Example #1
  * It is an error if the number of seed candidates is greater than the population size. In this
  * case an exception should be thrown. Not throwing an exception is wrong because it would permit
  * undetected bugs in programs that use the factory.
 @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void testTooManySeedCandidates() {
   CandidateFactory<String> factory = new StringFactory(alphabet, candidateLength);
   // The following call should cause an exception since the 3 seed candidates
   // won't fit into a population of size 2.
       2, Arrays.asList("abcdefgh", "ijklmnop", "qrstuvwx"), FrameworkTestUtils.getRNG());
  * The {@link ListOrderCrossover} operator is only defined to work on populations containing lists
  * of equal lengths. Any attempt to apply the operation to populations that contain different
  * length lists should throw an exception. Not throwing an exception should be considered a bug
  * since it could lead to hard to trace bugs elsewhere.
 @Test(expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void testDifferentLengthParents() {
   EvolutionaryOperator<List<Integer>> crossover =
       new ListOrderCrossover<Integer>(new ConstantGenerator<Probability>(Probability.ONE));
   List<List<Integer>> population = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(2);
   population.add(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
   population.add(Arrays.asList(9, 10, 11));
   // This should cause an exception since the parents are different lengths.
   crossover.apply(population, FrameworkTestUtils.getRNG());
Example #3
   * Generate a completely random population. Checks to make sure that the correct number of
   * candidate solutions is generated and that each is valid.
  public void testUnseededPopulation() {
    CandidateFactory<String> factory = new StringFactory(alphabet, candidateLength);
    List<String> population =
        factory.generateInitialPopulation(populationSize, FrameworkTestUtils.getRNG());
    assert population.size() == populationSize
        : "Wrong size population generated: " + population.size();

Example #4
   * Generate a random population with some seed candidates. Checks to make sure that the correct
   * number of candidate solutions is generated and that each is valid.
  public void testSeededPopulation() {
    CandidateFactory<String> factory = new StringFactory(alphabet, candidateLength);

    String seed1 = "cdefghij";
    String seed2 = "bbbbbbbb";

    List<String> population =
            populationSize, Arrays.asList(seed1, seed2), FrameworkTestUtils.getRNG());
    // Check that the seed candidates appear in the generated population.
    assert population.contains(seed1) : "Population does not contain seed candidate 1.";
    assert population.contains(seed2) : "Population does not contain seed candidate 2.";

  public void testCrossover() {
    EvolutionaryOperator<List<Integer>> operator = new ListOrderCrossover<Integer>();
    List<Integer> parent1 = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
    List<Integer> parent2 = Arrays.asList(3, 7, 5, 1, 6, 8, 2, 4);
    List<List<Integer>> population = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(2);

    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) // Do several cross-overs to check different cross-over points.
      population = operator.apply(population, FrameworkTestUtils.getRNG());
      for (List<Integer> offspring : population) {
        for (int j = 1; j <= 8; j++) {
          assert offspring.contains(j) : "Evolved candidate missing required element " + j;