private void onActiveLayerChanged(final Layer old) { fireActiveLayerChanged(old, activeLayer); /* This only makes the buttons look disabled. Disabling the actions as well requires * the user to re-select the tool after i.e. moving a layer. While testing I found * that I switch layers and actions at the same time and it was annoying to mind the * order. This way it works as visual clue for new users */ for (final AbstractButton b : { MapMode mode = (MapMode) b.getAction(); final boolean activeLayerSupported = mode.layerIsSupported(activeLayer); if (activeLayerSupported) { Main.registerActionShortcut(mode, mode.getShortcut()); // fix #6876 } else { Main.unregisterShortcut(mode.getShortcut()); } GuiHelper.runInEDTAndWait( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { b.setEnabled(activeLayerSupported); } }); } AudioPlayer.reset(); repaint(); }
/** * Returns the list of recent relations on active layer. * * @return the list of recent relations on active layer */ public static List<Relation> getRecentRelationsOnActiveLayer() { if (!Main.isDisplayingMapView()) return Collections.emptyList(); Layer activeLayer = Main.getLayerManager().getActiveLayer(); if (!(activeLayer instanceof OsmDataLayer)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else { return ((OsmDataLayer) activeLayer).getRecentRelations(); } }
protected void uploadLayers(List<SaveLayerInfo> toUpload) { for (final SaveLayerInfo layerInfo : toUpload) { AbstractModifiableLayer layer = layerInfo.getLayer(); if (canceled) { model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.CANCELED); continue; } monitor.subTask(tr("Preparing layer ''{0}'' for upload ...", layerInfo.getName())); if (!UploadAction.checkPreUploadConditions(layer)) { model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.FAILED); continue; } AbstractUploadDialog dialog = layer.getUploadDialog(); if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(true); if (dialog.isCanceled()) { model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.CANCELED); continue; } dialog.rememberUserInput(); } currentTask = layer.createUploadTask(monitor); if (currentTask == null) { model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.FAILED); continue; } currentFuture = worker.submit(currentTask); try { // wait for the asynchronous task to complete // currentFuture.get(); } catch (CancellationException e) { Main.trace(e); model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.CANCELED); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { Main.error(e); model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.FAILED); ExceptionDialogUtil.explainException(e); } if (currentTask.isCanceled()) { model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.CANCELED); } else if (currentTask.isFailed()) { Main.error(currentTask.getLastException()); ExceptionDialogUtil.explainException(currentTask.getLastException()); model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.FAILED); } else { model.setUploadState(layer, UploadOrSaveState.OK); } currentTask = null; currentFuture = null; } }
/** Unit test of {@link WMSLayer#WMSLayer}. */ @Test public void testWMSLayer() { WMSLayer wms = new WMSLayer(new ImageryInfo("test wms", "http://localhost")); Main.getLayerManager().addLayer(wms); try { assertEquals(ImageryType.WMS, wms.getInfo().getImageryType()); } finally { // Ensure we clean the place before leaving, even if test fails. Main.getLayerManager().removeLayer(wms); } }
/** Lets other commands access the original version of the object. Usually for undoing. */ public PrimitiveData getOrig(OsmPrimitive osm) { PrimitiveData o = cloneMap.get(osm); if (o != null) return o; Main.debug("unable to find osm with id: " + osm.getId() + " hashCode: " + osm.hashCode()); for (OsmPrimitive t : cloneMap.keySet()) { PrimitiveData to = cloneMap.get(t); Main.debug("now: " + t.getId() + " hashCode: " + t.hashCode()); Main.debug("orig: " + to.getUniqueId() + " hashCode: " + to.hashCode()); } return o; }
