private String generateHtml( String title, TestResults actualResults, Map<String, Counter> scores, OverallResults or, int totalResults, File img, String actualResultsFileName) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { String template = new String( Files.readAllBytes( Paths.get(BenchmarkScore.pathToScorecardResources + "template.html"))); // String template = new String(Files.readAllBytes( // Paths.get(this.getClass().getClassLoader() // .getResource("template.html") // .toURI()))); String html = template; html = html.replace("${title}", title); html = html.replace("${tests}", Integer.toString(totalResults)); html = html.replace("${time}", or.getTime()); html = html.replace("${score}", "" + new DecimalFormat("#0.00%").format(or.getScore())); html = html.replace("${tool}", actualResults.getTool()); html = html.replace("${version}", actualResults.getBenchmarkVersion()); html = html.replace("${actualResultsFile}", actualResultsFileName); String imgTag = "<img align=\"middle\" src=\"" + img.getName() + "\" />"; html = html.replace("${image}", imgTag); String table = generateTable(actualResults, scores, or); html = html.replace("${table}", table); return html; }
public Report( TestResults actualResults, Map<String, Counter> scores, OverallResults or, int totalResults, String actualResultsFileName, boolean isCommercial, ToolType toolType) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { this.isCommercial = isCommercial; this.toolType = toolType; this.toolName = actualResults.getTool(); this.toolNameAndVersion = actualResults.getToolNameAndVersion(); this.toolType = actualResults.toolType; this.benchmarkVersion = actualResults.getBenchmarkVersion(); String fullTitle = "OWASP Benchmark Scorecard for " + actualResults.getToolNameAndVersion(); // + getToolName() + version; // If not in anonymous mode OR the tool is not commercial, add the type at the end of the name // It's not added to anonymous commercial tools, because it would be redundant. if (!BenchmarkScore.anonymousMode || !isCommercial) { fullTitle += " (" + actualResults.toolType + ")"; } String shortTitle = "Benchmark v" + actualResults.getBenchmarkVersion() + " Scorecard for " + getToolName(); this.filename = "Benchmark v" + actualResults.getBenchmarkVersion() + " Scorecard for " + actualResults.getToolNameAndVersion(); this.filename = filename.replace(' ', '_'); this.scores = scores; this.overallResults = or; this.reportPath = BenchmarkScore.scoreCardDirName + File.separator + filename + ".html"; File img = new File(BenchmarkScore.scoreCardDirName + File.separator + filename + ".png"); ScatterTools graph = new ScatterTools(shortTitle, 800, or); if (!(BenchmarkScore.showAveOnlyMode && this.isCommercial)) { graph.writeChartToFile(img, 800); String reportHtml = generateHtml( fullTitle, actualResults, scores, or, totalResults, img, actualResultsFileName); Files.write(Paths.get(reportPath), reportHtml.getBytes()); System.out.println("Report written to: " + new File(reportPath).getAbsolutePath()); } }