@Test( dataProvider = "DP_valid_login", dataProviderClass = DataProviderObjects.DP_LoginScenario.class, groups = {"SmokeTest"}) public void avalid_login(String TC_ID, String Order, String Uname, String Pwd, String expected) throws Exception { SoftAssert assert1 = new SoftAssert(); Initialize_browser(); POM_LoginScenario pom_valid = new POM_LoginScenario(driver); pom_valid.execute_common_methods_log(Uname, Pwd); if (!driver .getTitle() .equalsIgnoreCase( "Buy Books Online | Online Bookstore India | Online Book Shopping | Free Shipping Across India")) { log.error( "The user has failed to login, the page the user currently is " + driver.getTitle()); Assert.fail(); tear_down(); } String actual = pom_valid.get_valid_log_msg(); assert1.assertEquals( actual, expected, "The actual found is" + actual + " The expected is " + expected); if (actual.equalsIgnoreCase(expected)) { log.info("The validation has passed"); } else { log.error("THe validation has failed"); } pom_valid.click_signout(); tear_down(); assert1.assertAll(); }
@Test( dataProvider = "Valid_edit", dataProviderClass = Dataprovider_invoice.DataProvider_edit.class, groups = {"invoice"}) public void Valid_edit( String TC_ID, String Order, String invoice_name, String desp, String Exp_Res) throws IOException { String uname = c1.Reading_Properties("uname"); String pwd = c1.Reading_Properties("pwd"); log.info("Executing the testcase " + TC_ID + " Order of " + Order); // System.out.println("hi"); initBrowsersession1(); Pageobject_edit lpob = new Pageobject_edit(browser); lpob.Commonprocessinvoice(uname, pwd, TC_ID, invoice_name, desp); // , Pwd); String Actual_Res = lpob.Valid_edit(); sAssert.assertEquals(Exp_Res, Actual_Res); if (Actual_Res.equals(Exp_Res)) { log.info("Passed as Expected msg was Valid"); } else { log.info("Failed as Expected msg was " + Exp_Res + "Actual msg was " + Actual_Res); sAssert.fail("Failed as Expected msg was " + Exp_Res + "Actual msg was " + Actual_Res); } tearDown(); sAssert.assertAll(); log.info("******************************************"); }
@Test public void testSoftAssert() { SoftAssert s = new SoftAssert(); s.assertEquals(2 * 2, 3, "Three"); s.assertEquals(2 * 2, 5, "Five"); s.assertAll(); }
@Test( dataProvider = "Invalid_delete_blnk", dataProviderClass = Dataprovider_item_cat.DataProvider_del.class, groups = {"branch"}) public void Invalid_delete_blnk(String TC_ID, String Order, String Exp_Res) throws IOException { String uname = c1.Reading_Properties("uname"); String pwd = c1.Reading_Properties("pwd"); int j = (int) Double.parseDouble(Order); for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { // System.out.println(j); log.info("Executing the testcase " + TC_ID + " Order of " + Order); initBrowsersession1(); Pageobject_del lpob = new Pageobject_del(browser); lpob.Commonprocess_item_cat_del(uname, pwd); // ,curr_name);//, Pwd); String Actual_Res = lpob.Invalid_delete_blnk(); sAssert.assertEquals(Exp_Res, Actual_Res); if (Actual_Res.equals(Exp_Res)) { log.info("Passed as Expected msg was Valid"); } else { log.info("Failed as Expected msg was " + Exp_Res + "Actual msg was " + Actual_Res); sAssert.fail("Failed as Expected msg was " + Exp_Res + "Actual msg was " + Actual_Res); } tearDown(); sAssert.assertAll(); log.info("******************************************"); } }
@Test( dataProvider = "Valid_mul_item_cat_del", dataProviderClass = Dataprovider_item_cat.DataProvider_del.class, groups = {"branch"}) public void Valid_mul_item_cat_del(String TC_ID, String Order, String Exp_Res) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String uname = c1.Reading_Properties("uname"); String pwd = c1.Reading_Properties("pwd"); log.info("Executing the testcase " + TC_ID + " Order of " + Order); // System.out.println("hi"); initBrowsersession1(); Pageobject_del lpob = new Pageobject_del(browser); lpob.Commonprocess_item_cat_del(uname, pwd); String Actual_Res = lpob.Valid_mul_item_cat_del(); sAssert.assertEquals(Exp_Res, Actual_Res); if (Actual_Res.equals(Exp_Res)) { log.info("Passed as Expected msg was Valid"); } else { log.info("Failed as Expected msg was " + Exp_Res + "Actual msg was " + Actual_Res); sAssert.fail("Failed as Expected msg was " + Exp_Res + "Actual msg was " + Actual_Res); } tearDown(); sAssert.assertAll(); log.info("******************************************"); }
