private PGPoolingDataSource createDataSource(String dbName) { PGPoolingDataSource dataSource; dataSource = new PGPoolingDataSource(); dataSource.setUser("admin"); dataSource.setPassword("admin"); dataSource.setServerName("localhost"); dataSource.setDatabaseName(dbName); return dataSource; }
@Bean(destroyMethod = "close") DataSource dataSource(Environment env) throws IllegalStateException, SQLException { PGPoolingDataSource pgPoolingDataSource = new PGPoolingDataSource(); pgPoolingDataSource.setUrl(env.getRequiredProperty("db.url")); pgPoolingDataSource.setUser(env.getRequiredProperty("db.username")); pgPoolingDataSource.setPassword(env.getRequiredProperty("db.password")); pgPoolingDataSource.setInitialConnections( Integer.parseInt(env.getRequiredProperty("db.pool_size"))); return pgPoolingDataSource; }
public ResourceState createConfig() { String server = datasource.getServerName(); int port = datasource.getPortNumber(); String db = datasource.getDatabaseName(); String user = datasource.getUser(); String password = datasource.getPassword(); int maxConnections = datasource.getMaxConnections(); int initialConnections = datasource.getInitialConnections(); log.debug( "Using PostgreSQL on " + server + ":" + port + ", database: " + db + " with user: "******"server", server); config.putProperty("port", port); config.putProperty("db", db); config.putProperty("user", user); config.putProperty("password", password); config.putProperty("max-connections", maxConnections); config.putProperty("initial-connections", initialConnections); config.putProperty("schemas", Arrays.asList(new String[] {schema, schema_two})); config.putProperty("default-schema", schema); return config; }
@Bean public DataSource dataSource() { final PGPoolingDataSource source = new PGPoolingDataSource(); source.setDataSourceName("cloudoholiq"); source.setServerName("localhost"); source.setDatabaseName("cloudoholiq"); source.setUser("postgres"); source.setPassword("postgres"); source.setMaxConnections(10); return source; }
@BeforeClass public static void initDriver() throws Exception { Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); PoolingDataSource ds = new PoolingDataSource(); ds.setServerName(System.getProperty("pgsql.server", "localhost")); ds.setPortNumber(Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("pgsql.port", "5432"))); ds.setDatabaseName(System.getProperty("pgsql.db", "test")); ds.setUser(System.getProperty("pgsql.user", "test")); ds.setPassword(System.getProperty("pgsql.password", "test")); ds.setMaxConnections(10); ds.setInitialConnections(1); try { ds.initialize(); } catch (Exception e) { skipTests = true; System.out.println("Failed to initialize datasource. Tests will be skipped ..."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } datasource = ds; schema = "xlo_test_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8); schema_two = "xlo_test_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8); if (schema.compareTo(schema_two) > 0) { String tmp = schema; schema = schema_two; schema_two = tmp; } // first try { cleanup(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } // create schema for the test try (Connection c = datasource.getConnection()) { try (CallableStatement s = c.prepareCall("create schema " + schema)) { s.execute(); } try (CallableStatement s = c.prepareCall("create schema " + schema_two)) { s.execute(); } } createTables(); insertData(); }
public static void createTables() throws Exception { try (Connection c = datasource.getConnection()) { try (PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement( "create table " + schema + ".addresses (" + "address_id integer PRIMARY KEY, " + "name varchar (255) NOT NULL, " + "street varchar (255) NOT NULL, " + "postcode varchar (10), " + "city varchar (60) NOT NULL, " + "country_iso char(2), " + "is_company boolean default false)")) { ps.execute(); } try (PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement( "create table " + schema + ".orders (" + "order_id varchar (40) PRIMARY KEY, " + "create_date timestamp NOT NULL, " + "total int8 NOT NULL, " + "address_id integer NOT NULL, " + "FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES " + schema + ".addresses (address_id))")) { ps.execute(); } try (PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement( "create table " + schema_two + ".orders (" + "order_id varchar (40) PRIMARY KEY, " + "create_date timestamp NOT NULL, " + "total int8 NOT NULL, " + "address_id integer NOT NULL, " + "FOREIGN KEY (address_id) REFERENCES " + schema + ".addresses (address_id))")) { ps.execute(); } } }
