Example #1
   * Creates a PropertyValue for a range of aadlreal with units.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if minUnits, maxUnits, or deltaUnits is null, if
   *     minUnits, maxUnits, and deltaUnits are not of the same UnitType, or if min is greater than
   *     max.
  public static RangeValue createRealRangeValue(
      double min,
      UnitLiteral minUnits,
      double max,
      UnitLiteral maxUnits,
      double delta,
      UnitLiteral deltaUnits)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {
    RangeValue newPropertyValue = createRealRangeValue(min, minUnits, max, maxUnits);

    if (deltaUnits == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("deltaUnits cannot be null.");
    if (!minUnits.eContainer().equals(deltaUnits.eContainer()))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "minUnits, maxUnits, and deltaUnits are not of the same type.");

    newPropertyValue.setDelta(createRealValue(delta, deltaUnits));
    return newPropertyValue;
Example #2
   * Creates a PropertyValue for a range of aadlreal with units.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if minUnits or maxUnits is null, if minUnits and
   *     maxUnits are not of the same UnitType, or if min is greater than max.
  public static RangeValue createRealRangeValue(
      double min, UnitLiteral minUnits, double max, UnitLiteral maxUnits)
      throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (minUnits == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("minUnits cannot be null.");
    if (maxUnits == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxUnits cannot be null.");
    if (!minUnits.eContainer().equals(maxUnits.eContainer()))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("minUnits and maxUnits are not of the same type.");

    RealLiteral minimumValue = createRealValue(min, minUnits);
    RealLiteral maximumValue = createRealValue(max, maxUnits);
    if (minimumValue.getScaledValue() > maximumValue.getScaledValue())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("min cannot be greater than max.");

    RangeValue newPropertyValue = Aadl2Factory.eINSTANCE.createRangeValue();
    return newPropertyValue;
Example #3
  * Check that UnitLiteral unit is part of Property pd's UnitsType and returns the property value
  * by calling ph.getSimplePropertyValue(pd)
  * @param ph The property holder from which to retrieve the property value.
  * @param pd The property to retrieve.
  * @param unit The literal to test against pd's units type.
  * @return The retrieved property value.
  * @throws InvalidModelException Thrown if the property value cannot be retrieved because the
  *     model is incomplete or otherwise invalid.
  * @throws PropertyNotPresentException Thrown if the property is undefined for ph.
  * @throws PropertyIsModalException Thrown if ph is modal and declarative.
  * @throws IllegalStateException Thrown if the lookup encounters a cycle of property reference
  *     dependencies.
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if the given unit literal is not from the property's
  *     unit type or if ph, pd, or unit is null.
  * @throws PropertyDoesNotApplyToHolderException Thrown if pd does not apply to ph.
  * @throws PropertyIsListException Thrown if the property is not scalar.
  * @throws ClassCastException Thrown if the property's type is not a RangeType or a NumberType.
 private static PropertyExpression checkUnitsAndGetSimplePropertyValue(
     final NamedElement ph, final Property pd, final UnitLiteral unit)
     throws InvalidModelException, PropertyNotPresentException, PropertyIsModalException,
         IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException, PropertyDoesNotApplyToHolderException,
         PropertyIsListException, ClassCastException {
   if (unit == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("UnitLiteral unit cannot be null.");
   final PropertyExpression pv = getSimplePropertyValue(ph, pd);
   PropertyType pt = (PropertyType) pd.getType();
   if (pt instanceof RangeType) {
     pt = ((RangeType) pt).getNumberType();
   final UnitsType theUnitsType = ((NumberType) pt).getUnitsType();
   if (unit.eContainer() != theUnitsType) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Unit literal "
             + unit.getName()
             + " is not from the property's type "
             + theUnitsType.getName());
   return pv;