@Test( dataProvider = "dp_Invalidskill", dataProviderClass = Dataprovider_Employ_skill.DataProvider_create.class, groups = {"employ_SkillSet"}) public void test_Invalidskill( String TC_ID, String Order, String skill_name, String desp, String Exp_Res) throws IOException { String uname = c1.Reading_Properties("uname"); String pwd = c1.Reading_Properties("pwd"); log.info("Executing the testcase " + TC_ID + " Order of " + Order); // System.out.println("hi"); initBrowsersession1(); Pageobject_create lpob = new Pageobject_create(browser); lpob.Commonprocessskill(uname, pwd, TC_ID, skill_name, desp); // , Pwd); String Actual_Res = lpob.getInvalidskillResult(); sAssert.assertEquals(Exp_Res, Actual_Res); if (Actual_Res.equals(Exp_Res)) { log.info("Passed as Expected msg was Valid"); } else { log.info("Failed as Expected msg was " + Exp_Res + "Actual msg was " + Actual_Res); sAssert.fail("Failed as Expected msg was " + Exp_Res + "Actual msg was " + Actual_Res); } tearDown(); sAssert.assertAll(); log.info("******************************************"); }
/** Test the list feed instances api using an orderBy parameter. Check the order. */ @Test public void testFeedOrderBy() throws URISyntaxException, OozieClientException, JAXBException, AuthenticationException, IOException, InterruptedException { SoftAssert softAssert = new SoftAssert(); // orderBy start time InstancesResult r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, "orderBy=startTime&sortOrder=desc", null); InstancesResult.Instance[] instances = r.getInstances(); Date previousDate = new Date(); for (InstancesResult.Instance instance : instances) { Date current = instance.getStartTime(); if (current != null) { // e.g if instance is WAITING it doesn't have start time softAssert.assertTrue( current.before(previousDate) || current.equals(previousDate), "Wrong order. Current startTime :" + current + " Previous: " + previousDate); previousDate = (Date) current.clone(); } } // orderBy status r = prism .getFeedHelper() .listInstances( feedName, "start=" + startTime + "&numResults=12&orderBy=status&sortOrder=desc", null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 12, 1, 1, 4, 6); instances = r.getInstances(); InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus previousStatus = InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus.WAITING; for (InstancesResult.Instance instance : instances) { InstancesResult.WorkflowStatus current = instance.getStatus(); softAssert.assertTrue( current.toString().compareTo(previousStatus.toString()) <= 0, "Wrong order. Compared " + current + " and " + previousStatus + " statuses."); previousStatus = current; } // sort by endTime r = prism .getFeedHelper() .listInstances( feedName, "start=" + startTime + "&numResults=12&orderBy=endTime&sortOrder=desc", null); instances = r.getInstances(); previousDate = new Date(); for (InstancesResult.Instance instance : instances) { Date current = instance.getEndTime(); if (current != null) { // e.g if instance is WAITING it doesn't have end time softAssert.assertTrue( current.before(previousDate) || current.equals(previousDate), "Wrong order. Current startTime :" + current + " Previous: " + previousDate); previousDate = (Date) current.clone(); } } softAssert.assertAll(); }
