/** * sbarkdull: method appears to never be used anywhere * * @param actionRootNode * @param logger * @param nodePath * @param mapTo * @return */ static int parseActionResourceDefinitions( final Node actionRootNode, final ILogger logger, final String nodePath, final Map mapTo) { try { List resources = actionRootNode.selectNodes(nodePath); // TODO create objects to represent the types // TODO need source variable list Iterator resourcesIterator = resources.iterator(); Node resourceNode; String resourceName; while (resourcesIterator.hasNext()) { resourceNode = (Node) resourcesIterator.next(); resourceName = resourceNode.getName(); if (mapTo != null) { mapTo.put( resourceName, XmlDom4JHelper.getNodeText("@mapping", resourceNode, resourceName)); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } return ISequenceDefinition.ACTION_SEQUENCE_DEFINITION_OK; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("SequenceDefinition.ERROR_0006_PARSING_RESOURCE"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return ISequenceDefinition.ACTION_SEQUENCE_DEFINITION_INVALID_ACTION_DOC; }
public static IActionSequence ActionSequenceFactory( final Document document, final String solutionPath, final ILogger logger, final IApplicationContext applicationContext, final int loggingLevel) { // Check for a sequence document Node sequenceDefinitionNode = document.selectSingleNode("//action-sequence"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (sequenceDefinitionNode == null) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance() .getErrorString( "SequenceDefinition.ERROR_0002_NO_ACTION_SEQUENCE_NODE", "", solutionPath, "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } ISequenceDefinition seqDef = new SequenceDefinition(sequenceDefinitionNode, solutionPath, logger, applicationContext); Node actionNode = sequenceDefinitionNode.selectSingleNode("actions"); // $NON-NLS-1$ return (SequenceDefinition.getNextLoopGroup( seqDef, actionNode, solutionPath, logger, loggingLevel)); }
static IConditionalExecution parseConditionalExecution( final Node actionRootNode, final ILogger logger, final String nodePath) { try { Node condition = actionRootNode.selectSingleNode(nodePath); if (condition == null) { return null; } String script = condition.getText(); IConditionalExecution ce = PentahoSystem.get(IConditionalExecution.class, null); ce.setScript(script); return ce; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("SequenceDefinition.ERROR_0005_PARSING_PARAMETERS"), ex); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return null; }
protected void init(Util.PropertyList properties) { try { if (nativeConnection != null) { // Assume we're open close(); } // Set a locale for this connection if specified in the platform's mondrian metadata // This is required if mondrian.i18n.LocalizingDynamicSchemaProcessor is being used if (properties.get(RolapConnectionProperties.Locale.name()) == null) { properties.put( RolapConnectionProperties.Locale.name(), LocaleHelper.getLocale().toString()); } String dataSourceName = properties.get(RolapConnectionProperties.DataSource.name()); mapPlatformRolesToMondrianRoles(properties); if (dataSourceName != null) { IDBDatasourceService datasourceService = PentahoSystem.getObjectFactory().get(IDBDatasourceService.class, null); DataSource dataSourceImpl = datasourceService.getDataSource(dataSourceName); if (dataSourceImpl != null) { properties.remove(RolapConnectionProperties.DataSource.name()); nativeConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(properties, null, dataSourceImpl); } else { nativeConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(properties, null); } } else { nativeConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(properties, null); } if (nativeConnection != null) { if (role != null) { nativeConnection.setRole(role); } } if (nativeConnection == null) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance() .getErrorString( "MDXConnection.ERROR_0002_INVALID_CONNECTION", properties != null ? properties.toString() : "null")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } catch (Throwable t) { if (logger != null) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance() .getErrorString( "MDXConnection.ERROR_0002_INVALID_CONNECTION", properties != null ? properties.toString() : "null"), t); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else { Logger.error( this.getClass().getName(), Messages.getInstance() .getErrorString( "MDXConnection.ERROR_0002_INVALID_CONNECTION", properties != null ? properties.toString() : "null"), t); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } }
private int parseResourceDefinitions(final Node actionRootNode, final ILogger logger) { resourceDefinitions = new ListOrderedMap(); try { List resources = actionRootNode.selectNodes("resources/*"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // TODO create objects to represent the types // TODO need source variable list Iterator resourcesIterator = resources.iterator(); Node resourceNode; String resourceName; String resourceTypeName; String resourceMimeType; int resourceType; ActionResource resource; Node typeNode, mimeNode; while (resourcesIterator.hasNext()) { resourceNode = (Node) resourcesIterator.next(); typeNode = resourceNode.selectSingleNode("./*"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (typeNode != null) { resourceName = resourceNode.getName(); resourceTypeName = typeNode.getName(); resourceType = ActionResource.getResourceType(resourceTypeName); String resourceLocation = XmlDom4JHelper.getNodeText("location", typeNode); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (resourceType == IActionSequenceResource.SOLUTION_FILE_RESOURCE) { if (resourceLocation == null) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance() .getErrorString( "SequenceDefinition.ERROR_0008_RESOURCE_NO_LOCATION", resourceName)); //$NON-NLS-1$ continue; } } else if (resourceType == IActionSequenceResource.STRING) { resourceLocation = XmlDom4JHelper.getNodeText("string", resourceNode); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else if (resourceType == IActionSequenceResource.XML) { // resourceLocation = XmlHelper.getNodeText("xml", resourceNode); //$NON-NLS-1$ Node xmlNode = typeNode.selectSingleNode("./location/*"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // Danger, we have now lost the character encoding of the XML in this node // see BISERVER-895 resourceLocation = (xmlNode == null) ? "" : xmlNode.asXML(); // $NON-NLS-1$ } mimeNode = typeNode.selectSingleNode("mime-type"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (mimeNode != null) { resourceMimeType = mimeNode.getText(); resource = new ActionResource( resourceName, resourceType, resourceMimeType, solutionName, solutionPath, resourceLocation); resourceDefinitions.put(resourceName, resource); } else { logger.error( Messages.getInstance() .getErrorString( "SequenceDefinition.ERROR_0007_RESOURCE_NO_MIME_TYPE", resourceName)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } // input = new ActionParameter( resourceName, resourceType, null // ); // resourceDefinitions.put( inputName, input ); } return ISequenceDefinition.ACTION_SEQUENCE_DEFINITION_OK; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("SequenceDefinition.ERROR_0006_PARSING_RESOURCE"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return ISequenceDefinition.ACTION_SEQUENCE_DEFINITION_INVALID_ACTION_DOC; }
static int parseParameters( final Node actionRootNode, final ILogger logger, final String nodePath, final Map parameterMap, final Map mapTo, final boolean inputVar) { try { List parameters = actionRootNode.selectNodes(nodePath); // TODO create objects to represent the types // TODO need source variable list Iterator parametersIterator = parameters.iterator(); Node parameterNode; String parameterName; String parameterType; ActionParameter parameter; List variableNodes; List variables; Node variableNode; Iterator variablesIterator; String variableSource; String variableName; int variableIdx; Object defaultValue = null; while (parametersIterator.hasNext()) { parameterNode = (Node) parametersIterator.next(); parameterName = parameterNode.getName(); parameterType = XmlDom4JHelper.getNodeText("@type", parameterNode); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (mapTo != null) { mapTo.put( parameterName, XmlDom4JHelper.getNodeText("@mapping", parameterNode, parameterName)); // $NON-NLS-1$ } defaultValue = SequenceDefinition.getDefaultValue(parameterNode); // get the list of sources for this parameter variableNodes = parameterNode.selectNodes( (inputVar) ? "sources/*" : "destinations/*"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ variablesIterator = variableNodes.iterator(); variableIdx = 1; variables = new ArrayList(); while (variablesIterator.hasNext()) { variableNode = (Node) variablesIterator.next(); // try to resolve the parameter value for this try { variableSource = variableNode.getName(); variableName = variableNode.getText(); ActionParameterSource variable = new ActionParameterSource(variableSource, variableName); if (SequenceDefinition.debug) { logger.debug( Messages.getInstance() .getString( "SequenceDefinition.DEBUG_ADDING_SOURCE_FOR_PARAMETER", variableSource, parameterName)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } variables.add(variable); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance() .getErrorString( "SequenceDefinition.ERROR_0004_VARIABLE_SOURCE_NOT_VALID", Integer.toString(variableIdx), parameterName), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } variableIdx++; } if (defaultValue != null) { if (SequenceDefinition.debug) { logger.debug( Messages.getInstance() .getString( "SequenceDefinition.DEBUG_USING_DEFAULT_VALUE", defaultValue.toString(), parameterName)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } parameter = new ActionParameter(parameterName, parameterType, null, variables, defaultValue); parameterMap.put(parameterName, parameter); } return ISequenceDefinition.ACTION_SEQUENCE_DEFINITION_OK; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( Messages.getInstance().getErrorString("SequenceDefinition.ERROR_0005_PARSING_PARAMETERS"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return ISequenceDefinition.ACTION_SEQUENCE_DEFINITION_INVALID_ACTION_DOC; }