private void generateResponse() throws Exception { String lic = ar.reqParam("lic"); license = ngp.getLicense(lic); if (license == null) { throw new Exception("Can not access this page, license id is no longer valid: " + lic); } String lRole = license.getRole(); if (lRole.equals(ngp.getPrimaryRole().getName())) { isMember = true; } if (lRole.equals(ngp.getSecondaryRole().getName())) { isMember = true; isAdmin = true; } Document mainDoc = DOMUtils.createDocument("case"); DOMFace rootEle = new DOMFace(mainDoc, mainDoc.getDocumentElement(), null); generateDocs(rootEle); generateNotes(rootEle); generateGoals(rootEle); DOMUtils.writeDom(mainDoc, ar.w); }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/fileVersions.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) protected ModelAndView getFileVersion( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelAndView modelAndView = null; try { AuthRequest ar = AuthRequest.getOrCreate(request, response); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); if (!ar.isLoggedIn()) { return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.project.file.version.login.msg"); } if (!ar.isMember()) { request.setAttribute("roleName", "Members"); return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.attachment.file.version.memberlogin"); } String aid = ar.reqParam("aid"); ngp.findAttachmentByIDOrFail(aid); modelAndView = createNamedView(siteId, pageId, ar, "fileVersions", "Project Documents"); request.setAttribute("subTabId", "nugen.projectdocument.subtab.fileversions"); request.setAttribute("aid", aid); request.setAttribute("realRequestURL", ar.getRequestURL()); request.setAttribute("title", ngp.getFullName()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } return modelAndView; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/viewEmailReminder.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) protected ModelAndView viewEmailReminderForAttachment( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelAndView modelAndView = null; try { AuthRequest ar = AuthRequest.getOrCreate(request, response); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); if (!ar.isLoggedIn()) { return showWarningView(ar, ""); } if (!ar.isMember()) { request.setAttribute("roleName", "Members"); return showWarningView(ar, ""); } modelAndView = createNamedView(siteId, pageId, ar, "viewReminder", "Project Documents"); request.setAttribute("isNewUpload", "yes"); request.setAttribute("realRequestURL", ar.getRequestURL()); request.setAttribute("title", ngp.getFullName()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } return modelAndView; }
/** The first step in validating XBRL documents */ @RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/xbrlResults.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) protected ModelAndView xbrlResults( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelAndView modelAndView = null; try { AuthRequest ar = AuthRequest.getOrCreate(request, response); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); if (!ar.isLoggedIn()) { return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.project.upload.doc.login.msg"); } if (!ar.isMember()) { request.setAttribute("roleName", "Members"); return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.attachment.uploadattachment.memberlogin"); } if (ngp.isFrozen()) { return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.generatInfo.Frozen"); } modelAndView = createNamedView(siteId, pageId, ar, "xbrlResults", "XBRL Validation Results"); // request.setAttribute("realRequestURL", ar.getRequestURL()); // request.setAttribute("title", ngp.getFullName()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } return modelAndView; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/createLinkURL.form", method = RequestMethod.POST) protected ModelAndView createLinkURL( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelAndView modelAndView = null; try { AuthRequest ar = getLoggedInAuthRequest(request, response, ""); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); ar.assertNotFrozen(ngp); String visibility = ar.reqParam("visibility"); String comment = ar.reqParam("comment"); String taskUrl = ar.reqParam("taskUrl"); String ftype = ar.reqParam("ftype"); AttachmentRecord attachment = ngp.createAttachment(); String proposedName = taskUrl; if (taskUrl.contains("/")) { proposedName = taskUrl.substring(taskUrl.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } AttachmentHelper.setDisplayName(ngp, attachment, proposedName); attachment.setComment(comment); attachment.setModifiedBy(ar.getBestUserId()); attachment.setModifiedDate(ar.nowTime); attachment.setType(ftype); if (visibility.equals("PUB")) { attachment.setVisibility(1); } else { attachment.setVisibility(2); } HistoryRecord.createHistoryRecord( ngp, attachment.getId(), HistoryRecord.CONTEXT_TYPE_DOCUMENT, ar.nowTime, HistoryRecord.EVENT_DOC_ADDED, ar, "Created Link URL"); attachment.setStorageFileName(taskUrl); ngp.saveFile(ar, "Created Link URL"); modelAndView = createRedirectView(ar, "attachment.htm"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } return modelAndView; }
