private TagGroup tagGroupForEntity(Entity entity) { if (entity.getTags().isEmpty()) { return EMPTY_TAG_GROUP; } else { Map<String, String> tagMap = new HashMap<String, String>(entity.getTags().size()); for (Tag tag : entity.getTags()) { tagMap.put(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue()); } return new MapBasedTagGroup(tagMap); } }
public void process(EntityContainer entityContainer) { Entity entity = entityContainer.getEntity(); if (entity instanceof Node) { nodesById.put(entity.getId(), ((Node) entity)); } else if (entity instanceof Way) { waysById.put(entity.getId(), ((Way) entity)); } else if (entity instanceof Relation) { relationsById.put(entity.getId(), ((Relation) entity)); } else if (entity instanceof Bound) { bounds.add((Bound) entity); } }
/** * Extracts known way tags and returns their ids. * * @param entity the way * @return the ids of the identified tags */ public static short[] extractKnownWayTags(Entity entity) { TShortArrayList currentTags = new TShortArrayList(); OSMTagMapping mapping = OSMTagMapping.getInstance(); if (entity.getTags() != null) { for (Tag tag : entity.getTags()) { OSMTag wayTag = mapping.getWayTag(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue()); if (wayTag != null) { currentTags.add(wayTag.getId()); } } } return currentTags.toArray(); }
private void processFacilities( ActivityFacilitiesFactory aff, Map<Long, ? extends EntityContainer> nodeMap) { for (Long n : nodeMap.keySet()) { Entity entity = nodeMap.get(n).getEntity(); Map<String, String> tags = new TagCollectionImpl(entity.getTags()).buildMap(); for (String s : this.keys) { String tourism = tags.get(s); String matsimType = null; if (tourism != null) { matsimType = getActivityType(tourism); } if (matsimType != null) { String name = tags.get("name"); if (name != null) { name.replace("ä", "ae"); name.replace("ö", "oe"); name.replace("ü", "ue"); } Coord coord = OsmCoordUtils.getCoord(entity, this.ct, this.nodeMap, this.wayMap, this.relationMap); Id<ActivityFacility> id = Id.create(entity.getId(), ActivityFacility.class); ActivityFacility af; if (!this.facilities.getFacilities().containsKey(id)) { af = aff.createActivityFacility(id, coord); // ((ActivityFacilityImpl)af).setDesc(name); this.facilities.addActivityFacility(af); } else { af = (ActivityFacilityImpl) this.facilities.getFacilities().get(id); } ActivityOption ao = aff.createActivityOption(matsimType); af.addActivityOption(ao); } } } }
/** * Extracts special fields and returns their values as an array of strings. * * @param entity the entity * @param preferredLanguage the preferred language * @return a string array, [0] = name, [1] = ref, [2} = housenumber, [3] layer, [4] elevation, [5] * relationType */ public static SpecialTagExtractionResult extractSpecialFields( Entity entity, String preferredLanguage) { boolean foundPreferredLanguageName = false; String name = null; String ref = null; String housenumber = null; byte layer = 5; short elevation = 0; String relationType = null; if (entity.getTags() != null) { for (Tag tag : entity.getTags()) { String key = tag.getKey().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if ("name".equals(key) && !foundPreferredLanguageName) { name = tag.getValue(); } else if ("piste:name".equals(key) && name == null) { name = tag.getValue(); } else if ("addr:housenumber".equals(key)) { housenumber = tag.getValue(); } else if ("ref".equals(key)) { ref = tag.getValue(); } else if ("layer".equals(key)) { String l = tag.getValue(); try { byte testLayer = Byte.parseByte(l); if (testLayer >= -5 && testLayer <= 5) { testLayer += 5; } layer = testLayer; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.finest( "could not parse layer information to byte type: " + tag.getValue() + "\t entity-id: " + entity.getId() + "\tentity-type: " + entity.getType().name()); } } else if ("ele".equals(key)) { String strElevation = tag.getValue(); strElevation = strElevation.replaceAll("m", ""); strElevation = strElevation.replaceAll(",", "."); try { double testElevation = Double.parseDouble(strElevation); if (testElevation < MAX_ELEVATION) { elevation = (short) testElevation; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.finest( "could not parse elevation information to double type: " + tag.getValue() + "\t entity-id: " + entity.getId() + "\tentity-type: " + entity.getType().name()); } } else if ("type".equals(key)) { relationType = tag.getValue(); } else if (preferredLanguage != null && !foundPreferredLanguageName) { Matcher matcher = NAME_LANGUAGE_PATTERN.matcher(key); if (matcher.matches()) { String language =; if (language.equalsIgnoreCase(preferredLanguage)) { name = tag.getValue(); foundPreferredLanguageName = true; } } } } } return new SpecialTagExtractionResult(name, ref, housenumber, layer, elevation, relationType); }