/** * Creates a copy of this class with the same fields. * * @return a new instance of this class. */ @Override @Nonnull public HDLEqualityOp copyFiltered(CopyFilter filter) { final HDLExpression filteredleft = filter.copyObject("left", this, left); final HDLExpression filteredright = filter.copyObject("right", this, right); final HDLEqualityOpType filteredtype = filter.copyObject("type", this, type); return filter.postFilter( (HDLEqualityOp) this, new HDLEqualityOp(id, null, filteredleft, filteredright, filteredtype, false)); }
/** * Creates a copy of this class with the same fields. * * @return a new instance of this class. */ @Override @Nonnull public HDLInterfaceDeclaration copyFiltered(CopyFilter filter) { final ArrayList<HDLAnnotation> filteredannotations = filter.copyContainer("annotations", this, annotations); final HDLInterface filteredhIf = filter.copyObject("hIf", this, hIf); return filter.postFilter( (HDLInterfaceDeclaration) this, new HDLInterfaceDeclaration(id, null, filteredannotations, filteredhIf, false)); }
/** * Creates a copy of this class with the same fields. * * @return a new instance of this class. */ @Override @Nonnull public HDLUnresolvedFragmentFunction copyFiltered(CopyFilter filter) { final String filteredfrag = filter.copyObject("frag", this, frag); final Boolean filteredisStatement = filter.copyObject("isStatement", this, isStatement); final ArrayList<HDLExpression> filteredarray = filter.copyContainer("array", this, array); final ArrayList<HDLRange> filteredbits = filter.copyContainer("bits", this, bits); final HDLUnresolvedFragment filteredsub = filter.copyObject("sub", this, sub); final ArrayList<HDLExpression> filteredparams = filter.copyContainer("params", this, params); return filter.postFilter( (HDLUnresolvedFragmentFunction) this, new HDLUnresolvedFragmentFunction( id, null, filteredfrag, filteredisStatement, filteredarray, filteredbits, filteredsub, filteredparams, false)); }
/** * Creates a copy of this class with the same fields. * * @return a new instance of this class. */ @Override @Nonnull public HDLInlineFunction copyFiltered(CopyFilter filter) { final ArrayList<HDLAnnotation> filteredannotations = filter.copyContainer("annotations", this, annotations); final String filteredname = filter.copyObject("name", this, name); final ArrayList<HDLFunctionParameter> filteredargs = filter.copyContainer("args", this, args); final HDLFunctionParameter filteredreturnType = filter.copyObject("returnType", this, returnType); final HDLExpression filteredexpr = filter.copyObject("expr", this, expr); return filter.postFilter( (HDLInlineFunction) this, new HDLInlineFunction( id, null, filteredannotations, filteredname, filteredargs, filteredreturnType, filteredexpr, false)); }