public static void tryCreateVar(@Nonnull final Context context) { final CalculatorDisplay display = Locator.getInstance().getDisplay(); final CalculatorDisplayViewState viewState = display.getViewState(); if (viewState.isValid()) { final String varValue = viewState.getText(); if (!Strings.isEmpty(varValue)) { if (CalculatorVarsFragment.isValidValue(varValue)) { if (context instanceof SherlockFragmentActivity) { VarEditDialogFragment.showDialog( VarEditDialogFragment.Input.newFromValue(varValue), ((SherlockFragmentActivity) context).getSupportFragmentManager()); } else { final Intent intent = new Intent(context, CalculatorVarsActivity.class); intent.putExtra(CalculatorVarsFragment.CREATE_VAR_EXTRA_STRING, varValue); Android.addIntentFlags(intent, false, context); context.startActivity(intent); } } else { getNotifier().showMessage(R.string.c_value_is_not_a_number, MessageType.error); } } else { getNotifier().showMessage(R.string.empty_var_error, MessageType.error); } } else { getNotifier().showMessage(R.string.not_valid_result, MessageType.error); } }
public PacketExtension parseExtension(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException, XMPPException { String hash = null; String version = null; String node = null; if (parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(EntityCapsManager.ELEMENT)) { hash = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "hash"); version = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "ver"); node = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "node"); } else { throw new XMPPException("Malformed Caps element"); }; if (!(parser.getEventType() == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(EntityCapsManager.ELEMENT))) { throw new XMPPException("Malformed nested Caps element"); } if (version != null && node != null) { return new CapsExtension(node, version, Strings.getNotEmpty(hash, "")); } else { throw new XMPPException("Caps element with missing attributes"); } }
@Nonnull public PropertyView setValue(@Nullable CharSequence value) { final TextView valueView = getValueTextView(); valueView.setText(value); valueView.setVisibility(Strings.isEmpty(value) ? GONE : VISIBLE); return this; }
private void commitText(@NotNull InputConnection ic, @Nullable CharSequence text, int position) { ic.commitText(text, position); if (!Strings.isEmpty(text)) { history.addState( new KeyboardInputHistoryState(AndroidKeyboardUtils.getTextFromInputConnection(ic), 0)); } }
@Override public void onClick(@Nonnull IConstant data, @Nonnull Context context) { final String text = data.getValue(); if (!Strings.isEmpty(text)) { if (text == null) throw new AssertionError(); Locator.getInstance().getClipboard().setText(text); } }
@Override public void onClick(@Nonnull IConstant data, @Nonnull Context context) { final String text = Locator.getInstance().getEngine().getVarsRegistry().getDescription(data.getName()); if (!Strings.isEmpty(text)) { if (text == null) throw new AssertionError(); Locator.getInstance().getClipboard().setText(text); } }
@Override public void handlePaste() { final ClipboardManager clipboardManager = (ClipboardManager) inputMethodService.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE); final CharSequence text = clipboardManager.getText(); if (!Strings.isEmpty(text)) { commitText(text, 1); } }
private static void copy(@Nonnull AFunction target, @Nonnull IFunction source) { = source.getName(); target.content = source.getContent(); target.description = Strings.getNotEmpty(source.getDescription(), ""); target.system = source.isSystem(); if (source.isIdDefined()) { = source.getId(); } target.parameterNames = new ArrayList<String>(source.getParameterNames()); }
@Nonnull @Override protected List<LabeledMenuItem<IConstant>> getMenuItemsOnLongClick(@Nonnull IConstant item) { final List<LabeledMenuItem<IConstant>> result = new ArrayList<LabeledMenuItem<IConstant>>(Arrays.asList(LongClickMenuItem.values())); if (item.isSystem()) { result.remove(LongClickMenuItem.edit); result.remove(LongClickMenuItem.remove); } if (Strings.isEmpty( Locator.getInstance().getEngine().getVarsRegistry().getDescription(item.getName()))) { result.remove(LongClickMenuItem.copy_description); } if (Strings.isEmpty(item.getValue())) { result.remove(LongClickMenuItem.copy_value); } return result; }
