public String getPrivateCollection() { String collectionId = Entity.SEPARATOR + "private" + REFERENCE_ROOT + Entity.SEPARATOR + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() + Entity.SEPARATOR; try { AssessmentService.getContentHostingService().checkCollection(collectionId); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { try { ResourcePropertiesEdit resourceProperties = AssessmentService.getContentHostingService().newResourceProperties(); resourceProperties.addProperty( ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); // resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_HIDDEN_WITH_ACCESSIBLE_CONTENT, // "true"); ContentCollectionEdit edit = (ContentCollectionEdit) AssessmentService.getContentHostingService() .addCollection(collectionId, resourceProperties); edit.setPublicAccess(); AssessmentService.getContentHostingService().commitCollection(edit); } catch (Exception ee) { log.warn(ee.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e.getMessage()); } try { if ( /*!"true".equals(AssessmentService.getContentHostingService().getProperties(Entity.SEPARATOR + "private"+ Entity.SEPARATOR).get(ResourceProperties.PROP_HIDDEN_WITH_ACCESSIBLE_CONTENT)) || */ !AssessmentService .getContentHostingService() .isPubView(collectionId)) { ContentCollectionEdit edit = AssessmentService.getContentHostingService().editCollection(collectionId); ResourcePropertiesEdit resourceProperties = edit.getPropertiesEdit(); // resourceProperties.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_HIDDEN_WITH_ACCESSIBLE_CONTENT, // "true"); edit.setPublicAccess(); AssessmentService.getContentHostingService().commitCollection(edit); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e.getMessage()); } return collectionId + "uploads" + Entity.SEPARATOR; }
/** * Update/save any change(s) * * @return return "compse" for immediately navigating to compose page */ public String processUpdateOptions() { "Mailtool-Options Updated" + " for SITE[" + getSiteID() + "] By[" + m_userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getId() + "-" + getCurrentUser().getEmail() + "]"); if (isShowRenamingRoles()) { int i = 1; Configuration c = null; Iterator iter = renamedRoles.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { c = (Configuration); if (c.getSingularNew().trim().equals("") != true && c.getSingularNew() != null) setConfigParam("role" + i + "singular", c.getSingularNew()); if (c.getPluralNew().trim().equals("") != true && c.getPluralNew() != null) setConfigParam("role" + i + "plural", c.getPluralNew()); i++; } } setConfigParam("recipview", getViewChoice()); setConfigParam("sendmecopy", isSendMeCopy() ? "yes" : "no"); setConfigParam("emailarchive", isArchiveMessage() ? "yes" : "no"); String reply = getReplyToSelected().trim().toLowerCase(); if (reply.equals("yes")) { setConfigParam("replyto", "yes"); } else if (reply.equals("no")) { setConfigParam("replyto", "no"); } else if (reply.equals("otheremail")) { setConfigParam("replyto", getReplyToOtherEmail().trim()); } if (getTextFormat().trim().toLowerCase().equals("htmltext")) { setConfigParam("messageformat", "htmltext"); } else { setConfigParam("messageformat", "plaintext"); } ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().save(); // reset Mailtool (with updated options) ToolSession ts = SessionManager.getCurrentSession() .getToolSession(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId()); ts.clearAttributes(); return "compose"; // go to Compose }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.sakaiproject.cheftool.VelocityPortletPaneledAction#toolModeDispatch(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ protected void toolModeDispatch( String methodBase, String methodExt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ToolException { ToolSession toolSession = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); SessionState state = getState(req); if (MODE_DONE.equals(toolSession.getAttribute(LINK_MODE))) { Tool tool = ToolManager.getCurrentTool(); String url = (String) SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession() .getAttribute(tool.getId() + Tool.HELPER_DONE_URL); SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession().removeAttribute(tool.getId() + Tool.HELPER_DONE_URL); SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession().removeAttribute(LINK_MODE); try { res.sendRedirect(url); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("IOException: ", e); } return; } else if (sendToHelper(req, res, req.getPathInfo())) { return; } else { super.toolModeDispatch(methodBase, methodExt, req, res); } }
