protected void onDrawItem( final Canvas canvas, final int zoomLevel, final Item item, final Point curScreenCoords) { MaskableOverlayItem maskableItem = item; if (maskableItem.isHidden()) { return; } final Station station = (Station) item.getRelatedObject(); final boolean zoomLevelDetailled = OverlayZoomUtils.isDetailledZoomLevel(zoomLevel); final Drawable marker = getDefaultMarker(zoomLevelDetailled, station.isStarred()); boundToHotspot(marker, HotspotPlace.BOTTOM_CENTER); Overlay.drawAt(canvas, marker, curScreenCoords.x, curScreenCoords.y, false, 0); if (zoomLevelDetailled) { mTitlePaint.setColor( getResourceProxy().getColor(ColorSelector.getColorForMap(station.getBikes()))); canvas.drawText( station.getBikesAsString(), mCurScreenCoords.x - (8 * mScale), mCurScreenCoords.y - (26 * mScale), mTitlePaint); mTitlePaint.setColor( getResourceProxy().getColor(ColorSelector.getColorForMap(station.getAttachs()))); canvas.drawText( station.getAttachsAsString(), mCurScreenCoords.x - (8 * mScale), mCurScreenCoords.y - (13 * mScale), mTitlePaint); } }
@Override public void onDetach(final MapView mapView) { Log.d(TAG, "##### onDetach #### " + person); onPause(); hideBubble(mapView); super.onDetach(mapView); }
public void drawItem(final Canvas c, final MapView osmv, Item item) { Drawable markerFocusedBase = item.getMarker(OverlayItem.ITEM_STATE_FOCUSED_MASK); if (markerFocusedBase == null) { markerFocusedBase = this.mMarkerFocusedBase; } /* Calculate and set the bounds of the marker. */ osmv.getProjection().toPixels(item.getPoint(), mFocusedScreenCoords); markerFocusedBase.copyBounds(mRect); mRect.offset(mFocusedScreenCoords.x, mFocusedScreenCoords.y); /* Strings of the OverlayItem, we need. */ final String itemTitle = (item.getTitle() == null) ? UNKNOWN : item.getTitle(); final String itemDescription = (item.getSnippet() == null) ? UNKNOWN : item.getSnippet(); /* * Store the width needed for each char in the description to a float array. This is pretty * efficient. */ final float[] widths = new float[itemDescription.length()]; this.descriptionPaint.getTextWidths(itemDescription, widths); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int maxWidth = 0; int curLineWidth = 0; int lastStop = 0; int i; int lastwhitespace = 0; /* * Loop through the charwidth array and harshly insert a linebreak, when the width gets * bigger than DESCRIPTION_MAXWIDTH. */ for (i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) { if (!Character.isLetter(itemDescription.charAt(i))) { lastwhitespace = i; } final float charwidth = widths[i]; if (curLineWidth + charwidth > DESCRIPTION_MAXWIDTH) { if (lastStop == lastwhitespace) { i--; } else { i = lastwhitespace; } sb.append(itemDescription.subSequence(lastStop, i)); sb.append('\n'); lastStop = i; maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, curLineWidth); curLineWidth = 0; } curLineWidth += charwidth; } /* Add the last line to the rest to the buffer. */ if (i != lastStop) { final String rest = itemDescription.substring(lastStop, i); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, (int) this.descriptionPaint.measureText(rest)); sb.append(rest); } final String[] lines = sb.toString().split("\n"); /* * The title also needs to be taken into consideration for the width calculation. */ final int titleWidth = (int) this.descriptionPaint.measureText(itemTitle); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, titleWidth); final int descWidth = Math.min(maxWidth, DESCRIPTION_MAXWIDTH); /* Calculate the bounds of the Description box that needs to be drawn. */ final int descBoxLeft = mRect.left - descWidth / 2 - DESCRIPTION_BOX_PADDING + mRect.width() / 2; final int descBoxRight = descBoxLeft + descWidth + 2 * DESCRIPTION_BOX_PADDING; final int descBoxBottom =; final int descBoxTop = descBoxBottom - DESCRIPTION_TITLE_EXTRA_LINE_HEIGHT - (lines.length + 1) * DESCRIPTION_LINE_HEIGHT /* +1 because of the title. */ - 2 * DESCRIPTION_BOX_PADDING; /* Twice draw a RoundRect, once in black with 1px as a small border. */ this.mMarkerBackgroundPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); c.drawRoundRect( new RectF(descBoxLeft - 1, descBoxTop - 1, descBoxRight + 1, descBoxBottom + 1), DESCRIPTION_BOX_CORNERWIDTH, DESCRIPTION_BOX_CORNERWIDTH, this.descriptionPaint); this.mMarkerBackgroundPaint.setColor(this.mMarkerFocusedBackgroundColor); c.drawRoundRect( new RectF(descBoxLeft, descBoxTop, descBoxRight, descBoxBottom), DESCRIPTION_BOX_CORNERWIDTH, DESCRIPTION_BOX_CORNERWIDTH, this.mMarkerBackgroundPaint); final int descLeft = descBoxLeft + DESCRIPTION_BOX_PADDING; int descTextLineBottom = descBoxBottom - DESCRIPTION_BOX_PADDING; /* Draw all the lines of the description. */ for (int j = lines.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { c.drawText(lines[j].trim(), descLeft, descTextLineBottom, this.descriptionPaint); descTextLineBottom -= DESCRIPTION_LINE_HEIGHT; } /* Draw the title. */ c.drawText( itemTitle, descLeft, descTextLineBottom - DESCRIPTION_TITLE_EXTRA_LINE_HEIGHT, this.titlePaint); c.drawLine(descBoxLeft, descTextLineBottom, descBoxRight, descTextLineBottom, descriptionPaint); /* * Finally draw the marker base. This is done in the end to make it look better. */ Overlay.drawAt( c, markerFocusedBase, mFocusedScreenCoords.x, mFocusedScreenCoords.y, false, 0.0f); }