // establish new SourceReaders and DestinationWriters for pages SourceReader[] sr = new SourceReader[pages]; DestinationWriter[] cr = new DestinationWriter[pages]; for (int i = 0; i < pages; i++) { sr[i] = new SourceReader(); cr[i] = new DestinationWriter(); } Controller processor = new Controller<ArrayList<Object[]>>( client, sr, cr, jdbcSelect, procName, config, pages, base); completion.submit(processor); } // wait for all tasks to complete. for (int i = 0; i < tableNameArray.length; ++i) { logger.info( "****************" + completion.take().get() + " completed *****************"); // will block until the next sub task has // completed. } executor.shutdown(); }