public static boolean start(RootDoc rootDoc) throws Exception { List<Class<?>> mbeanIspnClasses = getMBeanClasses(); List<Class<?>> globalClasses = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); List<Class<?>> namedCacheClasses = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); for (Class<?> clazz : mbeanIspnClasses) { Scope scope = clazz.getAnnotation(Scope.class); if (scope != null && scope.value() == Scopes.GLOBAL) { debug("Add as global class " + clazz); globalClasses.add(clazz); } else { debug("Add as named cache class " + clazz); namedCacheClasses.add(clazz); } } // Init the Javassist class pool. classPool = ClassPool.getDefault(); classPool.insertClassPath(new ClassClassPath(RhqPluginXmlGenerator.class)); PluginGen pg = new PluginGen(); Props root = new Props(); root.setPluginName("Infinispan"); root.setPluginDescription("Supports management and monitoring of Infinispan"); root.setName("Infinispan Cache Manager"); root.setPkg("org.infinispan.rhq"); root.setDependsOnJmxPlugin(true); root.setDiscoveryClass("CacheManagerDiscovery"); root.setComponentClass("CacheManagerComponent"); root.setSingleton(false); root.setCategory(ResourceCategory.SERVICE); Set<TypeKey> servers = new HashSet<TypeKey>(); servers.add(new TypeKey("JMX Server", "JMX")); servers.add(new TypeKey("JBossAS Server", "JBossAS")); servers.add(new TypeKey("JBossAS Server", "JBossAS5")); root.setRunsInsides(servers); populateMetricsAndOperations(globalClasses, root, false); Props cache = new Props(); cache.setName("Infinispan Cache"); cache.setPkg("org.infinispan.rhq"); cache.setDependsOnJmxPlugin(true); cache.setDiscoveryClass("CacheDiscovery"); cache.setComponentClass("CacheComponent"); cache.setSingleton(false); cache.setCategory(ResourceCategory.SERVICE); populateMetricsAndOperations(namedCacheClasses, cache, true); root.getChildren().add(cache); String metaInfDir = "../../../src/main/resources/META-INF"; new File(metaInfDir).mkdirs(); String targetMetaInfDir = "../../../target/classes/META-INF"; new File(targetMetaInfDir).mkdirs(); pg.createFile(root, "descriptor", "rhq-plugin.xml", metaInfDir); copyFile( new File(metaInfDir + "/rhq-plugin.xml"), new File(targetMetaInfDir + "/rhq-plugin.xml")); return true; }
private static void populateMetricsAndOperations( List<Class<?>> classes, Props props, boolean withNamePrefix) throws Exception { props.setHasOperations(true); props.setHasMetrics(true); for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { MBean mbean = clazz.getAnnotation(MBean.class); String prefix = withNamePrefix ? mbean.objectName() + '.' : ""; CtClass ctClass = classPool.get(clazz.getName()); CtMethod[] ctMethods = ctClass.getMethods(); for (CtMethod ctMethod : ctMethods) { ManagedAttribute managedAttr = (ManagedAttribute) ctMethod.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class); ManagedOperation managedOp = (ManagedOperation) ctMethod.getAnnotation(ManagedOperation.class); Metric rhqMetric = (Metric) ctMethod.getAnnotation(Metric.class); if (rhqMetric != null) { debug("Metric annotation found " + rhqMetric); // Property and description resolution are the reason why annotation scanning is done // here. // These two fields are calculated from either the method name or the Managed* // annotations, // and so, only the infinispan side knows about that. String property = prefix + getPropertyFromBeanConvention(ctMethod); if (! { property = prefix +; } MetricProps metric = new MetricProps(property); String displayName = withNamePrefix ? "[" + mbean.objectName() + "] " + rhqMetric.displayName() : rhqMetric.displayName(); metric.setDisplayName(displayName); metric.setDisplayType(rhqMetric.displayType()); metric.setDataType(rhqMetric.dataType()); metric.setUnits(rhqMetric.units()); if (managedAttr != null) { debug("Metric has ManagedAttribute annotation " + managedAttr); metric.setDescription(managedAttr.description()); } else if (managedOp != null) { debug("Metric has ManagedOperation annotation " + managedOp); metric.setDescription(managedOp.description()); } else { log.debug( "Metric has no managed annotations, so take the description from the display name."); metric.setDescription(rhqMetric.displayName()); } props.getMetrics().add(metric); } Operation rhqOperation = (Operation) ctMethod.getAnnotation(Operation.class); if (rhqOperation != null) { debug("Operation annotation found " + rhqOperation); String name; if (! { name = prefix +; } else { name = prefix + ctMethod.getName(); } OperationProps operation = new OperationProps(name); String displayName = withNamePrefix ? "[" + mbean.objectName() + "] " + rhqOperation.displayName() : rhqOperation.displayName(); operation.setDisplayName(displayName); if (managedAttr != null) { debug("Operation has ManagedAttribute annotation " + managedAttr); operation.setDescription(managedAttr.description()); } else if (managedOp != null) { debug("Operation has ManagedOperation annotation " + managedOp); operation.setDescription(managedOp.description()); } else { debug( "Operation has no managed annotations, so take the description from the display name."); operation.setDescription(rhqOperation.displayName()); } Object[][] paramAnnotations = ctMethod.getParameterAnnotations(); int i = 0; for (Object[] paramAnnotationsInEach : paramAnnotations) { boolean hadParameter = false; for (Object annot : paramAnnotationsInEach) { debug("Parameter annotation " + annot); if (annot instanceof Parameter) { Parameter param = (Parameter) annot; SimpleProperty prop = new SimpleProperty(; prop.setDescription(param.description()); operation.getParams().add(prop); hadParameter = true; } } if (!hadParameter) { operation.getParams().add(new SimpleProperty("p" + i++)); } } CtClass returnType = ctMethod.getReturnType(); if (!returnType.equals(CtClass.voidType)) { if (!returnType.equals(Void.TYPE)) { SimpleProperty prop = new SimpleProperty("operationResult"); operation.setResult(prop); } } props.getOperations().add(operation); } } CtField[] ctFields = ctClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (CtField ctField : ctFields) { debug("Inspecting field " + ctField); Metric rhqMetric = (Metric) ctField.getAnnotation(Metric.class); if (rhqMetric != null) { debug("Field " + ctField + " contains Metric annotation " + rhqMetric); String property; if (! { property = prefix +; } else { property = prefix + getPropertyFromBeanConvention(ctField); } MetricProps metric = new MetricProps(property); String displayName = withNamePrefix ? "[" + mbean.objectName() + "] " + rhqMetric.displayName() : rhqMetric.displayName(); metric.setDisplayName(displayName); metric.setDisplayType(rhqMetric.displayType()); metric.setDataType(rhqMetric.dataType()); metric.setUnits(rhqMetric.units()); ManagedAttribute managedAttr = (ManagedAttribute) ctField.getAnnotation(ManagedAttribute.class); if (managedAttr != null) { debug("Metric has ManagedAttribute annotation " + managedAttr); metric.setDescription(managedAttr.description()); } else { log.debug( "Metric has no managed annotations, so take the description from the display name."); metric.setDescription(rhqMetric.displayName()); } props.getMetrics().add(metric); } } } }