// Accepts 3 column's String data In every Iteration. @Test(dataProvider = "SuiteTwoCaseOneData") public void SuiteTwoCaseOneTest(String DataCol1, String DataCol2, String ExpectedResult) { DataSet++; // Created object of testng SoftAssert class. s_assert = new SoftAssert(); // If found DataToRun = "N" for data set then execution will be skipped for that data set. if (!TestDataToRun[DataSet].equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { // If DataToRun = "N", Set Testskip=true. Testskip = true; throw new SkipException( "DataToRun for row number " + DataSet + " Is No Or Blank. So Skipping Its Execution."); } // If found DataToRun = "Y" for data set then bellow given lines will be executed. // To Convert data from String to Integer int ValueOne = Integer.parseInt(DataCol1); int ValueTwo = Integer.parseInt(DataCol2); int ExpectedResultInt = Integer.parseInt(ExpectedResult); // To Initialize Firefox browser. loadWebBrowser(); driver.get(Param.getProperty("siteURL") + "/2014/04/calc.html"); getElementByName("txt_Result").clear(); getElementByXPath("btn_Calc_PrePart", ValueOne, "btn_Calc_PostPart").click(); getElementByID("btn_multiply").click(); getElementByXPath("btn_Calc_PrePart", ValueTwo, "btn_Calc_PostPart").click(); getElementByCSS("btn_Equals").click(); String Result = getElementByName("txt_Result").getAttribute("value"); int ActualResultInt = Integer.parseInt(Result); if (!(ActualResultInt == ExpectedResultInt)) { Testfail = true; s_assert.assertEquals( ActualResultInt, ExpectedResultInt, "ActualResult Value " + ActualResultInt + " And ExpectedResult Value " + ExpectedResultInt + " Not Match"); } if (Testfail) { // At last, test data assertion failure will be reported In testNG reports and It will mark // your test data, test case and test suite as fail. s_assert.assertAll(); } }
public void Prod_verifyAA(WebDriver dr, Date idString, SimpleDateFormat ft) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(dr, 10); SoftAssert softassert = new SoftAssert(); WebElement ele; String eletext; dr.get(ProdUrl.INBOX + "140539755/"); // MID for [email protected] || asdf1231 ele = dr.findElement(By.cssSelector(Inbox.RecievedUsername_Text_ELE)); eletext = ele.getText(); softassert.assertEquals(eletext, "ProdimusPrime7"); ele = dr.findElement(By.cssSelector(Inbox.RecentRecieved_Text_ELE)); eletext = ele.getText(); softassert.assertEquals(eletext, inputtext + ft.format(idString)); softassert.assertAll(); }
public void STG_verifyAA(WebDriver dr, Date idString, SimpleDateFormat ft) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(dr, 10); SoftAssert softassert = new SoftAssert(); WebElement ele; String eletext; dr.get(stageUrl.INBOX + "1127786087/"); ele = dr.findElement(By.cssSelector(Inbox.RecievedUsername_Text_ELE)); eletext = ele.getText(); softassert.assertEquals(eletext, "Tortuga"); ele = dr.findElement(By.cssSelector(Inbox.RecentRecieved_Text_ELE)); eletext = ele.getText(); softassert.assertEquals(eletext, inputtext + ft.format(idString)); softassert.assertAll(); }
@Test(enabled = false) public void assertionTest() throws Exception { setUp(RecipeExecLocation.SourceCluster); final SoftAssert anAssert = new SoftAssert(); HiveAssert.assertTableEqual( cluster, clusterHC.getTable("default", "hcatsmoke10546"), cluster2, clusterHC2.getTable("default", "hcatsmoke10548"), anAssert); HiveAssert.assertDbEqual( cluster, clusterHC.getDatabase("default"), cluster2, clusterHC2.getDatabase("default"), anAssert); anAssert.assertAll(); }
public void PerformanceTabTest() { Reporter.log("In to PerformanceTabTest"); logger.info("Switching to Performance Tab"); PerformanceTab.click(); logger.info("Fetching Performance Cycle duration"); logger.info(PerformanceCycle.getText()); logger.info("Fetching Performance Details"); List<WebElement> EmployeePerformanceDetails = driver.findElements(By.xpath(Constants.Employeedetaillistxpath)); for (int i = 0; i < EmployeePerformanceDetails.size(); i++) { logger.info(EmployeePerformanceDetails.get(i).getText()); System.out.println( "Employee Performance Details " + EmployeePerformanceDetails.get(i).getText()); } logger.info("Navigating user to Performance Review section"); s_assert.assertNotNull( EmployeePerformanceDetails.get(0).findElement(By.tagName("a")), "First employee not