static { DESC.setTitle("Friends"); DESC.setBackUrl("../__describe__"); DESC.setShortDescription("Managed Friend Pairs"); DESC.addSection(1, "Introduction", "This service allows the management of a friends list."); DESC.addSection( 2, "Connect ", "A client may request a connection to a friend, with with the connect/request service. This starts a simple workflow" + "between the users. Once requesting, the requesting user may cancel the request. The invited friend may accept, reject or ignore" + "the request. For all these actions the response status code is " + HttpServletResponse.SC_OK + ", if the operation is denied " + "as a result of a conflicting record the response status code is " + HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); DESC.addSection( 2, "Status ", "Responds with the current users friends records. Super admins may request other users friends records. "); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + PathElement.status + "/" + "/<userid>", "Accepts GET to remove get the friend list for a user. A super user may specify the user who is performing the " + "accept, otherwise its the current user. "); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + PathElement.connect + "/" + PathElement.request + "/<userid>", "Accepts POST to invite a friend to this user id. A super user may specify the user who is performing the " + "invite, otherwise its the current user. The post must be accompanied by a text message and a friend to invite."); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + PathElement.connect + "/" + PathElement.accept + "/<userid>", "Accepts POST to accept an earlier invitation. A super user may specify the user who is performing the " + "accept, otherwise its the current user. The post must be accompanied by friend to accept."); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + PathElement.connect + "/" + PathElement.reject + "/<userid>", "Accepts POST to reject an earlier invitation. A super user may specify the user who is performing the " + "reject, otherwise its the current user. The post must be accompanied by friend to reject, the target user will be notified."); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + PathElement.connect + "/" + PathElement.ignore + "/<userid>", "Accepts POST to ignore an earlier invitation. A super user may specify the user who is performing the " + "ignore, otherwise its the current user. The post must be accompanied by friend to reject, the target user will not be notified."); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + PathElement.connect + "/" + PathElement.cancel + "/<userid>", "Accepts POST to cancel an earlier invitation. A super user may specify the user who is performing the " + "accept, otherwise its the current user. The post must be accompanied by friend to cancel."); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + PathElement.connect + "/" + PathElement.remove + "/<userid>", "Accepts POST to remove an earlier connection. A super user may specify the user who is performing the " + "accept, otherwise its the current user. The post must be accompanied by friend to cancel."); DESC.addSection(2, "POST", ""); DESC.addParameter(FriendsParams.FRIENDUUID, "the UUID of the friend"); DESC.addParameter( FriendsParams.FRIENDTYPE, "the type of the friend, a string associated with the connection."); DESC.addParameter( FriendsParams.FRIENDSTATUS, "filter a status request to only retrune the type requested."); DESC.addParameter( FriendsParams.MESSAGE, "the message associated with the request, required for requests"); DESC.addParameter( FriendsParams.PAGE, "the page of friends to respond with. (optional, default all)"); DESC.addParameter( FriendsParams.NRESUTS_PER_PAGE, "the number of friends per page. (optional, default 10)"); DESC.addParameter( FriendsParams.SORT, "an array of fields to sort on from " + Arrays.toString(FriendsSortField.values()) + " (optional)"); DESC.addParameter( FriendsParams.SORTORDER, "an array of directions to sort, from " + Arrays.toString(FriendsSortOrder.values()) + " (optional)"); DESC.addResponse(String.valueOf(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK), "If the action completed Ok"); DESC.addResponse( String.valueOf(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT), "If the request could not be compelted at this time"); DESC.addResponse( String.valueOf(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN), "If permission to manage the connection is denied"); DESC.addResponse( String.valueOf(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), " Any other error"); }
static { DESC.setTitle("Patch"); DESC.setBackUrl("../__describe__"); DESC.setShortDescription("Patches a json resource name value pairs."); DESC.addSection( 1, "Introduction", "This service allows the modification of name value pairs within a resource."); DESC.addSection( 2, "Patch ", "Performs a patch operation, and returns " + HttpServletResponse.SC_OK + " on sucess, if the resource does not exis a " + HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND + " is returned "); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + PRIVATE + "/<resource>", "Accepts POST to patch the contents of a private file"); DESC.addURLTemplate( "/rest/" + KEY + "/" + SHARED + "/<resource>", "Accepts POST to patch the contents of a private file"); DESC.addSection(2, "POST", ""); DESC.addParameter(NAME, "multiple value, An array of property names"); DESC.addParameter(VALUE, "multiple value, An array of property values"); DESC.addParameter( ACTION, "multiple value, An array of action values " + UPDATE_ACTION + " or " + REMOVE_ACTION + " where " + UPDATE_ACTION + " will add a value that is not present "); DESC.addParameter( INDEX, "multiple value, An array of property idex flags, if 1 the corresponding key is indexed, if 0 it is not"); DESC.addResponse(String.valueOf(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK), "If the action completed Ok"); DESC.addResponse( String.valueOf(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN), "If permission to modify the resource is denied"); DESC.addResponse( String.valueOf(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), " Any other error"); }