private void logEventAction() { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView( "Log Event", "Select an event to send:", new UIAlertViewDelegateAdapter() { @Override public void clicked(UIAlertView alertView, long buttonIndex) { switch ((int) buttonIndex) { case 1: Flurry.logEvent("Event_A"); break; case 2: Flurry.logEvent("Event_B"); break; default: break; } } }, "Cancel", "Event A", "Event B");; }
private void setUserAge() { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView( "Set User Age", "", new UIAlertViewDelegateAdapter() { @Override public void clicked(UIAlertView alertView, long buttonIndex) { if (buttonIndex == 1) { UITextField textField = alertView.getTextField(0); if (textField.getText() != null && !textField.getText().isEmpty()) { int age = Integer.valueOf(textField.getText()); Flurry.setAge(age); } setUserGender(); } } }, "Cancel", "OK"); alert.setAlertViewStyle(UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput); alert.getTextField(0).setKeyboardType(UIKeyboardType.NumberPad);; }
private void logTimedEventAction() { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView( "Log Timed Event", "Press OK to start the timed event.", new UIAlertViewDelegateAdapter() { @Override public void clicked(UIAlertView alertView, long buttonIndex) { final String eventName = "Event_Timed"; if (buttonIndex == 1) { Flurry.logEvent(eventName, true); UIAlertView stopAlert = new UIAlertView( "Stop Timed Event", "Press OK to stop the timed event.", new UIAlertViewDelegateAdapter() { @Override public void willDismiss(UIAlertView alertView, long buttonIndex) { Flurry.endTimedEvent(eventName); } }, "OK");; } } }, "Cancel", "OK");; }
private void logEventWithParametersAction() { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView( "Log Event with Parameters", "Select parameters:", new UIAlertViewDelegateAdapter() { @Override public void clicked(UIAlertView alertView, long buttonIndex) { final String eventName = "Event_with_Parameters"; switch ((int) buttonIndex) { case 1: Map<String, String> params1 = new HashMap<>(); params1.put("Param1", String.valueOf(101)); Flurry.logEvent(eventName, params1); break; case 2: NSDictionary<?, ?> params2 = new NSMutableDictionary<>(); params2.put("Param1", "Test"); params2.put("Param2", 202); Flurry.logEvent(eventName, params2); break; default: break; } } }, "Cancel", "Param1 = 101", "Param1 = Test, Param2 = 202");; }
@IBAction private void didTapShare(UIBarButtonItem sender) { GAITracker tracker = GAI.getSharedInstance().getDefaultTracker(); NSMutableDictionary<?, ?> event = GAIDictionaryBuilder.createEvent("Action", "Share", null, null).build(); tracker.send(event); String title = String.format("Share: %s", getSelectedViewController().getTitle()); String message = "Share is not implemented in this quickstart"; UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView(title, message, null, "OK");; }
private void setUserGender() { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView( "Set User Gender", "", new UIAlertViewDelegateAdapter() { @Override public void clicked(UIAlertView alertView, long buttonIndex) { if (buttonIndex == 1) { Flurry.setGender("m"); } else if (buttonIndex == 2) { Flurry.setGender("f"); } } }, "Cancel", "Male", "Female");; }
private void logErrorAction() { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView( "Log Error", "Press OK to log an exception.", new UIAlertViewDelegateAdapter() { @Override public void clicked(UIAlertView alertView, long buttonIndex) { if (buttonIndex == 1) { try { // Let's produce some silly error. Integer.valueOf("Error"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Flurry.logError(e); } } } }, "Cancel", "OK");; }
private void setUserID() { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView( "Set User ID", "", new UIAlertViewDelegateAdapter() { @Override public void clicked(UIAlertView alertView, long buttonIndex) { if (buttonIndex == 1) { UITextField textField = alertView.getTextField(0); if (textField.getText() != null && !textField.getText().isEmpty()) { String userID = textField.getText(); Flurry.setUserID(userID); } setUserAge(); } } }, "Cancel", "OK"); alert.setAlertViewStyle(UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput);; }