public void selectFeatures(int x, int y) { int pixelDelta = 2; LatLon clickUL = - pixelDelta, y - pixelDelta); LatLon clickLR = + pixelDelta, y + pixelDelta); Envelope envelope = new Envelope( Math.min(clickUL.lon(), clickLR.lon()), Math.max(clickUL.lon(), clickLR.lon()), Math.min(,, Math.max(,; ReferencedEnvelope mapArea = new ReferencedEnvelope(envelope, crsOSMI); Intersects filter = ff.intersects("msGeometry"), ff.literal(mapArea)); // // Select features in all layers // content.layers().clear(); // Iterate through features and build a list that intersects the above // envelope for (int idx = 0; idx < arrFeatures.size(); ++idx) { OSMIFeatureTracker tracker = arrFeatures.get(idx); FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> features = tracker.getFeatures(); SimpleFeatureSource tempfs = DataUtilities.source(features); FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> selectedFeatures; try { selectedFeatures = tempfs.getFeatures(filter); Set<FeatureId> IDs = new HashSet<>(); try (FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> iter = selectedFeatures.features()) {"Selected features " + selectedFeatures.size()); while (iter.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature feature =; IDs.add(feature.getIdentifier()); } } geometryType = selectGeomType.get(idx + layerOffset); Style style = createDefaultStyle(idx + layerOffset, IDs); content.addLayer(new FeatureLayer(features, style)); } catch (IOException e) { Main.error(e); } } bIsChanged = true; }
@Test public void a_latlon2eastNorth_test() { { LatLon ll = new LatLon(46.518, 6.567); EastNorth en = Main.getProjection().latlon2eastNorth(ll); if (debug) { System.out.println(en); } assertTrue("Lausanne", Math.abs(en.east() - 533111.69) < 0.1); assertTrue("Lausanne", Math.abs(en.north() - 152227.85) < 0.1); } { LatLon ll = new LatLon(47.78, 8.58); EastNorth en = Main.getProjection().latlon2eastNorth(ll); if (debug) { System.out.println(en); } assertTrue("Schafouse", Math.abs(en.east() - 685544.16) < 0.1); assertTrue("Schafouse", Math.abs(en.north() - 292782.91) < 0.1); } { LatLon ll = new LatLon(46.58, 10.48); EastNorth en = Main.getProjection().latlon2eastNorth(ll); if (debug) { System.out.println(en); } assertTrue("Grinson", Math.abs(en.east() - 833068.04) < 0.1); assertTrue("Grinson", Math.abs(en.north() - 163265.39) < 0.1); } { LatLon ll = new LatLon( 46.0 + 57.0 / 60 + 3.89813884505 / 3600, 7.0 + 26.0 / 60 + 19.076595154147 / 3600); EastNorth en = Main.getProjection().latlon2eastNorth(ll); if (debug) { System.out.println(en); } assertTrue("Berne", Math.abs(en.east() - 600000.0) < 0.1); assertTrue("Berne", Math.abs(en.north() - 200000.0) < 0.1); } { LatLon ll = new LatLon(46.0 + 2.0 / 60 + 38.87 / 3600, 8.0 + 43.0 / 60 + 49.79 / 3600); EastNorth en = Main.getProjection().latlon2eastNorth(ll); if (debug) { System.out.println(en); } assertTrue("Ref", Math.abs(en.east() - 700000.0) < 0.1); assertTrue("Ref", Math.abs(en.north() - 100000.0) < 0.1); } }
@Test public void b_eastNorth2latlon_test() { { EastNorth en = new EastNorth(533111.69, 152227.85); LatLon ll = Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(en); if (debug) { System.out.println(ll); } assertTrue("Lausanne", Math.abs( - 46.518) < 0.00001); assertTrue("Lausanne", Math.abs(ll.lon() - 6.567) < 0.00001); } { EastNorth en = new EastNorth(685544.16, 292782.91); LatLon ll = Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(en); if (debug) { System.out.println(ll); } assertTrue("Schafouse", Math.abs( - 47.78) < 0.00001); assertTrue("Schafouse", Math.abs(ll.lon() - 8.58) < 0.00001); } { EastNorth en = new EastNorth(833068.04, 163265.39); LatLon ll = Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(en); if (debug) { System.out.println(ll); } assertTrue("Grinson", Math.abs( - 46.58) < 0.00001); assertTrue("Grinson", Math.abs(ll.lon() - 10.48) < 0.00001); } { EastNorth en = new EastNorth(600000.0, 200000.0); LatLon ll = Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(en); if (debug) { System.out.println(ll); } assertTrue("Berne", Math.abs( - (46.0 + 57.0 / 60 + 3.89813884505 / 3600)) < 0.00001); assertTrue( "Berne", Math.abs(ll.lon() - (7.0 + 26.0 / 60 + 19.076595154147 / 3600)) < 0.00001); } { EastNorth en = new EastNorth(700000.0, 100000.0); LatLon ll = Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(en); if (debug) { System.out.println(ll); } assertTrue("Ref", Math.abs( - (46.0 + 2.0 / 60 + 38.87 / 3600)) < 0.00001); assertTrue("Ref", Math.abs(ll.lon() - (8.0 + 43.0 / 60 + 49.79 / 3600)) < 0.00001); } }
