public Entity[] waitsetTimedWait(Waitset waitset, Time time) throws CommunicationException { Entity[] result = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlWaitset = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(waitset); String xmlEntities = this.jniWaitsetTimedWait(xmlWaitset, time.sec, time.nsec); this.checkConnection(); Entity[] entityResult = entityDeserializer.deserializeEntityList(xmlEntities); if (entityResult != null) { result = new Entity[entityResult.length]; for (int i = 0; i < entityResult.length; i++) { result[i] = entityResult[i]; } } else { throw new CommunicationException("waitsetTimedWait failed (2)"); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("waitsetTimedWait failed"); } return result; }
public Topic[] participantFindTopic(Participant participant, String topicName) throws CommunicationException { Topic[] result = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(participant); String xmlEntities = this.jniParticipantFindTopic(xmlEntity, topicName); this.checkConnection(); Entity[] entityResult = entityDeserializer.deserializeEntityList(xmlEntities); if (entityResult != null) { result = new Topic[entityResult.length]; for (int i = 0; i < entityResult.length; i++) { result[i] = (Topic) (entityResult[i]); } } else { throw new CommunicationException("Could not find topic."); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not find topic."); } return result; }
public void waitsetDetach(Waitset waitset, Entity entity) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlWaitset = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(waitset); String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); String result = this.jniWaitsetDetach(xmlWaitset, xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(result))) { throw new CommunicationException(result.substring(8, result.length() - 9)); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not detach Entity from Waitset."); } return; }
public Writer writerNew(Publisher p, String name, Topic t, WriterQoS qos) throws CommunicationException { Writer wri; String xmlQos = null; this.checkConnection(); try { if (qos != null) { xmlQos = qosSerializer.serializeQoS(qos); } String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(p); String xmlTopic = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(t); String xmlResult = this.jniCreateWriter(xmlEntity, name, xmlTopic, xmlQos); this.checkConnection(); wri = (Writer) (entityDeserializer.deserializeEntity(xmlResult)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not create writer."); } return wri; }
public void entityFree(Entity entity) throws CommunicationException { String xmlEntity; this.checkConnection(); try { xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException(e.getMessage()); } this.jniEntityFree(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); }
public Partition partitionNew(Participant p, String name) throws CommunicationException { Partition dom; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(p); String xmlDom = this.jniDomainNew(xmlEntity, name); this.checkConnection(); dom = (Partition) (entityDeserializer.deserializeEntity(xmlDom)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not create partition."); } return dom; }
public ReaderSnapshot readerSnapshotNew(Reader reader) throws CommunicationException { ReaderSnapshot rs = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(reader); String xmlSnapshot = this.jniReaderSnapshotNew(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); rs = snapshotDeserializer.deserializeReaderSnapshot(xmlSnapshot, reader); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not create a snapshot of the supplied reader."); } return rs; }
public Status entityGetStatus(Entity entity) throws CommunicationException { Status status; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); String xmlStatus = this.jniEntityStatus(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); status = statusDeserializer.deserializeStatus(xmlStatus); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not resolve entity status."); } return status; }
public ServiceState serviceGetState(Service service) throws CommunicationException { ServiceState state; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(service); String xmlState = this.jniGetServiceState(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); state = (ServiceState) (entityDeserializer.deserializeEntity(xmlState)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not resolve service state."); } return state; }
public int waitsetGetEventMask(Waitset waitset) throws CommunicationException { int result = Event.UNDEFINED; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlWaitset = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(waitset); result = this.jniWaitsetGetEventMask(xmlWaitset); this.checkConnection(); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not attach Entity to Waitset."); } return result; }
public QoS entityGetQoS(Entity entity) throws CommunicationException { QoS result; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); String xmlQoS = this.jniEntityQoS(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); result = qosDeserializer.deserializeQoS(xmlQoS); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not resolve qos."); } return result; }
public void subscriberSubscribe(Subscriber s, String expression) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(s); String xmlResult = this.jniSubscriberSubscribe(xmlEntity, expression); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(xmlResult))) { throw new CommunicationException("Subscription failed."); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Subscription failed."); } }
public void publisherPublish(Publisher p, String expression) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(p); String xmlResult = this.jniPublisherPublish(xmlEntity, expression); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(xmlResult))) { throw new CommunicationException("Publication failed."); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Publication failed"); } }
public MetaType writerGetDataType(Writer writer) throws CommunicationException, DataTypeUnsupportedException { MetaType result = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(writer); String xmlType = this.jniWriterDataType(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); result = typeDeserializer.deserializeMetaType(xmlType); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not resolve topic data type of writer."); } return result; }
public void waitsetSetEventMask(Waitset waitset, int mask) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlWaitset = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(waitset); String result = this.jniWaitsetSetEventMask(xmlWaitset, mask); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(result))) { throw new CommunicationException(result.substring(8, result.length() - 9)); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not attach Entity to Waitset."); } }