found"); EmployeePerformanceDetails.get(0).findElement(By.tagName("a")).click(); logger.info("Displaying Review Information"); logger.info(Section1.getText()); logger.info(Userinfo.getText()); logger.info(Section2.getText()); logger.info("Switching to Self Review Tab"); Selfreviewsection.click(); List<WebElement> THeader = driver.findElements(By.xpath(Constants.TableHeaderxpath)); for (int j = 0; j < THeader.size(); j++) { logger.info(THeader.get(j).getText()); System.out.println("Printing table header " + THeader.get(j).getText()); } List<WebElement> Ratings = driver.findElements(By.xpath(Constants.ActualTablexpath)); int count = Ratings.size(); for (int k = 0; k < Ratings.size(); k++) { logger.info(Ratings.get(k).getText()); System.out.println("Printing real ratings " + Ratings.get(k).getText()); } if (count == 0) { s_assert.fail("User does not have any ratings"); } s_assert.assertAll(); }
public void assertText() { System.out.println("Assert that the text is present " + actual); softAssert.assertEquals(actualText, actual, "Failed to assert an element"); }
public static SoftAssert softAssertion(Boolean condition) { SoftAssert softAssert = new SoftAssert(); softAssert.assertTrue(condition); return softAssert; // softAssert.assertAll(); }
/** * Test list feed instances using custom filter. Expecting list of feed instances which satisfy * custom filters. */ @Test public void testFeedCustomFilter() throws URISyntaxException, IOException, AuthenticationException, InterruptedException { String params = "start=" + startTime + "&filterBy=status:RUNNING"; InstancesResult r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); params = "start=" + startTime + "&end=" + endTime + "&filterBy=status:RUNNING&offset=2"; r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateSuccessWOInstances(r); params = "start=" + startTime + "&end=" + endTime + "&filterBy=status:WAITING"; r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0); params = "start=" + startTime + "&end=" + TimeUtil.addMinsToTime(startTime, 41) + "&filterBy=status:WAITING"; r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0); params = "start=" + startTime + "&offset=1&numResults=1&filterBy=status:WAITING"; r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0); params = "start=" + TimeUtil.addMinsToTime(startTime, 16) + "&offset=2&numResults=12"; r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 6, 0, 1, 3, 2); String sourceCluster = bundles[0].getClusterNames().get(0); String clusterName = bundles[1].getClusterNames().get(0); params = "start=" + startTime + "&filterBy=STATUS:KILLED,CLUSTER:" + clusterName + "&numResults=5&orderBy=startTime&sortOrder=desc"; r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5); // should be ordered by a start time SoftAssert softAssert = new SoftAssert(); InstancesResult.Instance[] instances = r.getInstances(); Date previousDate = new Date(); for (InstancesResult.Instance instance : instances) { Date current = instance.getStartTime(); softAssert.assertNotNull(current, "Start time shouldn't be null for KILLED instance."); softAssert.assertTrue( current.before(previousDate) || current.equals(previousDate), "Wrong order. Current startTime :" + current + " Previous: " + previousDate); previousDate = (Date) current.clone(); } softAssert.assertAll(); // missing 1st, 11th, 12th instances, all other instances should be retrieved. params = "start=" + TimeUtil.addMinsToTime(startTime, 2) + "&offset=2"; r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 9, 0, 1, 3, 5); // missing the 1st, 11th, 12th instance, all instances which have progressed should be present: // 5 killed + 1 suspended, but numResults=5, so expecting 1 suspended and 4 killed instances. params = "start=" + TimeUtil.addMinsToTime(startTime, 2) + "&filterBy=SOURCECLUSTER:" + sourceCluster + "&offset=1&numResults=5"; r = prism.getFeedHelper().listInstances(feedName, params, null); InstanceUtil.validateResponse(r, 5, 0, 1, 0, 4); }