  * Method to check if the configuration version are different. will set #configRequiresUpdate to
  * true if versions are different
 void updateNecessary() {
   if (configVer.equalsIgnoreCase(configCurrent)) {
     attackControlLogger.info("Config is up to date");
   } else {
     attackControlLogger.warning("Config is not up to date!");
     attackControlLogger.warning("Config File Version: " + configVer);
     attackControlLogger.warning("Internal Config Version: " + configCurrent);
     attackControlLogger.warning("It is suggested to update the config.yml!");
     configRequiresUpdate = true;
 /** Method to update the configuration if it is necessary. */
 void updateConfig() {
   if (configRequiresUpdate) {
     configVer = configCurrent;
     if (writeConfig()) {
       attackControlLogger.info("Configuration was updated with new default values.");
       attackControlLogger.info("Please change them to your liking.");
     } else {
       attackControlLogger.warning("Configuration file could not be auto updated.");
       attackControlLogger.warning("Please rename " + configFile + " and try again.");
   * Method for writing the configuration file. First we write the standard configuration part, than
   * we write the custom configuration part via #writeCustomConfig()
   * @return true if writing the config was successful
   * @see #writeCustomConfig(java.io.PrintWriter)
  public boolean writeConfig() {
    attackControlLogger.debug("creating config");
    boolean success = false;
    try {
      PrintWriter stream;
      File folder = main.getDataFolder();
      if (folder != null) {
      PluginDescriptionFile pdfFile = main.getDescription();
      stream = new PrintWriter(pluginPath + configFile);
      attackControlLogger.debug("starting contents");
      // Let's write our config ;)
          "# "
              + pdfFile.getName()
              + " "
              + pdfFile.getVersion()
              + " by "
              + pdfFile.getAuthors().toString());
      stream.println("# Configuration File for module [" + MODULE_NAME + "]");
      stream.println("# For detailed assistance please visit: " + mainConfig.getPluginSlug());
      stream.println("# Configuration Version");
      stream.println("configVer: \"" + configVer + "\"");
      // Getting the custom config information from the top of the class
      attackControlLogger.debug("going for customConfig");



      success = true;

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      attackControlLogger.warning("Error saving the " + configFile + ".");

    return success;