@Override public void makeChoices(Game game, Event event, java.util.Map<Parameter, Set> parameters) { int numberOfCards = 1; if (parameters.containsKey(Parameter.NUMBER)) numberOfCards = Sum.get(parameters.get(Parameter.NUMBER)); if (numberOfCards < 0) numberOfCards = 0; java.util.Set<Card> cardsInHand = null; boolean specificChoices = parameters.containsKey(Parameter.CHOICE); if (specificChoices) cardsInHand = parameters.get(Parameter.CHOICE).getAll(Card.class); for (Player player : parameters.get(Parameter.PLAYER).getAll(Player.class)) { if (!specificChoices) cardsInHand = new Set(player.getHand(game.actualState).objects).getAll(Card.class); java.util.Collection<Card> choices = player.sanitizeAndChoose( game.actualState, numberOfCards, cardsInHand, PlayerInterface.ChoiceType.OBJECTS, PlayerInterface.ChooseReason.DISCARD); if (choices.size() != numberOfCards) event.allChoicesMade = false; event.putChoices(player, choices); } }
@Override public boolean attempt(Game game, Event event, java.util.Map<Parameter, Set> parameters) { int successes = 0; Set cause = parameters.get(Parameter.CAUSE); int required = 1; if (parameters.containsKey(Parameter.NUMBER)) required = Sum.get(parameters.get(Parameter.NUMBER)); for (Player player : parameters.get(Parameter.PLAYER).getAll(Player.class)) { java.util.Set<Card> cards = null; if (parameters.containsKey(Parameter.CHOICE)) cards = parameters.get(Parameter.CHOICE).getAll(Card.class); else cards = new Set(player.getHand(game.actualState).objects).getAll(Card.class); successes = 0; for (Card thisCard : cards) { java.util.Map<Parameter, Set> newParameters = new java.util.HashMap<Parameter, Set>(); newParameters.put(Parameter.CAUSE, cause); newParameters.put(Parameter.CARD, new Set(thisCard)); if (createEvent( game, thisCard.getOwner(game.actualState) + " discards " + thisCard + ".", DISCARD_ONE_CARD, newParameters) .attempt(event)) successes++; if (successes == required) break; } if (successes != required) return false; } return true; }
@Override public boolean attempt(Game game, Event event, Map<Parameter, MagicSet> parameters) { int lifeGain = Sum.get(parameters.get(Parameter.NUMBER)); if (lifeGain <= 0) return true; MagicSet players = parameters.get(Parameter.PLAYER); for (Player player : players.getAll(Player.class)) { HashMap<Parameter, MagicSet> newParameters = new HashMap<Parameter, MagicSet>(parameters); newParameters.put(Parameter.PLAYER, new MagicSet(player)); Event gainLifeOnePlayer = createEvent( game, player + " loses " + lifeGain + " life", GAIN_LIFE_ONE_PLAYER, newParameters); if (!gainLifeOnePlayer.attempt(event)) return false; } return true; }
@Override public boolean perform(Game game, Event event, Map<Parameter, MagicSet> parameters) { int lifeGain = Sum.get(parameters.get(Parameter.NUMBER)); if (lifeGain <= 0) { event.setResult(Empty.set); return true; } MagicSet result = new MagicSet(); MagicSet players = parameters.get(Parameter.PLAYER); for (Player player : players.getAll(Player.class)) { HashMap<Parameter, MagicSet> newParameters = new HashMap<Parameter, MagicSet>(parameters); newParameters.put(Parameter.PLAYER, new MagicSet(player)); Event gain = createEvent( game, player + " gains " + lifeGain + " life", GAIN_LIFE_ONE_PLAYER, newParameters); gain.perform(event, false); result.addAll(gain.getResult()); } event.setResult(result); return true; }
@Override public boolean perform(Game game, Event event, java.util.Map<Parameter, Set> parameters) { Set result = new Set(); Identified producer = parameters.get(Parameter.SOURCE).getOne(Identified.class); java.util.Set<Color> colors = parameters.get(Parameter.MANA).getAll(Color.class); java.util.Set<ManaSymbol.ManaType> types = parameters.get(Parameter.MANA).getAll(ManaSymbol.ManaType.class); ManaPool pool = new ManaPool(); ManaSymbol addition = new ManaSymbol(""); addition.colors.addAll(colors); for (ManaSymbol.ManaType type : types) { if (ManaSymbol.ManaType.COLORLESS == type) { addition.colorless = 1; addition.name += "1"; } else { Color color = type.getColor(); addition.colors.add(color); addition.name += color.getLetter(); } } if (!addition.isZero()) pool.add(addition); pool.addAll(parameters.get(Parameter.MANA).getAll(ManaSymbol.class)); int multiply = 1; if (parameters.containsKey(Parameter.MULTIPLY)) multiply = Sum.get(parameters.get(Parameter.MULTIPLY)); if (multiply != 1) { ManaPool newPool = new ManaPool(); if (multiply > 1) { newPool.addAll(pool); for (ManaSymbol symbol : pool) for (int i = 1; i < multiply; ++i) newPool.add(symbol.create()); } pool = newPool; } int number = 1; if (parameters.containsKey(Parameter.NUMBER)) number = Sum.get(parameters.get(Parameter.NUMBER)); boolean snow = false; if (producer.isGameObject()) snow = ((GameObject) producer).getSuperTypes().contains(SuperType.SNOW); for (Player actualPlayer : parameters.get(Parameter.PLAYER).getAll(Player.class)) { Player physicalPlayer = actualPlayer.getPhysical(); java.util.Set<CostCollection> choices = pool.explode("Add"); // TODO : Ticket 430 ManaPool chosen = null; if (choices.isEmpty()) // empty pool to start with chosen = pool; else if (choices.size() == 1) chosen = choices.iterator().next().manaCost; else { // if all of the choices are mana of a single color, present // it as a color choice boolean allSingleColorSymbols = true; for (CostCollection choiceCollection : choices) { ManaPool choice = choiceCollection.manaCost; if (choice.converted() != 1) { allSingleColorSymbols = false; break; } ManaSymbol symbol = choice.first(); if (symbol.colorless != 0) { allSingleColorSymbols = false; break; } if (symbol.colors.size() != 1) { allSingleColorSymbols = false; break; } } if (allSingleColorSymbols) { java.util.Set<Color> colorChoices = java.util.EnumSet.noneOf(Color.class); for (CostCollection choice : choices) colorChoices.add(choice.manaCost.first().colors.iterator().next()); Color chosenColor = physicalPlayer.chooseColor(colorChoices, producer.ID); ManaSymbol s = pool.first().create(); s.colors = java.util.EnumSet.of(chosenColor); s.colorless = 0; chosen = new ManaPool(java.util.Collections.singleton(s)); } else chosen = physicalPlayer .sanitizeAndChoose( game.actualState, 1, choices, PlayerInterface.ChoiceType.MANA_EXPLOSION, PlayerInterface.ChooseReason.HYBRID_MANA) .iterator() .next() .manaCost; } for (int i = 0; i < number; ++i) { // Use the reference mana to create a new mana to // add to the pool for (ManaSymbol newMana : chosen) { newMana = newMana.create(); newMana.sourceID = producer.ID; newMana.isSnow = snow; physicalPlayer.pool.add(newMana); result.add(newMana); if (game.currentAction != null) game.currentAction.manaProduced.add(newMana); } } } GameObject source = event.getSource(); if (source.isActivatedAbility()) ((ActivatedAbility) source.getPhysical()).addedMana(result.getAll(ManaSymbol.class)); event.setResult(Identity.instance(result)); return true; }