private static void printDependencyWhileCompilingHelp(PrintStream ps) { ps.println( "Option " + dependencyFileOpt.getPrototype() + " is not compatible with " + compileOpt.getPrototype()); ps.println(); printHelp(ps); }
private static void printOutputHelp(PrintStream ps) { ps.println("No " + outputFileOpt.getArgDescription() + " specified !"); ps.println( "Please provide an " + outputFileOpt.getArgDescription() + " by using the option : " + outputFileOpt.getPrototype()); ps.println(); printHelp(ps); }
public static void printExecutableHelp(final PrintStream ps) { ps.println( "No " + executableOpt.getArgDescription() + "defined. Please use " + executableOpt.getPrototype() + " option !"); ps.println(); printHelp(ps); }
private static void printUsage(final PrintStream ps) { ps.println( "Usage: " + getProgramName() + " ACTION " + inputFileOpt.getPrototype() + outputFileOpt.getPrototype() + " [OPTIONS]+"); ps.println( " where <ACTION> is either " + preprocessOpt.getPrototype() + " or " + compileOpt.getPrototype()); ps.println( " and <" + inputFileOpt.getArgDescription() + "> is the name of the file to" + " be compiled, "); ps.println( " and <" + outputFileOpt.getArgDescription() + "> is the name of the output file to be created."); }