private static Class<?> loadRendererClass(String className) { for (ClassLoader cl : PluginHandler.getResourceClassLoaders()) { try { return Class.forName(className, true, cl); } catch (final NoClassDefFoundError | ClassNotFoundException e) { Main.trace(e.getMessage()); } } Main.error( tr("Failed to load map renderer class ''{0}''. The class wasn''t found.", className)); return null; }
private JButton addButtonAndShortcut(ActionDefinition action) { Action act = action.getParametrizedAction(); JButton b = control.add(act); Shortcut sc = null; if (action.getAction() instanceof JosmAction) { sc = ((JosmAction) action.getAction()).getShortcut(); if (sc.getAssignedKey() == KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) { sc = null; } } long paramCode = 0; if (action.hasParameters()) { paramCode = action.parameters.hashCode(); } String tt = action.getDisplayTooltip(); if (tt == null) { tt = ""; } if (sc == null || paramCode != 0) { String name = (String) action.getAction().getValue("toolbar"); if (name == null) { name = action.getDisplayName(); } if (paramCode != 0) { name = name + paramCode; } String desc = action.getDisplayName() + ((paramCode == 0) ? "" : action.parameters.toString()); sc = Shortcut.registerShortcut( "toolbar:" + name, tr("Toolbar: {0}", desc), KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED, Shortcut.NONE); Main.unregisterShortcut(sc); Main.registerActionShortcut(act, sc); // add shortcut info to the tooltip if needed if (sc.getAssignedUser()) { if (tt.startsWith("<html>") && tt.endsWith("</html>")) { tt = tt.substring(6, tt.length() - 6); } tt = Main.platform.makeTooltip(tt, sc); } } if (!tt.isEmpty()) { b.setToolTipText(tt); } return b; }
/** Detect starting elements. */ @Override public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { depth++; try { if ("searchresults".equals(qName)) { // do nothing } else if ("named".equals(qName) && (depth == 2)) { currentResult = new PlaceSelection.SearchResult(); = atts.getValue("name"); = atts.getValue("info"); if ( != null) { = tr(; } = Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue("lat")); currentResult.lon = Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue("lon")); currentResult.zoom = Integer.parseInt(atts.getValue("zoom")); data.add(currentResult); } else if ("description".equals(qName) && (depth == 3)) { description = new StringBuilder(); } else if ("named".equals(qName) && (depth == 4)) { // this is a "named" place in the nearest places list. String info = atts.getValue("info"); if ("city".equals(info) || "town".equals(info) || "village".equals(info)) { currentResult.nearestPlace = atts.getValue("name"); } } else if ("place".equals(qName) && atts.getValue("lat") != null) { currentResult = new PlaceSelection.SearchResult(); = atts.getValue("display_name"); currentResult.description =; = atts.getValue("class"); if ( != null) { = tr(; } currentResult.nearestPlace = tr(atts.getValue("type")); = Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue("lat")); currentResult.lon = Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue("lon")); String[] bbox = atts.getValue("boundingbox").split(","); currentResult.bounds = new Bounds( Double.parseDouble(bbox[0]), Double.parseDouble(bbox[2]), Double.parseDouble(bbox[1]), Double.parseDouble(bbox[3])); data.add(currentResult); } } catch (NumberFormatException x) { Main.error(x); // SAXException does not chain correctly throw new SAXException(x.getMessage(), x); } catch (NullPointerException x) { Main.error(x); // SAXException does not chain correctly throw new SAXException(tr("Null pointer exception, possibly some missing tags."), x); } }