@Override public int translateKeyDown(int unicodeChar) { if (!Strings.isEmpty(typedText)) { char accent = typedText.charAt(typedText.length() - 1); int composed = KeyEvent.getDeadChar(accent, unicodeChar); if (composed != 0) { unicodeChar = composed; typedText.setLength(typedText.length() - 1); } } return unicodeChar; }
private void writeToFile(@Nonnull String stackTrace, @Nonnull String fileName) { try { BufferedWriter bos = null; try { bos = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(localPath + "/" + fileName)); bos.write(stackTrace); bos.flush(); } finally { if (bos != null) { bos.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { // unable to save to the file - strange Log.e(TAG, Strings.fromStackTrace(e.getStackTrace())); } }
@NotNull public static String inClause(@NotNull List<?> objects) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(3 * objects.size()); result.append("("); if (objects.size() == 1) { result.append("?"); } else if (objects.size() > 1) { result.append("?"); result.append(Strings.repeat(", ?", objects.size() - 1)); } else { result.append("'foo'"); } result.append(")"); return result.toString(); }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); final Bundle bundle = getArguments(); if (bundle != null) { final String varValue = bundle.getString(CREATE_VAR_EXTRA_STRING); if (!Strings.isEmpty(varValue)) { VarEditDialogFragment.showDialog( VarEditDialogFragment.Input.newFromValue(varValue), getFragmentManager()); // in order to stop intent for other tabs bundle.remove(CREATE_VAR_EXTRA_STRING); } } setHasOptionsMenu(true); }
public static void tryCreateFunction(@Nonnull final Context context) { final CalculatorDisplay display = Locator.getInstance().getDisplay(); final CalculatorDisplayViewState viewState = display.getViewState(); if (viewState.isValid()) { final String functionValue = viewState.getText(); if (!Strings.isEmpty(functionValue)) { FunctionEditDialogFragment.showDialog( FunctionEditDialogFragment.Input.newFromDisplay(viewState), context); } else { getNotifier().showMessage(R.string.empty_function_error, MessageType.error); } } else { getNotifier().showMessage(R.string.not_valid_result, MessageType.error); } }
@Nonnull public AFunction create() throws AFunction.Builder.CreationException { final AFunction result; if (id != null) { result = new AFunction(id); } else { result = new AFunction(); } = name; try { result.content = Locator.getInstance().getCalculator().prepareExpression(value).toString(); } catch (CalculatorParseException e) { throw new CreationException(e); } result.system = system; result.description = Strings.getNotEmpty(description, ""); result.parameterNames = new ArrayList<String>(parameterNames); return result; }
public static void tryPlot() { final CalculatorPlotter plotter = Locator.getInstance().getPlotter(); final CalculatorDisplay display = Locator.getInstance().getDisplay(); final CalculatorDisplayViewState viewState = display.getViewState(); if (viewState.isValid()) { final String functionValue = viewState.getText(); final Generic expression = viewState.getResult(); if (!Strings.isEmpty(functionValue) && expression != null) { if (plotter.isPlotPossibleFor(expression)) { plotter.plot(expression); } else { getNotifier().showMessage(R.string.cpp_plot_too_many_variables, MessageType.error); } } else { getNotifier().showMessage(R.string.cpp_plot_empty_function_error, MessageType.error); } } else { getNotifier().showMessage(R.string.not_valid_result, MessageType.error); } }
public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { try { final Date time = new Date(); final String stackTrace = getStackTrace(e); if (stackTrace != null) { if (localPath != null) { writeToFile(stackTrace, String.valueOf(time.getTime()) + ".stacktrace"); } if (url != null) { sendToServer(stackTrace, time); } } } catch (Throwable anyException) { Log.e(TAG, Strings.fromStackTrace(anyException.getStackTrace())); } finally { defaultUEH.uncaughtException(t, e); } }