public long installBundle(String location) { try { Bundle b = Activator.bc.installBundle(location); return b.getBundleId(); } catch (BundleException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to install location=" + location); } }
public void setBundle(Bundle b) { try { MetaTypeInformation mtp = Activator.getMTP(b); jcmInfo.setProvider(mtp, b); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Activator.log.error("Failed to get MetaTypeInformation from bundle " + b.getBundleId(), e); } }
public Map getBundleManifest(long bundleId) { Bundle b = Activator.bc.getBundle(bundleId); Dictionary d = b.getHeaders(); Map result = new HashMap(); int i = 0; for (Enumeration e = d.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); String val = (String) d.get(key); result.put(key, val); i += 2; } result.remove("Application-Icon"); return result; }
public long[] getFrameworkEvents() { synchronized (frameworkEvents) { try { long[] r = new long[frameworkEvents.size() * 2]; if (bDebug) { System.out.println("server: getFrameworkEvents size=" + r.length / 2); } int i = 0; for (Iterator it = frameworkEvents.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { FrameworkEvent ev = (FrameworkEvent); Bundle b = ev.getBundle(); long bid = -1; if (b == null) { if (bDebug) { System.out.println("fw event: " + ev + " - no bundle"); } } else { bid = b.getBundleId(); } r[i * 2] = bid; r[i * 2 + 1] = ev.getType(); i++; } frameworkEvents.clear(); if (bDebug) { System.out.println("server: getFrameworkEvents -> " + r); } return r; } catch (Exception e) { if (bDebug) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return null; }
public long[] getRegisteredServices(long bid) { Bundle b = Activator.bc.getBundle(bid); return Util.referencesToLong(b.getRegisteredServices()); }
public long[] getServicesInUse(long bid) { Bundle b = Activator.bc.getBundle(bid); return Util.referencesToLong(b.getServicesInUse()); }
public int getBundleState(long bid) { Bundle b = Activator.bc.getBundle(bid); return b.getState(); }
public String getBundleLocation(long bid) { Bundle b = Activator.bc.getBundle(bid); return b.getLocation(); }