public static boolean directionPassable(Directions d, Tile t) { final int[][] flags = Walking.getCollisionFlags(Game.getPlane()); final Tile offset = Walking.getCollisionOffset(Game.getPlane()).derive(Game.getBaseX(), Game.getBaseY()); int toCheckFlag = flags[t.getX() - offset.getX()][t.getY() - offset.getY()]; return ((toCheckFlag & ~d.getBlockFlag()) == toCheckFlag); }
public Tile getLocation() { final RegionOffset localTile = getRegionOffset(); return new Tile( Game.getBaseX() + localTile.getX(), Game.getBaseY() + localTile.getY(), localTile.getPlane()); }
public Area getArea() { if (object instanceof RSAnimable) { final RSAnimable animable = (RSAnimable) object; final int bX = Game.getBaseX(), bY = Game.getBaseY(); final Tile tile1 = new Tile(bX + (int) animable.getX1(), bY + (int) animable.getY1(), plane); final Tile tile2 = new Tile(bX + (int) animable.getX2(), bY + (int) animable.getY2(), plane); return new Area(tile1, tile2); } return null; }
@Override public void run() { if (Squeal.isLogoutNeeded()) { Game.logout(false); Time.sleep(1000); Squeal.setLogout(false); } clientDead = false; if (!Lobby.isOpen() || !Lobby.getOpenDialog().isOpen()) { while (!Lobby.isOpen() && !clientDead && !Game.isLoggedIn() && Widgets.get(596, 70).isOnScreen()) { getId(); clearDetails(); enterDetails(); attemptLog(); } } else { if (clientDead == false) { while (!Game.isLoggedIn()) { if (Lobby.enterGame()) { // Method sometimes fails for some unknown reason. Time.sleep(3000, 5000); } } if (Widgets.get(1313, 11).isOnScreen()) { Widgets.get(1313, 2).click(true); } } } }
@Override public void onRepaint(Graphics g1) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1; final Color color1 = new Color(213, 214, 175); final Color color2 = new Color(0, 0, 0); final Color color3 = new Color(1, 1, 1); final BasicStroke stroke1 = new BasicStroke(1); final Font font1 = new Font("Verdana", 3, 18); final Font font2 = new Font("Verdana", 1, 12); if (Game.isLoggedIn()) { currentWcExp = Skills.getExperience(Skills.WOODCUTTING); woodcuttingExpGained = currentWcExp - startWoodcuttingExp; int xpHour = (int) (3600000.0 / (runTime.getElapsed()) * woodcuttingExpGained); g.setColor(color1); g.fillRect(8, 394, 487, 114); g.setColor(color2); g.setStroke(stroke1); g.drawRect(8, 394, 487, 114); g.setFont(font1); g.setColor(color3); g.drawString("AnDraynorWillowChopper v0.3", 219, 421); g.setFont(font2); g.drawString("Status: " + Status, 18, 433); g.drawString("Run Time: " + runTime.toElapsedString(), 18, 452); g.drawString("Xp gained: " + woodcuttingExpGained + "(" + xpHour + ")/hr", 19, 472); g.drawString("WoodCutting Level: " + Skills.getLevel(Skills.WOODCUTTING), 18, 491); } }
@Override public int loop() { final Node stateNode = script.state(); if (Game.getClientState() != Game.INDEX_MAP_LOADED) { return 2000; } if (client != Bot.client()) { WidgetCache.purge(); Bot.context().getEventManager().addListener(this); client = Bot.client(); } if (stateNode != null && Game.isLoggedIn()) { script.set(stateNode); final Node setNode = script.get(); if (setNode != null) { getContainer().submit(setNode); setNode.join(); } } return 250; }
@Override public void onRepaint(Graphics g1) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) g1; if (Game.getClientState() != 11) return; if (!start) { g.drawImage(background, paintX, paintY, null); drawBoxes(g); return; } if (!hide) { // paint once started with xp bar in here } if (lost) { g.drawString(state + "! Please restart script", 200, 200); } g.setColor(; g.drawString(state, 200, 200); }
@Override public boolean activate() { return Game.isLoggedIn() && GcSuperheater.isBanking; }
@Override public void onStart() { if (Game.isLoggedIn()) { startWoodcuttingExp = Skills.getExperience(Skills.WOODCUTTING); } }
@Override public boolean activate() { return Game.isLoggedIn(); }
/** * Waits for the timer to run out or the {@link Completion} to be met with a specified sleep * between checks * * @param intersleep The time (in millis) to wait between checks * @return the value of the Completion when the timer stops * @see TimedCondition#waitStop() */ public boolean waitStop(final int intersleep) { while (Players.getLocal() != null && Game.isLoggedIn() && isRunning()) { Task.sleep(intersleep); } return isDone() && Game.isLoggedIn(); }