public String processCreateNew() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); return "permission_error"; } this.userId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); this.siteId = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); this.currentGradebook = gradebookManager.createEmptyGradebook(this.userId, this.siteId); this.oldGradebook = gradebookManager.createEmptyGradebook(this.userId, this.siteId); this.csv = null; this.newTemplate = null; this.delimiter = COMMA_DELIM_STR; return "create_gradebook"; }
// XXX this should not be here!! The RequestHelper should perform this // functionality. private boolean isPageToolDefault(HttpServletRequest request) { // SAK-13408 - Tomcat and WAS have different URL structures; Attempting to add a // link or image would lead to site unavailable errors in websphere if the tomcat // URL structure is used. if ("websphere".equals(ServerConfigurationService.getString("servlet.container"))) { String tid = org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId(); if (request.getPathInfo() != null && request.getPathInfo().startsWith("/tool/" + tid + "/helper/")) { return false; } } else { if (request.getPathInfo() != null && request.getPathInfo().startsWith("/helper/")) { return false; } } String action = request.getParameter(RequestHelper.ACTION); if (action != null && action.length() > 0) { return false; } String pageName = request.getParameter(ViewBean.PAGE_NAME_PARAM); if (pageName == null || pageName.trim().length() == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public String getUrl() { if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) { if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); if (topic == null) return "javascript:alert('" + messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.forumdeleted") + "')"; } else { if (forum == null) forum = getForumById(true, id); if (forum == null) return "javascript:alert('" + messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.forumdeleted") + "')"; } Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); } catch (Exception impossible) { return null; } ToolConfiguration tool = site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.forums"); // LSNBLDR-21. If the tool is not in the current site we shouldn't return a url if (tool == null) { return null; } String placement = tool.getId(); if (type == TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) // if /direct doesn't work, but that was only in one beta release // return "/messageforums-tool/jsp/discussionForum/message/dfAllMessagesDirect.jsf?topicId=" // + id + "&placementId=" + placement; return "/direct/forum_topic/" + id; else return "/direct/forum/" + id; }
protected void toolModeDispatch( String methodBase, String methodExt, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ToolException { SessionState sstate = getState(req); ToolSession toolSession = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); String mode = (String) sstate.getAttribute(STATE_MODE); Object started = toolSession.getAttribute(STARTED); if (mode == null && started != null) { toolSession.removeAttribute(STARTED); Tool tool = ToolManager.getCurrentTool(); String url = (String) SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession() .getAttribute(tool.getId() + Tool.HELPER_DONE_URL); SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession().removeAttribute(tool.getId() + Tool.HELPER_DONE_URL); try { res.sendRedirect(url); } catch (IOException e) { Log.warn("chef", this + " : ", e); } return; } super.toolModeDispatch(methodBase, methodExt, req, res); }
private String getContextId() { if (TestUtil.isRunningTests()) { return "test-context"; } Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); String presentSiteId = placement.getContext(); return presentSiteId; }
/** * Get the current site id * * @throws SessionDataException * @return Site id (GUID) */ private String getSiteId() throws SessionDataException { Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); if (placement == null) { throw new SessionDataException("No current tool placement"); } return placement.getContext(); }
// find topics in site, but organized by forum public List<LessonEntity> getEntitiesInSite(SimplePageBean bean) { List<LessonEntity> ret = new ArrayList<LessonEntity>(); // LSNBLDR-21. If the tool is not in the current site we shouldn't query // for topics owned by the tool. Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); } catch (Exception impossible) { return ret; } ToolConfiguration tool = site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.forums"); if (tool == null) { // Forums is not in this site. Move on to the next provider. if (nextEntity != null) ret.addAll(nextEntity.getEntitiesInSite()); return ret; } // ForumEntity e = new ForumEntity(TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC, 3L, 2); // e.setGroups(Arrays.asList("1c24287b-b880-43da-8cdd-c6cdc1249c5c", // "75184424-853e-4dd4-9e92-980c851f0580")); // e.setGroups(Arrays.asList("75184424-853e-4dd4-9e92-980c851f0580")); SortedSet<DiscussionForum> forums = new TreeSet<DiscussionForum>(new ForumBySortIndexAscAndCreatedDateDesc()); for (DiscussionForum forum : forumManager.getForumsForMainPage()) forums.add(forum); // security. assume this is only used in places where it's OK, so skip security checks for (DiscussionForum forum : forums) { if (!forum.getDraft()) { ForumEntity entity = new ForumEntity(TYPE_FORUM_FORUM, forum.getId(), 1); = forum; ret.add(entity); for (Object o : forum.getTopicsSet()) { DiscussionTopic topic = (DiscussionTopic) o; if (topic.getDraft().equals(Boolean.FALSE)) { entity = new ForumEntity(TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC, topic.getId(), 2); entity.topic = topic; ret.add(entity); } } } } if (nextEntity != null) ret.addAll(nextEntity.getEntitiesInSite(bean)); return ret; }
public void doEdit(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); String title = getTitleString(request); if (title != null) response.setTitle(title); Context context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("tlang", rb); context.put("validator", validator); sendAlert(request, context); PortletURL url = response.createActionURL(); context.put("actionUrl", url.toString()); context.put("doCancel", "sakai.cancel"); context.put("doUpdate", "sakai.update"); // get current site Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); String siteId = ""; // find the right LTIContent object for this page String source = placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(SOURCE); Long key = getContentIdFromSource(source); if (key == null) { out.println(rb.getString("")); M_log.warn("Cannot find content id placement=" + placement.getId() + " source=" + source); return; } Map<String, Object> content = m_ltiService.getContent(key); if (content == null) { out.println(rb.getString("")); M_log.warn("Cannot find content item placement=" + placement.getId() + " key=" + key); return; } // attach the ltiToolId to each model attribute, so that we could have the tool configuration // page for multiple tools String foundLtiToolId = content.get(m_ltiService.LTI_TOOL_ID).toString(); Map<String, Object> tool = m_ltiService.getTool(Long.valueOf(foundLtiToolId)); if (tool == null) { out.println(rb.getString("")); M_log.warn("Cannot find tool placement=" + placement.getId() + " key=" + foundLtiToolId); return; } String[] contentToolModel = m_ltiService.getContentModel(Long.valueOf(foundLtiToolId)); String formInput = m_ltiService.formInput(content, contentToolModel); context.put("formInput", formInput); vHelper.doTemplate(vengine, "/vm/edit.vm", context, out); }
public String processGradebookUpdate() { try { if (!this.checkAccess()) { throw new PermissionException( SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), "syllabus_access_athz", ""); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // + ".getEntries() in PostemTool " + e); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .addMessage( null, MessageUtils.getMessage( FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "error_permission", (new Object[] {e.toString()}), FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())); this.currentGradebook = null; this.csv = null; this.newTemplate = null; return "permission_error"; } this.userId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); this.siteId = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); Long currentGbId = ((Gradebook) gradebookTable.getRowData()).getId(); currentGradebook = gradebookManager.getGradebookByIdWithHeadingsAndStudents(currentGbId); oldGradebook = gradebookManager.createEmptyGradebook( currentGradebook.getCreator(), currentGradebook.getContext()); oldGradebook.setId(currentGradebook.getId()); oldGradebook.setStudents(currentGradebook.getStudents()); gradebooks = null; /* * if(new Boolean(true).equals(currentGradebook.getReleased())) { * this.release = "Yes"; } else { this.release = "No"; } */ if (currentGradebook.getFileReference() != null) { attachment = EntityManager.newReference( contentHostingService.getReference(currentGradebook.getFileReference())); } this.csv = null; this.newTemplate = null; this.delimiter = COMMA_DELIM_STR; return "create_gradebook"; }
/** * Get the current site id * * @param state SessionState * @throws SessionDataException * @return Site id (GUID) */ private String getSiteId(SessionState state) throws SessionDataException { // Check if it is state (i.e. we are a helper in String retval = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_SITE_INSTANCE_ID); if (retval != null) return retval; // If it is not in state, we must be stand alone Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); if (placement == null) { throw new SessionDataException("No current tool placement"); } return placement.getContext(); }
