@Override public void ClickRandom(SeleniumCommands commands) { ((ByXPath) commands).clickRandomElementByXPath(xpath); }
@Override public void WaitForElement(SeleniumCommands commands) { ((ByXPath) commands).waitForXPath(xpath); }
@Override public void EnterWebFrame(SeleniumCommands commands) { ((ByXPath) commands).enterWebFrameByXPath(xpath); }
@Override public void ComboBoxRandom(SeleniumCommands commands) { ((ByXPath) commands).comboBoxRandomByXPath(xpath); }
@Override public void ComboBoxIndex(int index, SeleniumCommands commands) { if (index < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index must be greater then 0"); ((ByXPath) commands).comboBoxIndexByXPath(index, xpath); }
@Override public void ComboBoxText(String visibleText, SeleniumCommands commands) { if (visibleText == null) throw new NullPointerException("String visibleText must not be Null"); ((ByXPath) commands).comboBoxVisibleTextByXPath(visibleText, xpath); }
@Override public void Type(String input, SeleniumCommands commands) { if (input == null) throw new NullPointerException("String input must not be Null"); ((ByXPath) commands).typeByXPath(input, xpath); }
@Override public void CheckBox(boolean selected, SeleniumCommands commands) { ((ByXPath) commands).checkBoxByXPath(selected, xpath); }