@Override public void execute() { if (GlobalConstant.WIELDED_ID != -1 && Settings.get(300) == 1000 && Checks.getLP() < Skills.getRealLevel(Skills.CONSTITUTION) * 10 - 200) { if (Players.getLocal().getAppearance()[GlobalConstant.WEAPON] != GlobalConstant.EXCALIBUR && (Tabs.getCurrent().equals(Tabs.INVENTORY) || { final Item excalibur = Inventory.getItem(GlobalConstant.EXCALIBUR); if (excalibur != null) { excalibur.getWidgetChild().click(true); PauseHandler.pause( new PauseHandler.Condition() { @Override public boolean validate() { return Players.getLocal().getAppearance()[GlobalConstant.WEAPON] == GlobalConstant.EXCALIBUR; } }, (long) Random.nextInt(750, 1500)); } } else if (Tabs.getCurrent().equals(Tabs.ATTACK) || { final WidgetChild bar = Widgets.get(884, 4); if (bar.validate()) {; PauseHandler.pause( new PauseHandler.Condition() { @Override public boolean validate() { return Settings.get(300) != 1000; } }, (long) Random.nextInt(400, 800)); } } return; } if (GlobalConstant.KEEP_ALIVE && Checks.getLP() < Skills.getRealLevel(Skills.CONSTITUTION) * 0.4f * 10) { if (Checks.isOutside()) { if (Players.getLocal().getAnimation() == -1) { final WidgetChild[] widgets = {Widgets.get(750, 2), Widgets.get(750, 6)}; if (widgets[0].validate() && widgets[1].validate()) { if (widgets[Random.nextInt(0, widgets.length)].interact("Rest")) PauseHandler.pause( new PauseHandler.Condition() { @Override public boolean validate() { return Players.getLocal().getAnimation() != -1; } }, (long) Random.nextInt(750, 1500)); } } Task.sleep(400, 800); } else { if (Calculations.distanceTo(GlobalConstant.TILE_BANK) > 5) { if (Traverse.walk(GlobalConstant.TILE_BANK)) { PauseHandler.pause( new PauseHandler.Condition() { @Override public boolean validate() { return Walking.getDestination() == null || Calculations.distanceTo(Walking.getDestination()) < 8; } }, (long) Random.nextInt(500, 1000)); } } } } else { if (Checks.isOutside()) { final SceneObject ladder = SceneEntities.getNearest(GlobalConstant.ROPE_DOWN_ID); if (ladder != null && ladder.interact("Climb")) PauseHandler.pause( new PauseHandler.Condition() { @Override public boolean validate() { return !Checks.isOutside(); } }, 750l); else if (ladder != null && Calculations.distanceTo(ladder) > 5) PauseHandler.walk(ladder, (long) Random.nextInt(250, 750)); } else if (inCombat() || Players.getLocal().isInCombat()) { final Tile rockTile = GlobalConstant.TILE_ROCKS[Checks.isGold()][Mine.getCurrent()]; if (true || Calculations.distanceTo(GlobalConstant.TILE_BANK) < Calculations.distanceTo(rockTile)) { if (Calculations.distanceTo(GlobalConstant.TILE_BANK) > 6 && Traverse.walk(GlobalConstant.TILE_BANK)) { PauseHandler.pause( new PauseHandler.Condition() { @Override public boolean validate() { return Walking.getDestination() == null || Calculations.distanceTo(Walking.getDestination()) < 8; } }, (long) Random.nextInt(200, 500)); } } else { final SceneObject rock = SceneEntities.getAt(rockTile); final NPC npc = NPCs.getNearest( new Filter<NPC>() { @Override public boolean accept(final NPC npc) { return npc.getInteracting() != null && npc.getInteracting().equals(Players.getLocal()) && Arrays.binarySearch(GlobalConstant.LRC_NPC, npc.getId()) >= 0; } }); if (rock != null && npc != null) { final Tile hardcodedSafe = GlobalConstant.MINE_GOLD && Mine.getCurrent() == 0 ? GlobalConstant.GOLD_SAFE_SPOT : !GlobalConstant.MINE_GOLD && Mine.getCurrent() == 2 ? GlobalConstant.COAL_SAFE_SPOT : null; if (hardcodedSafe != null) { hardcodedSafe .randomize(0, Mine.getCurrent() == 2 ? 4 : 1, 1, Mine.getCurrent() == 0 ? -4 : 1) .clickOnMap(); } else { final Tile[] bounds = rock.getArea().getBoundingTiles(); Arrays.sort( bounds, new Comparator<Tile>() { @Override public int compare(final Tile t1, final Tile t2) { return Calculations.distance(t1, npc.getLocation()) < Calculations.distance(t2, npc.getLocation()) ? 1 : -1; } }); final int[][] flags = Walking.getCollisionFlags(Game.getPlane()); final Tile colOffset = Walking.getCollisionOffset(Game.getPlane()) .derive(Game.getBaseX(), Game.getBaseY()); Tile toWalk = null; for (final int[] offset : new int[][] {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}}) { final Tile derive = bounds[0].derive(offset[0], offset[1]); if (Nodes.walkable(flags, colOffset, derive)) { if (toWalk == null || Calculations.distance(derive, npc) > Calculations.distance(toWalk, npc)) toWalk = derive; } } if (toWalk != null) { if (!toWalk.isOnScreen()) Camera.turnTo(toWalk); toWalk.interact("Walk here"); } } Task.sleep(100, 300); final int lp = Checks.getLP(); final Timer timer = new Timer((long) Random.nextInt(7500, 10000)); while (Players.getLocal().isInCombat() && Checks.getLP() >= lp && !Context.get().getScriptHandler().isPaused() && timer.isRunning()) Task.sleep(200, 800); } } } } }