/** * Adds the specified GPX and marker layers to Map.main * * @param data The layers to add * @see #loadLayers */ public static void addLayers(final GpxImporterData data) { // FIXME: remove UI stuff from the IO subsystem GuiHelper.runInEDT( () -> { if (data.markerLayer != null) { Main.getLayerManager().addLayer(data.markerLayer); } if (data.gpxLayer != null) { Main.getLayerManager().addLayer(data.gpxLayer); }; }); }
/** * @param wfsClient * @throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException * @throws FactoryException * @throws IOException * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * @throws ParseException */ public OsmInspectorLayer(GeoFabrikWFSClient wfsClient, ProgressMonitor monitor) throws NoSuchAuthorityCodeException, FactoryException, IOException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, ParseException { super("OsmInspector"); arrFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); osmiBugInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>(); selectGeomType = new ArrayList<>(); // Step 3 - discovery; enhance to iterate over all types with bounds String typeNames[] = wfsClient.getTypeNames(); renderer = new StreamingRenderer(); CRS.decode(Main.getProjection().toCode()); crsOSMI = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326"); content = new MapContent(crsOSMI); selectGeomType.add(GeomType.POINT); for (int idx = 1; idx < typeNames.length; ++idx) { String typeName = typeNames[idx]; Set<FeatureId> selectedFeatures = new HashSet<>(); FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> features = wfsClient.getFeatures(typeName, monitor); setGeometry(selectGeomType, typeName);"Osm Inspector Features size: " + features.size()); Style style = createDefaultStyle(idx, selectedFeatures); OSMIFeatureTracker tracker = new OSMIFeatureTracker(features); arrFeatures.add(tracker); FeatureIterator<SimpleFeature> it = tracker.getFeatures().features(); while (it.hasNext()) { BugInfo theInfo = new BugInfo(, osmiBugInfo.size()); osmiBugInfo.put(theInfo, theInfo.bugId); } content.addLayer(new FeatureLayer(tracker.getFeatures(), style)); } osmiIndex = new BugIndex(osmiBugInfo); content.setTitle("Osm Inspector Errors"); renderer.setMapContent(content); bIsChanged = true; // finally initialize the dialog dialog = new OsmInspectorDialog(this); this.updateView(); }
@Override public synchronized void loadingFinished( CacheEntry data, CacheEntryAttributes attributes, LoadResult result) { try { synchronized (this.getClass()) { this.queue.put( ByteArrayInputStream(data.getContent()))); this.queueImages.put(this.image); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Main.error(e); } catch (IOException e) { Main.error(e); } }
/** * find which gpx layer holds the trace to upload. layers are tried in this order: * * <p>1. selected (*not* active - think "zoom to layer"), from first to last 2. not selectd - if * there is only one 3. active * * @return data of the selected gpx layer, or null if there is none */ GpxData autoSelectTrace() { if ( != null && != null) { MainLayerManager lm = Main.getLayerManager(); // List<Layer> allLayers = new ArrayList<Layer>(mv.getAllLayersAsList()); // // modifiable List<Layer> selectedLayers = LayerListDialog.getInstance().getModel().getSelectedLayers(); List<GpxLayer> gpxLayersRemaining = lm.getLayersOfType(GpxLayer.class); gpxLayersRemaining.removeAll(selectedLayers); GpxLayer traceLayer = null; // find the first gpx layer inside selected layers for (Layer l : LayerListDialog.getInstance().getModel().getSelectedLayers()) { if (l instanceof GpxLayer) { traceLayer = (GpxLayer) l; break; } } if (traceLayer == null) { // if there is none, try the none selected gpx layers. if there is only one, use it. if (gpxLayersRemaining.size() == 1) { traceLayer = gpxLayersRemaining.get(0); } // active layer else if (lm.getActiveLayer() instanceof GpxLayer) { traceLayer = (GpxLayer) lm.getActiveLayer(); } } if (traceLayer != null) { return; } } return null; }
