The java org.openqa.selenium WebElement is a class used for all web element operations in Selenium. It is included in the Selenium toolkit and can be found in the org.openqa.selenium package library.
Some code examples using WebElement are:
1. Finding an element by ID and clicking it:
WebElement element = driver.findElement("element-id"));;
2. Finding an element by name and sending keys to it:
WebElement element = driver.findElement("element-name")); element.sendKeys("example text");
3. Finding an element using xpath and checking if it is displayed:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@class='element-class']")); if (element.isDisplayed()) { System.out.println("Element is displayed"); }
In these examples, we are using various methods of finding and interacting with web elements using the WebElement class. By using the methods provided by this class, we can perform a wide range of actions on elements such as clicking, sending keys, and checking their state.
Overall, the WebElement class is an essential part of the Selenium toolkit and is used extensively in automated testing. Its functions and methods are critical for web element manipulation and management in Selenium automation, and the org.openqa.selenium package library provides a comprehensive set of classes for this purpose.
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