public boolean paint(Graphics graphics) { if (!Game.isLoggedIn()) return false; try { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) graphics; PComponent clayout = null; try { clayout = new PColumnLayout( 227, 404, infoColumnValues, infoColumnData, new Font("Arial", 0, 9), PColumnLayout.ColorScheme.WHITE); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } getFrame("options").removeComponent(firstLayout); getFrame("options").removeComponent(secondLayout); int secondColx = -1; int bestLength = -1; firstColumn.clear(); secondColumn.clear(); if (checkBoxes.size() <= 6) firstColumn.putAll(checkBoxes); else { for (int i = 0; i < checkBoxes.size(); i++) { if (i <= 5) { String text; Iterator it = checkBoxes.keySet().iterator(); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++); text = (String); int length = SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(g.getFontMetrics(g.getFont()), text); if (length > bestLength) bestLength = length; firstColumn.put(text, checkBoxes.get(text)); } else { String text; Iterator it = checkBoxes.keySet().iterator(); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++); text = (String); secondColumn.put(text, checkBoxes.get(text)); } } } secondColx = 8 + bestLength; firstLayout = new PCheckBoxLayout( 8, 407, firstColumn .keySet() .toArray(new String[(firstColumn.size() > 6) ? 6 : firstColumn.size()]), firstColumn .values() .toArray(new PCheckBox[(firstColumn.size() > 6) ? 6 : firstColumn.size()]), new Font("Arial", 0, 11), PCheckBoxLayout.ColorScheme.WHITE); secondLayout = new PCheckBoxLayout( secondColx + 12, 407, secondColumn .keySet() .toArray(new String[(secondColumn.size() > 6) ? 6 : secondColumn.size()]), secondColumn .values() .toArray(new PCheckBox[(secondColumn.size() > 6) ? 6 : secondColumn.size()]), new Font("Arial", 0, 11), PCheckBoxLayout.ColorScheme.WHITE); getFrame("options").addComponent(firstLayout); getFrame("options").addComponent(secondLayout); if (showPaint) { Paint p = g.getPaint(); g.setPaint( new GradientPaint( 0, 1000, new Color(55, 55, 55, 240), 512, 472, new Color(15, 15, 15, 240))); g.fillRect(7, 396, 505, 128); final Point loc = Mouse.getLocation(); if (Mouse.isPressed()) { g.fillOval(loc.x - 5, loc.y - 5, 10, 10); g.drawOval(loc.x - 5, loc.y - 5, 10, 10); } g.drawLine(0, loc.y + 1, 766, loc.y + 1); g.drawLine(0, loc.y - 1, 766, loc.y - 1); g.drawLine(loc.x + 1, 0, loc.x + 1, 505); g.drawLine(loc.x - 1, 0, loc.x - 1, 505); g.setPaint(p); } if (clayout != null) getFrame("info").addComponent(clayout); PaintController.onRepaint(graphics); if (clayout != null) getFrame("info").removeComponent(clayout); if (!showPaint) return false; String infoTxt = name + " - " + "v" + version; g.drawString( infoTxt, 510 - SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(g.getFontMetrics(g.getFont()), infoTxt), 468); int offset = 0; for (Skill skill : skills) { if (skill.xpGained() > 0) { PSkill skillComp = new PSkill(8, 397 + offset, skill.getSkill(), PSkill.ColorScheme.GRAPHITE); if (!getFrame("info").containsComponent(skillComp)) { getFrame("info").addComponent(skillComp); } offset += 20; } } // == Mouse == if (Mouse.isPressed()) { g.setColor(new Color(255, 252, 0, 150)); g.setColor(new Color(255, 252, 0, 100)); } else { g.setColor(new Color(255, 252, 0, 50)); } g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 50)); // == End mouse == } catch (Exception ignored) { // if (Utils.isDevMode()) // ignored.printStackTrace(); } return true; }
public boolean validate() { return !Game.isLoggedIn() || Squeal.isLogoutNeeded(); }
@Override public boolean validate() { return Cons.WalkOut && Game.getClientState() != 12 && !Cons.Attacking; }
private Tile toTile(int x, int y) { return new Tile(x, y, (plane == -1 ? Game.getPlane() : plane)); }