/** * This function handles all work related to updating the cursor and highlights * * @param e * @param modifiers */ private void updateCursor(MouseEvent e, int modifiers) { if (!Main.isDisplayingMapView()) return; if (! || e == null) return; DeleteParameters parameters = getDeleteParameters(e, modifiers);, this); }
private static Map<String, Integer> getCacheStats( CacheAccess<String, BufferedImageCacheEntry> cache) { Set<String> keySet = cache.getCacheControl().getKeySet(); Map<String, int[]> temp = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // use int[] as a Object reference to int, gives better // performance for (String key : keySet) { String[] keyParts = key.split(":", 2); if (keyParts.length == 2) { int[] counter = temp.get(keyParts[0]); if (counter == null) { temp.put(keyParts[0], new int[] {1}); } else { counter[0]++; } } else { Main.warn("Could not parse the key: {0}. No colon found", key); } } // convert to standard Map<String, Integer> Map<String, Integer> ret = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); for (Entry<String, int[]> e : temp.entrySet()) { ret.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()[0]); } return ret; }
@Override protected void parse(HeaderBlock header) { for (String requiredFeature : header.getRequiredFeaturesList()) { switch (requiredFeature) { case "OsmSchema-V0.6": ds.setVersion("0.6"); break; case "DenseNodes": break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported feature: " + requiredFeature); } } HeaderBBox bbox = header.getBbox(); if (bbox != null) { double minlat = parseRawDegrees(bbox.getBottom()); double minlon = parseRawDegrees(bbox.getLeft()); double maxlat = parseRawDegrees(bbox.getTop()); double maxlon = parseRawDegrees(bbox.getRight()); Bounds b = new Bounds(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon); if (!b.isCollapsed() && areCoordinatesValid(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon)) { ds.dataSources.add(new DataSource(b, header.getSource())); } else { Main.error("Invalid Bounds: " + b); } } }
/** Unit test of method {@link ChangesetDataSet#getPrimitivesByModificationType}. */ @Test public void testGetPrimitivesByModificationType() { final ChangesetDataSet cds = new ChangesetDataSet(); // empty object, null parameter => IllegalArgumentException try { cds.getPrimitivesByModificationType(null);"Should have thrown an IllegalArgumentException as we gave a null argument."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Main.trace(e); // Was expected } // empty object, a modification type => empty list Assert.assertTrue( "Empty data set should produce an empty list.", cds.getPrimitivesByModificationType(ChangesetModificationType.CREATED).isEmpty()); // object with various items and modification types, fetch for CREATED // => list containing only the CREATED item HistoryOsmPrimitive prim1 = new HistoryNode(1, 1, true, User.getAnonymous(), 1, new Date(), LatLon.ZERO); HistoryOsmPrimitive prim2 = new HistoryNode(2, 1, true, User.createLocalUser("test"), 1, new Date(), LatLon.NORTH_POLE); HistoryOsmPrimitive prim3 = new HistoryNode(3, 1, true, User.getAnonymous(), 1, new Date(), LatLon.SOUTH_POLE); cds.put(prim1, ChangesetModificationType.CREATED); cds.put(prim2, ChangesetModificationType.DELETED); cds.put(prim3, ChangesetModificationType.UPDATED); Set<HistoryOsmPrimitive> result = cds.getPrimitivesByModificationType(ChangesetModificationType.CREATED); Assert.assertEquals("We should have found only one item.", 1, result.size()); Assert.assertTrue("The item found is prim1.", result.contains(prim1)); }