@AfterClass public static void cleanup() throws SQLException { if (skipTests()) { return; } // delete schemas for the test try (Connection c = datasource.getConnection()) { try (CallableStatement s = c.prepareCall("drop schema " + schema_two + " cascade")) { s.execute(); } try (CallableStatement s = c.prepareCall("drop schema " + schema + " cascade")) { s.execute(); } } }
public DBConnection() { source = new PGPoolingDataSource(); // source.setDataSourceName("A Data Source"); source.setServerName(this.HOST); source.setPortNumber(this.PORT); source.setDatabaseName(this.DB); source.setUser(this.USER); source.setPassword(this.PASSWORD); // source.setMaxConnections(20);//Максимальное значение source.setInitialConnections(1); // Сколько соединений будет сразу открыто }
public static void insertData() throws Exception { try (Connection c = datasource.getConnection()) { try (PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement("insert into " + schema + ".addresses VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")) { insertAddress(ps, 1, "John F. Doe", "Liveoak street 7", null, "London", "UK", false); insertAddress( ps, 2, "Lombaas Inc.", "Liveoak square 1", "94114", "San Francisco", "US", true); } try (PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement("insert into " + schema_two + ".orders VALUES (?,?,?,?)")) { insertOrder(ps, "014-1003095", sdf.parse("2014-06-07 15:10:15").getTime(), 18990, 1); insertOrder(ps, "014-2004096", sdf.parse("2014-04-02 11:06:12").getTime(), 43800, 2); insertOrder(ps, "014-2004345", sdf.parse("2014-06-01 18:06:12").getTime(), 32500, 2); } } }
@Test(timeout = 4000) public void test18() throws Throwable { Product product0 = new Product(); PGPoolingDataSource pGPoolingDataSource0 = PGPoolingDataSource.getDataSource(""); SQLDialect sQLDialect0 = SQLDialect.MARIADB; Settings settings0 = new Settings(); DefaultDSLContext defaultDSLContext0 = new DefaultDSLContext(pGPoolingDataSource0, sQLDialect0, settings0); try { new WorkspaceSnapshot(product0, defaultDSLContext0); fail("Expecting exception: NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // // no message in exception (getMessage() returned null) // assertThrownBy("org.jooq.impl.DataSourceConnectionProvider", e); } }
public static DataSource dataSource(Properties properties) throws IOException { String jdbcUrl = properties.getProperty("revenj.jdbcUrl"); if (jdbcUrl == null) { throw new IOException("revenj.jdbcUrl is missing from Properties"); } org.postgresql.ds.PGPoolingDataSource dataSource = new PGPoolingDataSource(); dataSource.setUrl(jdbcUrl); String user = properties.getProperty("user"); String revUser = properties.getProperty("revenj.user"); if (revUser != null && revUser.length() > 0) { dataSource.setUser(revUser); } else if (user != null && user.length() > 0) { dataSource.setUser(user); } String password = properties.getProperty("password"); String revPassword = properties.getProperty("revenj.password"); if (revPassword != null && revPassword.length() > 0) { dataSource.setPassword(revPassword); } else if (password != null && password.length() > 0) { dataSource.setPassword(password); } return dataSource; }
// public JFreeReport makeReport(ReportGenerator generator) throws Exception { // // ProductDPanel p = new ProductDPanel(); // // AUniversalDialog d = new AUniversalDialog(p, null, true); // d.setTitleIcon(new // javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/tradeterminal/icons/srch_32.png"))); // d.setVisible(true); d.dispose(); // // if (d.getReturnStatus() == ADialog.RET_OK) { // // Product1DataAdapter tm = new Product1DataAdapter(Setup.getSource(), // p.getBeginDate(), p.getEndDate()); // // // JFreeReport report = // generator.parseReport(getClass().getResource("/tradeterminal/reports/product1/product.xml")); // // TextElement t1 = LabelElementFactory.createLabelElement( // "edqwe", new Rectangle2D.Double(10, 80, 200.0, 20.0),, // ElementAlignment.LEFT, null, // "За период с " + df.format(p.getBeginDate()) + " по " + // df.format(p.getEndDate()) + "."); // // t1.setFontSize(10); // t1.setBold(true); // // report.getReportHeader().addElement(t1); // // report.setData(tm); // // return report; // } else { // return null; // } // // } @Override public JRViewer makeReport(PGPoolingDataSource source) throws Exception { TTRProductDPanel p = new TTRProductDPanel(); AUniversalDialog d = new AUniversalDialog(p, null, true); d.setTitleIcon( new javax.swing.ImageIcon( getClass().getResource("/tradeterminal/icons/TT_icons/32X32/reports/12.png"))); d.setVisible(true); d.dispose(); if (d.getReturnStatus() == ADialog.RET_OK) { // // ADBProc proc = new ADBProc("rpt_prod_select_moving"); // proc.addInParametr( // new ADBProcParametr(Types.DATE, // p.getBeginDate())); // // proc.addInParametr( // new ADBProcParametr(Types.DATE, // p.getEndDate())); // // //PADBUtils.executeVoidProcedure(Setup.getSource(), proc); // // PADBResult result = PADBUtils.getResultSet(source, proc); PreparedStatement ptmt = source .getConnection() .prepareStatement( "select " + " as groups_id, " + "pg.\"name\" as groups_name, " + " as products_id, " + "p.\"name\" as products_name, " + "p.scod as scod, " + "p.list_price as list_price, " + "ppl.quantity as ppl_quantity, " + "ppl.summ as ppl_summ, " + "pmn.quantity as pmn_quantity, " + "pmn.summ as pmn_summ, " + "psl.quantity as psl_quantity, " + "psl.summ as psl_summ, " + "prt.quantity as prt_quantity, " + "prt.summ as prt_summ ," + "select_products_quantity_for_id( as products_quantity " + "from products_groups pg, (select DISTINCT v.products_id as id , p.\"name\", p.products_groups_id, p.scod as scod, p.list_price as list_price " + "from v_operations v, products p " + "where products_id is not null AND AND date(order_date) BETWEEN ? and ?) p " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN(select operation_type_code,products_id,sum(quantity) as quantity,sum(actual_price * quantity) as summ " + "from v_operations where operation_type_code='ppl' AND date(order_date) BETWEEN ? and ? " + "group by operation_type_code,products_id ) ppl ON ( " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN(select operation_type_code,products_id,sum(quantity) as quantity,sum(actual_price * quantity) as summ " + "from v_operations where operation_type_code='pmn' AND date(order_date) BETWEEN ? and ? " + "group by operation_type_code,products_id ) pmn ON ( " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN(select operation_type_code,products_id,sum(quantity) as quantity,sum(actual_price * quantity) as summ " + "from v_operations where operation_type_code='psl' AND date(order_date) BETWEEN ? and ? " + "group by operation_type_code,products_id ) psl ON ( " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN(select operation_type_code,products_id,sum(quantity) as quantity,sum(actual_price * quantity) as summ " + "from v_operations where operation_type_code='prt' AND date(order_date) BETWEEN ? and ? " + "group by operation_type_code,products_id ) prt ON ( " + "where = p.products_groups_id;"); ptmt.setObject(1, p.getBeginDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(2, p.getEndDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(3, p.getBeginDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(4, p.getEndDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(5, p.getBeginDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(6, p.getEndDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(7, p.getBeginDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(8, p.getEndDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(9, p.getBeginDate(), Types.DATE); ptmt.setObject(10, p.getEndDate(), Types.DATE); ResultSet rs = ptmt.executeQuery(); JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport( getClass() .getResource("/tt/reports/product_movong_a3/prod_obor_report.jrxml") .openStream()); HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put( "TextRepParam", "За период с " + df.format(p.getBeginDate()) + " по " + df.format(p.getEndDate()) + "."); JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, map, new JRResultSetDataSource(rs)); rs.close(); ptmt.close(); return new JRViewer(jasperPrint); } else { return null; } }
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return source.getConnection(); }