private String generateExceptionReport() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Spoutcraft Launcher Error Report:\n"); builder.append("( Please submit this report to )\n"); builder.append(" Launcher Build: ").append(Settings.getLauncherBuild()).append("\n"); builder .append("----------------------------------------------------------------------") .append("\n"); builder.append("Stack Trace:").append("\n"); builder.append(" Exception: ").append(cause.getClass().getSimpleName()).append("\n"); builder.append(" Message: ").append(cause.getMessage()).append("\n"); logTrace(builder, cause); builder .append("----------------------------------------------------------------------") .append("\n"); builder.append("System Information:\n"); builder.append(" Operating System: ").append(System.getProperty("")).append("\n"); builder .append(" Operating System Version: ") .append(System.getProperty("os.version")) .append("\n"); builder .append(" Operating System Architecture: ") .append(System.getProperty("os.arch")) .append("\n"); builder .append(" Java version: ") .append(System.getProperty("java.version")) .append(" ") .append(System.getProperty("", "32")) .append(" bit") .append("\n"); builder .append(" Total Memory: ") .append(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / 1024L / 1024L) .append(" MB\n"); builder .append(" Max Memory: ") .append(Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024L / 1024L) .append(" MB\n"); builder .append(" Memory Free: ") .append(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / 1024L / 1024L) .append(" MB\n"); builder .append(" CPU Cores: ") .append(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()) .append("\n"); return builder.toString(); }
public static Download downloadFile( String url, String output, String cacheName, String md5, DownloadListener listener) throws IOException { int tries = Settings.getLoginTries(); File outputFile = null; Download download = null; while (tries > 0) { System.out.println("Starting download of " + url + ", with " + tries + " tries remaining"); tries--; download = new Download(url, output); download.setListener(listener);; if (!download.isSuccess()) { if (download.getOutFile() != null) { download.getOutFile().delete(); } System.err.println("Download of " + url + " Failed!"); if (listener != null) listener.stateChanged("Download Failed, retries remaining: " + tries, 0F); } else { if (md5 != null) { String resultMD5 = MD5Utils.getMD5(download.getOutFile()); System.out.println("Expected MD5: " + md5 + " Calculated MD5: " + resultMD5); if (resultMD5.equals(md5)) { outputFile = download.getOutFile(); break; } } else { outputFile = download.getOutFile(); break; } } } if (outputFile == null) { throw new IOException("Failed to download " + url); } if (cacheName != null) { Utils.copy(outputFile, new File(Launcher.getGameUpdater().getBinCacheDir(), cacheName)); } return download; }