@RequestMapping( value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/remoteAttachmentAction.form", method = RequestMethod.POST) protected void remoteAttachmentAction( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { try { AuthRequest ar = getLoggedInAuthRequest(request, response, "message.can.not.create.attachment"); ar.req = request; NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); ar.assertNotFrozen(ngp); ar.assertMember("Unable to create attachments."); String action = ar.reqParam("action"); String symbol = ar.reqParam("symbol"); String visibility = ar.defParam("visibility", "*MEM*"); String comment = ar.defParam("comment", ""); String attachmentDisplayName = ar.defParam("name", ""); String isNewUpload = ar.defParam("isNewUpload", "yes"); String readonly = ar.defParam("readOnly", "off"); UserPage uPage = ar.getUserPage(); ResourceEntity ent = uPage.getResourceFromSymbol(symbol); if ("Link Document".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { FolderAccessHelper fah = new FolderAccessHelper(ar); if (isNewUpload.equals("yes")) { fah.attachDocument(ent, ngp, comment, attachmentDisplayName, visibility, readonly); } else { AttachmentHelper.updateRemoteAttachment( ar, ngp, comment, ent.getPath(), ent.getFolderId(), attachmentDisplayName, visibility); } } else { throw new ProgramLogicError("Don't understand the operation: " + action); } ngp.saveFile(ar, "Modified attachments"); response.sendRedirect(ar.baseURL + "t/" + siteId + "/" + pageId + "/attachment.htm"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/emailReminder.form", method = RequestMethod.POST) protected ModelAndView submitEmailReminderForAttachment( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelAndView modelAndView = null; try { AuthRequest ar = getLoggedInAuthRequest(request, response, ""); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); ar.assertNotFrozen(ngp); String comment = ar.reqParam("comment"); String pname = ar.defParam("pname", ""); String assignee = ar.reqParam("assignee"); String instruct = ar.reqParam("instruct"); String subj = ar.reqParam("subj"); String visibility = ar.reqParam("visibility"); ReminderMgr rMgr = ngp.getReminderMgr(); ReminderRecord rRec = rMgr.createReminder(ngp.getUniqueOnPage()); rRec.setFileDesc(comment); rRec.setInstructions(instruct); rRec.setAssignee(assignee); rRec.setFileName(pname); rRec.setSubject(subj); rRec.setModifiedBy(ar.getBestUserId()); rRec.setModifiedDate(ar.nowTime); rRec.setDestFolder(visibility); rRec.setSendNotification("yes"); HistoryRecord.createHistoryRecord( ngp, rRec.getId(), HistoryRecord.CONTEXT_TYPE_DOCUMENT, ar.nowTime, HistoryRecord.EVENT_DOC_ADDED, ar, "Added Reminder for " + assignee); ngp.saveFile(ar, "Modified attachments"); modelAndView = createRedirectView(ar, "reminders.htm"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } return modelAndView; }
private void generateDocs(DOMFace rootEle) throws Exception { DOMFace allDocs = rootEle.createChild("documents", DOMFace.class); for (AttachmentRecord att : ngp.getAllAttachments()) { // first check if this license has access if (att.getVisibility() == 1) { // public document, so everyone can get it } else if (isMember) { // members can access everything } else if (att.roleCanAccess(license.getRole())) { // license role has access } else { // no access, so skip to next attachment continue; } DOMFace oneDoc = allDocs.createChild("doc", DOMFace.class); oneDoc.setAttribute("id", att.getId()); oneDoc.setScalar("universalid", att.getUniversalId()); oneDoc.setScalar("name", att.getNiceName()); oneDoc.setScalar("size", Long.toString(att.getFileSize(ngp))); setScalarTime(oneDoc, "modifiedtime", att.getModifiedDate()); oneDoc.setScalar("modifieduser", att.getModifiedBy()); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/CreateCopy.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) protected ModelAndView CreateCopy( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "fname", required = false) MultipartFile file) throws Exception { ModelAndView modelAndView = null; try { AuthRequest ar = AuthRequest.getOrCreate(request, response); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); if (!ar.isLoggedIn()) { return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.project.create.copy.login.msg"); } if (!ar.isMember()) { request.setAttribute("roleName", "Members"); return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.attachment.createcopy.memberlogin"); } if (ngp.isFrozen()) { return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.generatInfo.Frozen"); } modelAndView = createNamedView(siteId, pageId, ar, "CreateCopy", "Project Documents"); request.setAttribute("subTabId", "nugen.projecthome.subtab.emailreminder"); String aid = ar.reqParam("aid"); AttachmentRecord attachment = ngp.findAttachmentByID(aid); if (attachment == null) { throw new NGException("nugen.exception.attachment.not.found", new Object[] {aid}); } request.setAttribute("aid", aid); request.setAttribute("realRequestURL", ar.getRequestURL()); request.setAttribute("title", ngp.getFullName()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } return modelAndView; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/remindAttachment.