static { heap = new GlobalEnvironment(); root = heap.addModule(new ModuleEnvironment("___test___", heap)); modules = new TestModuleResolver(); stderr = new PrintWriter(System.err); stdout = new PrintWriter(System.out); evaluator = new Evaluator(ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory(), stderr, stdout, root, heap); evaluator.addRascalSearchPathContributor(StandardLibraryContributor.getInstance()); URIResolverRegistry resolverRegistry = URIResolverRegistry.getInstance(); evaluator.addRascalSearchPath(URIUtil.rootLocation("test-modules")); resolverRegistry.registerInput(modules); evaluator.addRascalSearchPath(URIUtil.rootLocation("benchmarks")); resolverRegistry.registerInput( new ClassResourceInput("benchmarks", Evaluator.class, "/org/rascalmpl/benchmark")); try { assert (false); throw new RuntimeException( "Make sure you enable the assert statement in your run configuration ( add -ea )"); } catch (AssertionError e) { } }
@After public void assureEvaluatorIsSane() { assertTrue(evaluator.getCurrentEnvt().isRootScope()); assertTrue(evaluator.getCurrentEnvt().isRootStackFrame()); assertTrue( "When we are at the root scope and stack frame, the accumulators should be empty as well", evaluator.getAccumulators().empty()); }
public RascalTutor() { GlobalEnvironment heap = new GlobalEnvironment(); ModuleEnvironment root = heap.addModule(new ModuleEnvironment("___TUTOR___", heap)); PrintWriter stderr = new PrintWriter(System.err); PrintWriter stdout = new PrintWriter(System.out); eval = new Evaluator(ValueFactoryFactory.getValueFactory(), stderr, stdout, root, heap); eval.addRascalSearchPathContributor(StandardLibraryContributor.getInstance()); eval.addRascalSearchPath(URIUtil.rootScheme("tutor")); eval.addRascalSearchPath(URIUtil.rootScheme("courses")); }
public boolean runRascalTests(String command) { try { reset(); execute(command); return evaluator.runTests(evaluator.getMonitor()); } finally { stderr.flush(); stdout.flush(); } }
public IValue getLog(IEvaluatorContext e) { if (logger == null) { throw RuntimeExceptionFactory.permissionDenied( vf.string("getLog called before startLog"), e.getCurrentAST(), null); } IString result = vf.string(logger.getBuffer().toString()); Evaluator eval = (Evaluator) e; eval.revertToDefaultWriters(); logger = null; return result; }
public void test(String moduleName, int nTests) { testResultListener.start(nTests); try { ISourceLocation src = eval.getRascalResolver().resolveModule(moduleName); System.err.println("TestExecutor.test: testing " + moduleName + ", " + nTests + " tests");"executeTests", src); // System.err.println("TestExecutor.test: testing " + moduleName + " ... done"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "TestExecutor.test: " + moduleName + " unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { testResultListener.done(); } }
ComprehensionWriter(java.util.List<Expression> resultExprs, IEvaluator<Result<IValue>> ev) { this.ev = ev; this.resultExprs = resultExprs; this.writer = null; this.TF = Evaluator.__getTf(); this.VF = ev.__getVf(); }
public void run(String module, String[] args) throws IOException { if (module.endsWith(".rsc")) { module = module.substring(0, module.length() - 4); } module = module.replaceAll("/", "::"); eval.doImport(null, module); // eval.eval("") IValue v = eval.main(null, module, "main", args); if (v != null) { new StandardTextWriter(true).write(v, eval.getStdOut()); eval.getStdOut().flush(); } return; }
private void reset() { heap.clear(); root.reset(); modules.reset(); evaluator.getAccumulators().clear(); }
@Override public void run() { while (running) { AbstractAST current = eval.getCurrentAST(); Environment env = eval.getCurrentEnvt(); String name = env.getName(); if (current != null) { ISourceLocation stat = current.getLocation(); if (stat != null) { Count currentCount = ast.get(stat); if (currentCount == null) { ast.put(stat, new Count()); names.put(stat, name); } else { currentCount.increment(); } } while (env.getParent() != null && !env.getParent().isRootScope()) { env = env.getParent(); } if (env != null) { Count currentCount = frame.get(env.getLocation()); if (currentCount == null) { frame.put(env.getLocation(), new Count()); names.put(env.getLocation(), env.getName()); } else { currentCount.increment(); } } } try { sleep(resolution); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.sourcelookup.ISourcePathComputerDelegate#computeSourceContainers(org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) */ public ISourceContainer[] computeSourceContainers( ILaunchConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { String project = configuration.getAttribute(IRascalResources.ATTR_RASCAL_PROJECT, (String) null); if (project != null) { IProject associatedProject = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(project); Evaluator eval = ProjectEvaluatorFactory.getInstance().getEvaluator(associatedProject); List<ISourceLocation> path = eval.getRascalResolver().collect(); ISourceContainer[] result = new ISourceContainer[path.size() + 1]; int i = 0; for (ISourceLocation elem : path) { result[i++] = new URISourceContainer(elem); } result[i++] = new DummyConsoleSourceContainer(); return result; } else { /* default case */ return new ISourceContainer[] {new DummyConsoleSourceContainer()}; } }