/** * Constructs a new <code>RecentRelationsAction</code>. * * @param editButton edit button */ public RecentRelationsAction(SideButton editButton) { this.editButton = editButton; arrow = editButton.createArrow(this); arrow.setToolTipText(tr("List of recent relations")); Main.main.undoRedo.addCommandQueueListener(this); Main.getLayerManager().addLayerChangeListener(this); Main.getLayerManager().addActiveLayerChangeListener(this); enableArrow(); shortcut = Shortcut.registerShortcut( "relationeditor:editrecentrelation", tr("Relation Editor: {0}", tr("Open recent relation")), KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, Shortcut.SHIFT); Main.registerActionShortcut(new LaunchEditorAction(), shortcut); }
@Override public void enterMode() { super.enterMode(); if (!hasImageryLayersToAdjust()) { warnNoImageryLayers(); return; } List<ImageryLayer> layers = Main.getLayerManager().getLayersOfType(ImageryLayer.class); if (layers.size() == 1) { adjustingLayer = layers.get(0); } else { adjustingLayer = (ImageryLayer) askAdjustLayer(getVisibleLayers()); } if (adjustingLayer == null) return; if (!adjustingLayer.isVisible()) { adjustingLayer.setVisible(true); };; listener = new TimedKeyReleaseListener() { @Override protected void doKeyReleaseEvent(KeyEvent evt) { if (releaseEvent.getKeyCode() == getShortcut().getKeyStroke().getKeyCode()) { if (oldMapMode != null && !(oldMapMode instanceof ImageryAdjustMapMode)); } } }; }
/** * Adds an edit layer change listener * * @param listener the listener. Ignored if null or already registered. * @param initialFire fire an edit-layer-changed-event right after adding the listener in case * there is an edit layer present */ public static void addEditLayerChangeListener( EditLayerChangeListener listener, boolean initialFire) { addEditLayerChangeListener(listener); if (initialFire && Main.isDisplayingMapView() && != null) { listener.editLayerChanged(null,; } }
private synchronized void waitNotification() { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Main.error(e); } }
@Override public void realRun() throws IOException, SAXException, OsmTransferException { try { if (isCanceled()) { return; } dataSet = parseDataSet(); } catch (Exception e) { if (isCanceled()) { tr( "Ignoring exception because download has been canceled. Exception was: {0}", e.toString())); return; } if (e instanceof OsmTransferCanceledException) { setCanceled(true); return; } else if (e instanceof OsmTransferException) { rememberException(e); } else { rememberException(new OsmTransferException(e)); } DownloadOsmTask.this.setFailed(true); } }
/** * Retries to recover the upload operation from an exception which was thrown because an uploaded * primitive was already deleted on the server. * * @param e the exception throw by the API * @param monitor a progress monitor * @throws OsmTransferException if we can't recover from the exception */ protected void recoverFromGoneOnServer(OsmApiPrimitiveGoneException e, ProgressMonitor monitor) throws OsmTransferException { if (!e.isKnownPrimitive()) throw e; OsmPrimitive p =, e.getPrimitiveType()); if (p == null) throw e; if (p.isDeleted()) { // we tried to delete an already deleted primitive. final String msg; final String displayName = p.getDisplayName(DefaultNameFormatter.getInstance()); if (p instanceof Node) { msg = tr("Node ''{0}'' is already deleted. Skipping object in upload.", displayName); } else if (p instanceof Way) { msg = tr("Way ''{0}'' is already deleted. Skipping object in upload.", displayName); } else if (p instanceof Relation) { msg = tr("Relation ''{0}'' is already deleted. Skipping object in upload.", displayName); } else { msg = tr("Object ''{0}'' is already deleted. Skipping object in upload.", displayName); } monitor.appendLogMessage(msg); Main.warn(msg); processedPrimitives.addAll(writer.getProcessedPrimitives()); processedPrimitives.add(p); toUpload.removeProcessed(processedPrimitives); return; } // exception was thrown because we tried to *update* an already deleted // primitive. We can't resolve this automatically. Re-throw exception, // a conflict is going to be created later. throw e; }