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) protected ModelAndView remindAttachment( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { AuthRequest ar = AuthRequest.getOrCreate(request, response); try { NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); ar.setPageAccessLevels(ngp); String rid = ar.reqParam("rid"); ReminderMgr mgr = ngp.getReminderMgr(); ReminderRecord reminderRecord = mgr.findReminderByIDOrFail(rid); if (AccessControl.canAccessReminder(ar, ngp, reminderRecord)) { request.setAttribute("subTabId", "nugen.projecthome.subtab.upload.document"); return createNamedView(siteId, pageId, ar, "remind_attachment", "Project Documents"); } if (!ar.isLoggedIn()) { request.setAttribute("property_msg_key", "nugen.project.remind.doc.login.msg"); } else if (!ar.isMember()) { request.setAttribute("property_msg_key", "nugen.attachment.remind.doc.memberlogin"); } else { // basically, the reminder should have been display, and we have no idea now why not throw new Exception( "Program Logic Error ... something is wrong with the canAccessReminder method"); } return createNamedView(siteId, pageId, ar, "Warning", "Project Documents"); } catch (Exception ex) { Exception extd = new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); return displayException(request, extd); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/linkRepository.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) protected ModelAndView linkRepository( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ModelAndView modelAndView = null; try { AuthRequest ar = AuthRequest.getOrCreate(request, response); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); if (!ar.isLoggedIn()) { return showWarningView(ar, ""); } if (!ar.isMember()) { request.setAttribute("roleName", "Members"); return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.attachment.linkattachmenttoproject.memberlogin"); } if (ngp.isFrozen()) { return showWarningView(ar, "nugen.generatInfo.Frozen"); } String symbol = ar.reqParam("symbol"); ResourceEntity remoteFile = ar.getUserPage().getResourceFromSymbol(symbol); modelAndView = createNamedView(siteId, pageId, ar, "linkfromrepository_form", "Project Documents"); request.setAttribute("subTabId", ""); request.setAttribute("isNewUpload", "yes"); request.setAttribute("symbol", remoteFile.getSymbol()); request.setAttribute("realRequestURL", ar.getRequestURL()); request.setAttribute("title", ngp.getFullName()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } return modelAndView; }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/docinfo{docId}.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) protected ModelAndView docInfoView( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, @PathVariable String docId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { try { AuthRequest ar = AuthRequest.getOrCreate(request, response); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); ngp.findAttachmentByIDOrFail(docId); request.setAttribute("realRequestURL", ar.getRequestURL()); request.setAttribute("subTabId", "nugen.projectdocument.subtab.attachmentdetails"); request.setAttribute("aid", docId); return createNamedView(siteId, pageId, ar, "docinfo", "Project Documents"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } }
private void generateNotes(DOMFace rootEle) throws Exception { DOMFace allNotes = rootEle.createChild("notes", DOMFace.class); for (NoteRecord lr : ngp.getAllNotes()) { if (lr.getVisibility() == 1) { // public note, so everyone can get it } else if (isMember) { // members can access everything } else { // no access, so skip to next attachment continue; } DOMFace oneNote = allNotes.createChild("note", DOMFace.class); oneNote.setAttribute("id", lr.getId()); oneNote.setScalar("universalid", lr.getUniversalId()); oneNote.setScalar("subject", lr.getSubject()); setScalarTime(oneNote, "modifiedtime", lr.getLastEdited()); oneNote.setScalar("modifieduser", lr.getLastEditedBy()); } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/{siteId}/{pageId}/upload.form", method = RequestMethod.POST) protected ModelAndView uploadFile( @PathVariable String siteId, @PathVariable String pageId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam("fname") MultipartFile file) throws Exception { ModelAndView modelAndView = null; try { AuthRequest ar = AuthRequest.getOrCreate(request, response); NGPage ngp = registerRequiredProject(ar, siteId, pageId); // Handling special case for Multipart request ar.req = request; ReminderRecord reminderRecord = null; boolean requestFromReminder = false; String rid = ar.defParam("rid", null); String go = ar.defParam("go", null); boolean canAccessToReminder = false; if (rid != null) { // rid is not null its mean request to upload a document has come from 'Reminders To Share // Document' requestFromReminder = true; ReminderMgr mgr = ngp.getReminderMgr(); reminderRecord = mgr.findReminderByIDOrFail(rid); canAccessToReminder = AccessControl.canAccessReminder(ar, ngp, reminderRecord); } if (!requestFromReminder || !canAccessToReminder) { ar.assertLoggedIn(ar.getMessageFromPropertyFile("message.can.not.upload.attachment", null)); } ar.assertNotFrozen(ngp); request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); if (file.getSize() == 0) { throw new NGException("", null); } if (file.getSize() > 500000000) { throw new NGException( "nugen.exceptionhandling.file.size.exceeded", new Object[] {"500000000"}); } String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename(); if (fileName == null || fileName.length() == 0) { throw new NGException("nugen.exceptionhandling.filename.empty", null); } String visibility = ar.defParam("visibility", "*MEM*"); String comment = ar.defParam("comment", ""); String name = ar.defParam("name", null); AttachmentHelper.uploadNewDocument(ar, ngp, file, name, visibility, comment, ""); if (reminderRecord != null) { reminderRecord.setClosed();; } if (go == null) { modelAndView = createRedirectView(ar, "attachment.htm"); } else { response.sendRedirect(go); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new NGException( "", new Object[] {pageId, siteId}, ex); } return modelAndView; }