public boolean setTemporaryPlacement(Site site) { if (site == null) return false; Placement ppp = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); if (ppp != null && site.getId().equals(ppp.getContext())) { return true; } // Create a site-only placement Placement placement = new org.sakaiproject.util.Placement( "portal-temporary", /* toolId */ null, /* tool */ null, /* config */ null, /* context */ site.getId(), /* title */ null); ThreadLocalManager.set(CURRENT_PLACEMENT, placement); // Debugging ppp = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); if (ppp == null) { System.out.println("WARNING portal-temporary placement not set - null"); } else { String cont = ppp.getContext(); if (site.getId().equals(cont)) { return true; } else { System.out.println( "WARNING portal-temporary placement mismatch site=" + site.getId() + " context=" + cont); } } return false; }
public BaseResourceEdit(String id, SyllabusData data) { Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); String currentSiteId = placement.getContext(); m_id = id; m_data = data; m_reference = Entity.SEPARATOR + currentSiteId + Entity.SEPARATOR + m_id; m_properties = new BaseResourcePropertiesEdit(); m_properties.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, data.getTitle()); }
/** * Check if the current user has permission as author. * * @return true if the current user has permission to perform this action, false if not. */ public boolean getIsInstructor() { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ResourceLoader bundle = new ResourceLoader("org.etudes.tool.melete.bundle.Messages"); try { return meleteSecurityService.allowAuthor(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); } catch (Exception e) { String errMsg = bundle.getString("auth_failed"); context.addMessage( null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "auth_failed", errMsg)); logger.warn(e.toString()); } return false; }
/** * This method perform Remove process for removing attendee from the waiting list in the * event/meeting. * * @param meeting a SignupMeeting object. * @param timeslot a SignupTimeslot object. * @param waiter a SignupAttendee object. * @return a SignupMeeting object, which is a refreshed updat-to-date data. * @throws Exception throw if anything goes wrong. */ public SignupMeeting removeFromWaitingList( SignupMeeting meeting, SignupTimeslot timeslot, SignupAttendee waiter) throws Exception { try { handleVersion(meeting, timeslot, waiter); if (ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement() != null) { String signupEventType = isOrganizer ? SignupEventTypes.EVENT_SIGNUP_REMOVE_ATTENDEE_WL_L : SignupEventTypes.EVENT_SIGNUP_REMOVE_ATTENDEE_WL_S; Utilities.postEventTracking( signupEventType, ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext() + " meetingId:" + meeting.getId() + " -removed from wlist on TS:" + SignupDateFormat.format_date_h_mm_a(timeslot.getStartTime())); } logger.debug( "Meeting Name:" + meeting.getTitle() + " - UserId:" + currentUserId + " - has removed attendee(userId):" + waiter.getAttendeeUserId() + " from waiting list" + " at timeslot started at:" + SignupDateFormat.format_date_h_mm_a(timeslot.getStartTime())); } catch (PermissionException pe) { throw new SignupUserActionException(Utilities.rb.getString("no.permissoin.do_it")); } finally { meeting = reloadMeeting(meeting.getId()); } // TODO calendar event id; return meeting; }
// return the list of groups if the item is only accessible to specific groups // null if it's accessible to the whole site. public List<String> getGroups(boolean nocache) { // don't need cache, since simplepagebean is now caching groups // List<String>ret = (List<String>)topicCache.get(id); // if (!nocache && ret != null) { // if (ret.size() == 0) // return null; // else // return ret; // } else { // } if (type != TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC) return null; List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); if (topic == null) topic = getTopicById(true, id); if (topic == null) return null; Set<DBMembershipItem> oldMembershipItemSet = uiPermissionsManager.getTopicItemsSet((DiscussionTopic) topic); Collection<Group> groups = null; try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); groups = site.getGroups(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unable to get site info for getGroups " + e); } // now change any existing ones into null for (DBMembershipItem item : oldMembershipItemSet) { if (item.getPermissionLevelName().equals("Contributor") && item.getType().equals(MembershipItem.TYPE_GROUP)) { String name = item.getName(); // oddly, this is the actual name, not the ID for (Group group : groups) { if (name.equals(group.getTitle())) ret.add(group.getId()); } } } // topicCache.put(id, ret, DEFAULT_EXPIRATION); if (ret.size() == 0) return null; else return ret; }