private boolean execute(String command) { Result<IValue> result = evaluator.eval(null, command, URIUtil.rootLocation("stdin")); if (result.getType().isBottom()) { return true; } if (result.getValue() == null) { return false; } if (result.getType() == TypeFactory.getInstance().boolType()) { return ((IBool) result.getValue()).getValue(); } return false; }
@Override public void run() { while (running) { AbstractAST stat = eval.getCurrentAST(); if (stat != null) { Count currentCount = data.get(stat); if (currentCount == null) data.put(stat, new Count()); else currentCount.increment(); } try { sleep(resolution); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public void report() { List<Map.Entry<AbstractAST, Count>> sortedData = sortData(); int maxURL = 1; long nTicks = 0; for (Map.Entry<AbstractAST, Count> e : sortedData) { URI url = e.getKey().getLocation().getURI(); int sz = url.toString().length(); if (sz > maxURL) maxURL = sz; nTicks += e.getValue().getTicks(); } PrintWriter out = eval.getStdOut(); String URLFormat = "%" + maxURL + "s"; out.printf( "PROFILE: %d data points, %d ticks, tick = %d milliSecs\n", data.size(), nTicks, resolution); out.printf(URLFormat + "%11s%8s%9s %s\n", " Source File", "Lines", "Ticks", "%", "Source"); for (Map.Entry<AbstractAST, Count> e : sortedData) { ISourceLocation L = e.getKey().getLocation(); String uri = L.getURI().toString(); String filePrefix = "file://"; if (uri.startsWith(filePrefix)) uri = uri.substring(filePrefix.length()); int bgn = L.getBeginLine(); int end = L.getEndLine(); String range = (end == bgn) ? Integer.toString(bgn) : bgn + ".." + end; int ticks = e.getValue().getTicks(); double perc = (ticks * 100.0) / nTicks; String source = String.format( "%-30.30s", e.getKey().toString().replaceFirst("^[\\s]+", "").replaceAll("[\\s]+", " ")); out.printf(URLFormat + "%11s%8d%8.1f%% %s\n", uri, range, ticks, perc, source); } // Make sure that our output is seen: out.flush(); }
private void report(String title, Map<ISourceLocation, Count> data) { List<Map.Entry<ISourceLocation, Count>> sortedData = sortData(data); int maxName = 1; long nTicks = 0; for (Map.Entry<ISourceLocation, Count> e : sortedData) { int sz = names.get(e.getKey()).length(); if (sz > maxName) { maxName = sz; } nTicks += e.getValue().getTicks(); } PrintWriter out = eval.getStdOut(); String nameFormat = "%" + maxName + "s"; out.printf( title + " PROFILE: %d data points, %d ticks, tick = %d milliSecs\n", ast.size(), nTicks, resolution); out.printf(nameFormat + "%8s%9s %s\n", " Scope", "Ticks", "%", "Source"); for (Map.Entry<ISourceLocation, Count> e : sortedData) { String L = e.getKey().toString(); String name = names.get(e.getKey()); int ticks = e.getValue().getTicks(); double perc = (ticks * 100.0) / nTicks; if (perc < 1.0) { break; } String source = String.format("%s", L); out.printf(nameFormat + "%8d%8.1f%% %s\n", name, ticks, perc, source); } // Make sure that our output is seen: out.flush(); }
public void addRascalSearchPathContributor(ISourceLocation loc) { eval.addRascalSearchPath(loc); }
public void report() { report("FRAMES", frame); eval.getStdOut().println(); report("ASTS", ast); }
public void startLog(IEvaluatorContext e) { Evaluator eval = (Evaluator) e; logger = new StringWriter(); eval.overrideDefaultWriters(new PrintWriter(logger), eval.getStdErr()); }
public URIResolverRegistry getResolverRegistry() { return eval.getResolverRegistry(); }
public void start(final int port, IRascalMonitor monitor) throws Exception { monitor.startJob("Loading Course Manager"); eval.eval(monitor, "import " + "CourseManager" + ";", URIUtil.rootScheme("stdin")); monitor.endJob(true); Log.setLog( new Logger() { @Override public String getName() { return "no logger"; } @Override public void warn(String msg, Object... args) {} @Override public void warn(Throwable thrown) {} @Override public void warn(String msg, Throwable thrown) {} @Override public void info(String msg, Object... args) {} @Override public void info(Throwable thrown) {} @Override public void info(String msg, Throwable thrown) {} @Override public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return false; } @Override public void setDebugEnabled(boolean enabled) {} @Override public void debug(String msg, Object... args) {} @Override public void debug(Throwable thrown) {} @Override public void debug(String msg, Throwable thrown) {} @Override public Logger getLogger(String name) { return this; } @Override public void ignore(Throwable ignored) {} }); monitor.startJob("Starting Webserver"); server = new Server(); SelectChannelConnector connector = new SelectChannelConnector(); connector.setPort(port); connector.setMaxIdleTime(30000); connector.setResponseHeaderSize(1000 * 1000); connector.setRequestBufferSize(1000 * 1000); connector.setConfidentialPort(8443); server.setConnectors(new Connector[] {connector}); server.setHandler(getTutorHandler()); server.start(); monitor.endJob(true); }