public static WindowGeometry mainWindow(String preferenceKey, String arg, boolean maximize) { Rectangle screenDimension = getScreenInfo("gui.geometry"); if (arg != null) { final Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)x(\\d+)(([+-])(\\d+)([+-])(\\d+))?").matcher(arg); if (m.matches()) { int w = Integer.valueOf(; int h = Integer.valueOf(; int x = screenDimension.x, y = screenDimension.y; if ( != null) { x = Integer.valueOf(; y = Integer.valueOf(; if ("-")) { x = screenDimension.x + screenDimension.width - x - w; } if ("-")) { y = screenDimension.y + screenDimension.height - y - h; } } return new WindowGeometry(new Point(x, y), new Dimension(w, h)); } else { Main.warn(tr("Ignoring malformed geometry: {0}", arg)); } } WindowGeometry def; if (maximize) { def = new WindowGeometry(screenDimension); } else { Point p = screenDimension.getLocation(); p.x += (screenDimension.width - 1000) / 2; p.y += (screenDimension.height - 740) / 2; def = new WindowGeometry(p, new Dimension(1000, 740)); } return new WindowGeometry(preferenceKey, def); }
/** * Match a list of photos to a gpx track with a given offset. All images need a exifTime attribute * and the List must be sorted according to these times. * * @param images images to match * @param selectedGpx selected GPX data * @param offset offset * @return number of matched points */ static int matchGpxTrack(List<ImageEntry> images, GpxData selectedGpx, long offset) { int ret = 0; for (GpxTrack trk : selectedGpx.tracks) { for (GpxTrackSegment segment : trk.getSegments()) { long prevWpTime = 0; WayPoint prevWp = null; for (WayPoint curWp : segment.getWayPoints()) { try { final Date parsedTime = curWp.setTimeFromAttribute(); if (parsedTime != null) { final long curWpTime = parsedTime.getTime() + offset; ret += matchPoints(images, prevWp, prevWpTime, curWp, curWpTime, offset); prevWp = curWp; prevWpTime = curWpTime; continue; } } catch (Exception e) { Main.warn(e); } prevWp = null; prevWpTime = 0; } } } return ret; }
/** * Builds and displays the window to the user. * * @param currentSortMode - The current sort mode which will be pre-selected in the list */ public void showSortDialog(Comparator<Note> currentSortMode) { JLabel label = new JLabel(tr("Select note sorting method")); if (currentSortMode == NoteData.DEFAULT_COMPARATOR) { defaultSort.setSelected(true); } else if (currentSortMode == NoteData.DATE_COMPARATOR) { dateSort.setSelected(true); } else if (currentSortMode == NoteData.USER_COMPARATOR) { userSort.setSelected(true); } else if (currentSortMode == NoteData.LAST_ACTION_COMPARATOR) { lastActionSort.setSelected(true); } else { Main.warn("sort mode not recognized"); } ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); bg.add(defaultSort); bg.add(userSort); bg.add(dateSort); bg.add(lastActionSort); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); panel.add(label); panel.add(defaultSort); panel.add(userSort); panel.add(dateSort); panel.add(lastActionSort); setContent(panel); showDialog(); }
/** Gets the elevation profile layer which decorates the current layer with some markers. */ public static ElevationProfileLayer getCurrentLayer() { if (currentLayer == null) { currentLayer = new ElevationProfileLayer(tr("Elevation Profile")); Main.getLayerManager().addLayer(currentLayer); } return currentLayer; }
protected Relation createRouteMaster(LineType line) { Relation r = createPtRelation(OSM_ROUTE_MASTER, line); switch (line.getTransportModeName()) { case BUS: r.put(OSM_ROUTE_MASTER, OSM_BUS); break; case AIR: r.put(OSM_ROUTE_MASTER, OSM_AERIALWAY); break; case FERRY: r.put(OSM_ROUTE_MASTER, OSM_FERRY); break; case METRO: r.put(OSM_ROUTE_MASTER, OSM_SUBWAY); break; case TRAIN: r.put(OSM_ROUTE_MASTER, OSM_TRAIN); break; case TRAMWAY: r.put(OSM_ROUTE_MASTER, OSM_TRAM); break; case TROLLEYBUS: r.put(OSM_ROUTE_MASTER, OSM_TROLLEYBUS); break; default: Main.warn("Unsupported transport mode: " + line.getTransportModeName()); } r.put("ref", line.getNumber()); r.put( "name", line.getTransportModeName().value() + " " + line.getNumber() + ": " + line.getName()); return r; }