/** * Add a published assessment to gradebook. * * @param publishedAssessment the published assessment * @param g the Gradebook Service * @return false: cannot add to gradebook * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public boolean addToGradebook(PublishedAssessmentData publishedAssessment, GradebookService g) throws Exception { //"total point(s) is/are =" + // publishedAssessment.getTotalScore().longValue()); //"gradebookId =" + GradebookFacade.getGradebookUId()); boolean added = false; //"GradebookService instance=" + g); String gradebookUId = GradebookFacade.getGradebookUId(); if (gradebookUId == null) { return false; } //"inside addToGradebook, gradebook exists? " + // g.isGradebookDefined(gradebookUId)); if (g.isGradebookDefined(gradebookUId)) { // Tool name code added by Josh Holtzman Tool tool = ToolManager.getTool("sakai.samigo"); String appName = null; if (tool == null) { log.warn( "could not get tool named sakai.samigo, " + "so we're going to assume we're called 'Tests & Quizzes'"); appName = "Tests & Quizzes"; } else { appName = tool.getTitle(); } String title = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(publishedAssessment.getTitle()); if (!g.isAssignmentDefined(gradebookUId, title)) { g.addExternalAssessment( gradebookUId, publishedAssessment.getPublishedAssessmentId().toString(), null, title, publishedAssessment.getTotalScore().doubleValue(), publishedAssessment.getAssessmentAccessControl().getDueDate(), appName); // Use the app name from sakai added = true; } } return added; }
public void processActionEdit(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { // TODO: Check Role // Stay in EDIT mode unless we are successful response.setPortletMode(PortletMode.EDIT); Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); // get the site toolConfiguration, if this is part of a site. ToolConfiguration toolConfig = SiteService.findTool(placement.getId()); String id = request.getParameter(LTIService.LTI_ID); String toolId = request.getParameter(LTIService.LTI_TOOL_ID); Properties reqProps = new Properties(); Enumeration names = request.getParameterNames(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) names.nextElement(); reqProps.setProperty(name, request.getParameter(name)); } Object retval = m_ltiService.updateContent(Long.parseLong(id), reqProps);; response.setPortletMode(PortletMode.VIEW); }
/* * public void setRelease(String release) { this.release = release; } * * public String getRelease() { return release; } */ public ArrayList getGradebooks() { if (userId == null) { userId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); if (userId != null) { try { userEid = UserDirectoryService.getUserEid(userId); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { LOG.error("UserNotDefinedException", e); } } } Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); String currentSiteId = placement.getContext(); siteId = currentSiteId; try { if (checkAccess()) { //"**** Getting by context!"); gradebooks = new ArrayList(gradebookManager.getGradebooksByContext(siteId, sortBy, ascending)); } else { //"**** Getting RELEASED by context!"); gradebooks = new ArrayList( gradebookManager.getReleasedGradebooksByContext(siteId, sortBy, ascending)); } } catch (Exception e) { gradebooks = null; } if (gradebooks != null && gradebooks.size() > 0) gradebooksExist = true; else gradebooksExist = false; return gradebooks; }
public boolean checkAccess() { // return true; return SiteService.allowUpdateSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); }
public String getTitle() { return ToolManager.getCurrentTool().getTitle(); }
private String getCurrentSiteId() { Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); return placement.getContext(); }
public ModelAndView handleRequest( Object requestModel, Map request, Map session, Map application, Errors errors) { Presentation pres = (Presentation) requestModel; if (pres.getSecretExportKey() == null) { if (!pres.getIsPublic()) { if (getAuthManager().getAgent().isInRole(Agent.ROLE_ANONYMOUS)) { try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(pres.getSiteId()); ToolConfiguration toolConfig = site.getToolForCommonId(PresentationFunctionConstants.PRES_TOOL_ID); String placement = toolConfig.getId(); ToolSession ts = SessionManager.getCurrentSession().getToolSession(placement); SessionManager.setCurrentToolSession(ts); SessionManager.getCurrentSession() .setAttribute(Tool.HELPER_DONE_URL, pres.getExternalUri()); Map model = new Hashtable(); model.put("", placement); return new ModelAndView("authnRedirect", model); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { logger.error("", e); } } else { getAuthzManager() .checkPermission(PresentationFunctionConstants.VIEW_PRESENTATION, pres.getId()); } } if (pres.isExpired() && !pres.getOwner().getId().equals(getAuthManager().getAgent().getId())) { return new ModelAndView("expired"); } } if (!pres.isPreview()) { logViewedPresentation(pres); } Hashtable model = new Hashtable(); try { model.put("presentation", pres); Document doc = null; if (pres.getPresentationType().equals(Presentation.TEMPLATE_TYPE)) doc = getPresentationManager().createDocument(pres); else { String page = (String) request.get("page"); if (pres.isPreview()) { doc = getPresentationManager().getPresentationPreviewLayoutAsXml(pres, page); } else { doc = getPresentationManager().getPresentationLayoutAsXml(pres, page); } } Site site = SiteService.getSite(pres.getSiteId()); getAuthzManager().pushAuthzGroups(site.getId()); ToolConfiguration toolConfig = site.getToolForCommonId(PresentationFunctionConstants.PRES_TOOL_ID); String placement = toolConfig.getId(); model.put("placementId", placement); if (doc != null) model.put("document", doc); else return new ModelAndView("notFound", model); model.put("renderer", getTransformer(pres, request)); model.put("uriResolver", getUriResolver()); if (!getAuthManager().getAgent().isInRole(Agent.ROLE_ANONYMOUS)) { model.put("currentAgent", getAuthManager().getAgent()); } if (!pres.isPreview()) { model.put( "comments", getPresentationManager() .getPresentationComments(pres.getId(), getAuthManager().getAgent())); boolean allowComments = getAuthzManager() .isAuthorized(PresentationFunctionConstants.COMMENT_PRESENTATION, pres.getId()); model.put("allowComments", allowComments); } else { model.put("allowComments", pres.isAllowComments()); } if (request.get(BindException.ERROR_KEY_PREFIX + "newComment") == null) { request.put( BindException.ERROR_KEY_PREFIX + "newComment", new BindException(new PresentationComment(), "newComment")); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { logger.error("", e); throw new OspException(e); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { logger.error("", e); } boolean headers = pres.getTemplate().isIncludeHeaderAndFooter(); String viewName = "withoutHeader"; if (headers) { if (ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement() == null) { viewName = "withHeaderStandalone"; } else { viewName = "withHeader"; } } return new ModelAndView(viewName, model); }
public void fillComponents( UIContainer tofill, ViewParameters viewparams, ComponentChecker checker) { CommentsGradingPaneViewParameters params = (CommentsGradingPaneViewParameters) viewparams; SimplePage currentPage = simplePageToolDao.getPage(params.pageId); simplePageBean.setCurrentSiteId(params.siteId); simplePageBean.setCurrentPage(currentPage); simplePageBean.setCurrentPageId(params.pageId); GeneralViewParameters backParams = new GeneralViewParameters(ShowPageProducer.VIEW_ID, params.pageId); backParams.setItemId(params.pageItemId); backParams.setPath("log"); UIOutput.make(tofill, "html") .decorate(new UIFreeAttributeDecorator("lang", localeGetter.get().getLanguage())) .decorate(new UIFreeAttributeDecorator("xml:lang", localeGetter.get().getLanguage())); UIInternalLink.make( tofill, "back-link", messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.go-back"), backParams); if (simplePageBean.getEditPrivs() != 0) { UIOutput.make(tofill, "permissionsError"); return; } String heading = null; if (params.studentContentItem) { heading = messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.student-comments-grading"); } else { heading = messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.comments-grading"); } SimplePageItem commentItem = simplePageToolDao.findItem(params.commentsItemId); SimplePage containingPage = simplePageToolDao.getPage(commentItem.getPageId()); heading = heading.replace("{}", containingPage.getTitle()); UIOutput.make(tofill, "page-header", heading); List<SimplePageComment> comments; if (!params.studentContentItem) { comments = simplePageToolDao.findComments(params.commentsItemId); } else { List<SimpleStudentPage> studentPages = simplePageToolDao.findStudentPages(params.commentsItemId); List<Long> commentsItemIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (SimpleStudentPage p : studentPages) { // If the page is deleted, don't show the comments if (!p.isDeleted()) { commentsItemIds.add(p.getCommentsSection()); } } comments = simplePageToolDao.findCommentsOnItems(commentsItemIds); } ArrayList<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, SimpleUser> users = new HashMap<String, SimpleUser>(); for (SimplePageComment comment : comments) { if (comment.getComment() == null || comment.getComment().equals("")) { continue; } if (!userIds.contains(comment.getAuthor())) { userIds.add(comment.getAuthor()); try { SimpleUser user = new SimpleUser(); user.displayName = UserDirectoryService.getUser(comment.getAuthor()).getDisplayName(); user.postCount++; user.userId = comment.getAuthor(); user.grade = comment.getPoints(); user.uuid = comment.getUUID(); if (params.studentContentItem) { user.pages.add(comment.getPageId()); } users.put(comment.getAuthor(), user); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { SimpleUser user = users.get(comment.getAuthor()); if (user != null) { user.postCount++; if (params.studentContentItem && !user.pages.contains(comment.getPageId())) { user.pages.add(comment.getPageId()); } } } } ArrayList<SimpleUser> simpleUsers = new ArrayList<SimpleUser>(users.values()); Collections.sort(simpleUsers); if (params.studentContentItem) { UIOutput.make( tofill, "unique-header", messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.grading-unique")); } if (simpleUsers.size() > 0) { UIOutput.make(tofill, "gradingTable"); } else { UIOutput.make(tofill, "noEntriesWarning"); } if (params.studentContentItem) UIOutput.make(tofill, "clickfiller"); UIOutput.make(tofill, "clickToSubmit", messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.update-points")) .decorate( new UIFreeAttributeDecorator( "title", messageLocator.getMessage("simplepage.update-points"))); for (SimpleUser user : simpleUsers) { UIBranchContainer branch = UIBranchContainer.make(tofill, "student-row:"); UIOutput.make(branch, "first-row"); UIOutput.make(branch, "details-row"); UIOutput detailsCell = UIOutput.make(branch, "details-cell"); // Set the column span based on which type of item it is. Student content // items have an extra column, so we have to accommodate. if (params.studentContentItem) { detailsCell.decorate(new UIFreeAttributeDecorator("colspan", "5")); } else { detailsCell.decorate(new UIFreeAttributeDecorator("colspan", "4")); } UIOutput.make(branch, "student-name", user.displayName); UIOutput.make(branch, "student-total", String.valueOf(user.postCount)); if (params.studentContentItem) { UIOutput.make(branch, "student-unique", String.valueOf(user.pages.size())); } // Add the link that will be fetched using Ajax CommentsViewParameters eParams = new CommentsViewParameters(CommentsProducer.VIEW_ID); eParams.placementId = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId(); eParams.itemId = params.commentsItemId; = user.userId; eParams.filter = true; eParams.pageItemId = params.pageItemId; eParams.studentContentItem = params.studentContentItem; eParams.siteId = simplePageBean.getCurrentSiteId(); eParams.pageId = containingPage.getPageId(); UIInternalLink.make(branch, "commentsLink", eParams); // The grading stuff UIOutput.make(branch, "student-grade"); UIOutput.make(branch, "gradingSpan"); UIOutput.make(branch, "commentsUUID", user.uuid); UIOutput.make( branch, "commentPoints", (user.grade == null ? "" : String.valueOf(user.grade))); UIOutput.make(branch, "pointsBox") .decorate( new UIFreeAttributeDecorator( "title", messageLocator .getMessage("simplepage.grade-for-student") .replace("{}", user.displayName))); UIOutput.make( branch, "maxpoints", " / " + (params.studentContentItem ? commentItem.getAltPoints() : commentItem.getGradebookPoints())); UIOutput.make( branch, "clickToExpand", messageLocator.getMessage("")) .decorate( new UIFreeAttributeDecorator( "title", messageLocator .getMessage("simplepage.expand-for-student") .replace("{}", user.displayName))); UIOutput.make(branch, "authorUUID", user.userId); } UIForm gradingForm = UIForm.make(tofill, "gradingForm"); gradingForm.viewparams = new SimpleViewParameters(UVBProducer.VIEW_ID); UIInput idInput = UIInput.make(gradingForm, "gradingForm-id", ""); UIInput jsIdInput = UIInput.make(gradingForm, "gradingForm-jsId", "gradingBean.jsId"); UIInput pointsInput = UIInput.make(gradingForm, "gradingForm-points", "gradingBean.points"); UIInput typeInput = UIInput.make(gradingForm, "gradingForm-type", "gradingBean.type"); Object sessionToken = SessionManager.getCurrentSession().getAttribute("sakai.csrf.token"); UIInput csrfInput = UIInput.make( gradingForm, "csrf", "gradingBean.csrfToken", (sessionToken == null ? "" : sessionToken.toString())); UIInitBlock.make( tofill, "gradingForm-init", "initGradingForm", new Object[] { idInput, pointsInput, jsIdInput, typeInput, csrfInput, "gradingBean.results" }); }
// Render the portlet - this is not supposed to change the state of the portlet // Render may be called many times so if it changes the state - that is tacky // Render will be called when someone presses "refresh" or when another portlet // onthe same page is handed an Action. public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); // System.out.println("==== doView called ===="); // Grab that underlying request to get a GET parameter ServletRequest req = (ServletRequest) ThreadLocalManager.get(CURRENT_HTTP_REQUEST); String popupDone = req.getParameter("sakai.popup"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); response.setTitle(placement.getTitle()); String source = placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(SOURCE); if (source == null) source = ""; String height = placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(HEIGHT); if (height == null) height = "1200px"; boolean maximize = "true".equals(placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(MAXIMIZE)); boolean popup = false; // Comes from content item boolean oldPopup = "true".equals(placement.getPlacementConfig().getProperty(POPUP)); // Retrieve the corresponding content item and tool to check the launch Map<String, Object> content = null; Map<String, Object> tool = null; Long key = getContentIdFromSource(source); if (key == null) { out.println(rb.getString("")); M_log.warn("Cannot find content id placement=" + placement.getId() + " source=" + source); return; } try { content = m_ltiService.getContent(key); // If we are supposed to popup (per the content), do so and optionally // copy the calue into the placement to communicate with the portal popup = getLongNull(content.get("newpage")) == 1; if (oldPopup != popup) { placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(POPUP, popup ? "true" : "false");; } String launch = (String) content.get("launch"); Long tool_id = getLongNull(content.get("tool_id")); if (launch == null && tool_id != null) { tool = m_ltiService.getTool(tool_id); launch = (String) tool.get("launch"); } // Force http:// to pop-up if we are https:// String serverUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl(); if (request.isSecure() || (serverUrl != null && serverUrl.startsWith("https://"))) { if (launch != null && launch.startsWith("http://")) popup = true; } } catch (Exception e) { out.println(rb.getString("")); e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (source != null && source.trim().length() > 0) { Context context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("tlang", rb); context.put("validator", validator); context.put("source", source); context.put("height", height); sendAlert(request, context); context.put("popupdone", Boolean.valueOf(popupDone != null)); context.put("popup", Boolean.valueOf(popup)); context.put("maximize", Boolean.valueOf(maximize)); vHelper.doTemplate(vengine, "/vm/main.vm", context, out); } else { out.println(rb.getString("")); } // System.out.println("==== doView complete ===="); }
// If the property is final, the property wins. If it is not final, // the portlet preferences take precedence. public String getTitleString(RenderRequest request) { Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement(); return placement.getTitle(); }
public void doTool( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Session session, String placementId, String toolContextPath, String toolPathInfo) throws ToolException, IOException { if (portal.redirectIfLoggedOut(res)) return; // find the tool from some site ToolConfiguration siteTool = SiteService.findTool(placementId); if (siteTool == null) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } // Reset the tool state if requested if (portalService.isResetRequested(req)) { Session s = SessionManager.getCurrentSession(); ToolSession ts = s.getToolSession(placementId); ts.clearAttributes(); portalService.setResetState(null); M_log.debug("Tool state reset"); } // find the tool registered for this ActiveTool tool = ActiveToolManager.getActiveTool(siteTool.getToolId()); if (tool == null) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } // permission check - visit the site (unless the tool is configured to // bypass) Site site = null; if (tool.getAccessSecurity() == Tool.AccessSecurity.PORTAL) { try { site = SiteService.getSiteVisit(siteTool.getSiteId()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } catch (PermissionException e) { // if not logged in, give them a chance if (session.getUserId() == null) { portal.doLogin(req, res, session, URLUtils.getSafePathInfo(req), false); } else { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); } return; } } // Check to see if the tool is visible if (!ToolManager.isVisible(site, siteTool)) { portal.doError(req, res, session, Portal.ERROR_WORKSITE); return; } if (portal.isPortletPlacement(siteTool)) { String siteType = portal.calcSiteType(siteTool.getSiteId()); // form a context sensitive title String title = ServerConfigurationService.getString("ui.service", "Sakai") + " : " + portal.getSiteHelper().getUserSpecificSiteTitle(site, false) + " : " + siteTool.getTitle(); PortalRenderContext rcontext = portal.startPageContext(siteType, title, siteTool.getSkin(), req); Map m = portal.includeTool(res, req, siteTool); rcontext.put("tool", m); portal.sendResponse(rcontext, res, "tool", null); } else { M_log.debug("forwardtool in ToolHandler"); portal.forwardTool( tool, req, res, siteTool, siteTool.getSkin(), toolContextPath, toolPathInfo); } }
/** Returns context id (/site/site id) */ private String getContextId() { return "/site/" + ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); }