public Entity[] entityDependantEntities(Entity entity, EntityFilter filter) throws CommunicationException { Entity[] result = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); String xmlEntities = this.jniGetDependantEntities(xmlEntity, EntityFilter.getString(filter)); this.checkConnection(); result = entityDeserializer.deserializeEntityList(xmlEntities); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not resolve dependant entities."); } return result; }
public void entityEnable(Entity entity) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); String result = this.jniEntityEnable(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(result))) { throw new CommunicationException(result.substring(8, result.length() - 9)); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not enable entity."); } }
public Waitset waitsetNew(Participant participant) throws CommunicationException { Waitset waitset = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(participant); String xmlWaitset = this.jniWaitsetNew(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); waitset = (Waitset) (entityDeserializer.deserializeEntity(xmlWaitset)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not create waitset."); } return waitset; }
public void entityResetStatistics(Entity entity, String fieldName) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); String result = this.jniEntityResetStatistics(xmlEntity, fieldName); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(result))) { throw new CommunicationException(result.substring(8, result.length() - 9)); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not reset statistics."); } }
public Query queryNew(Reader source, String name, String expression) throws CommunicationException { Query q; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlRea = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(source); String xmlResult = this.jniQueryNew(xmlRea, name, expression); this.checkConnection(); q = (Query) (entityDeserializer.deserializeEntity(xmlResult)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not create query."); } return q; }
public void writerUnregister(Writer writer, UserData data) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(writer); String xmlData = userDataSerializer.serializeUserData(data); String success = this.jniWriterUnregister(xmlEntity, xmlData); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(success))) { throw new CommunicationException("Unregister failed."); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not unregister instance with suppplied writer."); } }
public void entitySetQoS(Entity entity, QoS qos) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); String xmlQoS = qosSerializer.serializeQoS(qos); String result = this.jniEntitySetQoS(xmlEntity, xmlQoS); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(result))) { throw new CommunicationException(result.substring(8, result.length() - 9)); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Applying new qos failed."); } }
public Statistics entityGetStatistics(Entity entity) throws CommunicationException { Statistics statistics = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(entity); String result = this.jniEntityGetStatistics(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); if (result != null) { statistics = statisticsDeserializer.deserializeStatistics(result, entity); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not reset statistics."); } return statistics; }
public void participantRegisterType(Participant participant, MetaType type) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(participant); String xmlType = type.toXML(); String result = this.jniRegisterType(xmlEntity, xmlType); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(result))) { throw new CommunicationException(result.substring(8, result.length() - 9)); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not register type."); } }
public Sample readerTake(Reader reader) throws CommunicationException, DataTypeUnsupportedException { Sample result = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(reader); String xmlSample = this.jniReaderTake(xmlEntity); this.checkConnection(); result = untypedSampleDeserializer.deserializeSample(xmlSample, reader.getDataType()); } catch (CMException e) { throw new CommunicationException(e.getMessage()); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not take sample."); } return result; }
public void dataReaderWaitForHistoricalData(DataReader d, Time time) throws CommunicationException { this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlDataReader = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(d); String result = this.jniDataReaderWaitForHistoricalData(xmlDataReader, time.sec, time.nsec); this.checkConnection(); if (!("<result>OK</result>".equals(result))) { throw new CommunicationException( "Wait for historical data failed: " + result.substring(8, result.length() - 9)); } } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not wait for historical data."); } }
public DataReader dataReaderNew(Subscriber s, String name, String viewExpression, ReaderQoS qos) throws CommunicationException { DataReader dr; String xmlQos = null; this.checkConnection(); try { if (qos != null) { xmlQos = qosSerializer.serializeQoS(qos); } String xmlSub = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(s); String xmlResult = this.jniCreateDataReader(xmlSub, name, viewExpression, xmlQos); this.checkConnection(); dr = (DataReader) (entityDeserializer.deserializeEntity(xmlResult)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not create datareader."); } return dr; }
public Subscriber subscriberNew(Participant p, String name, SubscriberQoS qos) throws CommunicationException { Subscriber sub; String xmlQos = null; this.checkConnection(); try { if (qos != null) { xmlQos = qosSerializer.serializeQoS(qos); } String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(p); String xmlSub = this.jniSubscriberNew(xmlEntity, name, xmlQos); this.checkConnection(); sub = (Subscriber) (entityDeserializer.deserializeEntity(xmlSub)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not create subscriber."); } return sub; }
public Topic topicNew(Participant p, String name, String typeName, String keyList, TopicQoS qos) throws CommunicationException { Topic top; String xmlQos = null; this.checkConnection(); try { if (qos != null) { xmlQos = qosSerializer.serializeQoS(qos); } String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(p); String xmlTop = this.jniTopicNew(xmlEntity, name, typeName, keyList, xmlQos); this.checkConnection(); top = (Topic) (entityDeserializer.deserializeEntity(xmlTop)); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not create topic."); } return top; }
public Sample readerReadNext(Reader reader, GID instanceGID) throws CommunicationException, DataTypeUnsupportedException { Sample result = null; this.checkConnection(); try { String xmlEntity = entitySerializer.serializeEntity(reader); String xmlSample = this.jniReaderReadNext( xmlEntity, Long.toString(instanceGID.getLocalId()), Long.toString(instanceGID.getSystemId())); this.checkConnection(); result = untypedSampleDeserializer.deserializeSample(xmlSample, reader.getDataType()); } catch (CMException e) { throw new CommunicationException(e.getMessage()); } catch (TransformationException e) { throw new CommunicationException("Could not read next sample."); } return result; }