   * Reads the command data from the given record and adjusts the internal parameters according to
   * the data parsed.
   * <p>This method is not implemented, as a Palette implementation is still missing.
   * @param record the record.
  public void setRecord(final MfRecord record) {
    // the handle to the palette object ignored
    final int hPalette = record.getParam(POS_HPALETTE);
    // the number of defined entries ...
    final int cEntries = record.getParam(POS_CENTRIES);
    final Color[] colors = new Color[cEntries];

    for (int i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) {
      final int cr = record.getLongParam(i * 2 + POS_START_ENTRIES);
      final GDIColor color = new GDIColor(cr);
      colors[i] = color;