Example #1
  * Tests creating a string representation of an IP address that is converted to an InetAddress and
  * then a long and back to an IP address.
  * @throws UnknownHostException
 public void testToIpAddrString() throws UnknownHostException {
   String addr = "";
   assertEquals(addr, InetAddressUtils.toIpAddrString(InetAddressUtils.addr(addr).getAddress()));
   * This method maps OpenNMS alarm to an OSS/J alarms and adds additional information
   * @param _openNMSalarm data to use to populate the OSS/J alarm
   * @param alarmValueSpecification AlarmValue object to be populated - Invariant (Specifcation)
   *     values should be already populated
   * @return the _av OSS/J AlarmValue populated with opennms data
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if any.
   * @throws javax.oss.UnsupportedAttributeException if any.
  public AlarmValue populateOssjAlarmFromOpenNMSAlarm(
      AlarmValue alarmValueSpecification, OnmsAlarm _openNMSalarm)
      throws IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedAttributeException {
    ThreadCategory log = getLog();
    String logheader =
        "\t\t" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "populateOssjAlarmFromOpenNMSAlarm():";

    // Node node = null;
    OnmsNode node = null;

    // Asset asset = null;
    OnmsAssetRecord asset = null;

    boolean isQoSDrxAlarm = false; // true if alarm is received from Qosdrx

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(logheader + ": Populating alarm");

    // test to see if opennms alarm already has type and instance information set. If yes then it
    // has most likely
    // come from Qosdrx.
    if ((_openNMSalarm.getManagedObjectInstance() != null)
        && (_openNMSalarm.getManagedObjectType() != null)
        && (!_openNMSalarm.getManagedObjectInstance().equals(""))
        && (!_openNMSalarm.getManagedObjectType().equals(""))) {
      isQoSDrxAlarm = true;
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                + ": isQoSDrxAlarm TRUE - because OpenNMS alarm has ManagedObjectInstance and ManagedObjectType");
    } else {
      isQoSDrxAlarm = false;
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                + ": isQoSDrxAlarm FALSE - because OpenNMS alarm NOT POPULATED ManagedObjectInstance and ManagedObjectType");

    try {
      // If the alarm has both an acknowledge time and an acknowledge user
      // then the alarm has been acknowledged. Set the corrsponding parameters
      // in the OSS/J alarm
      if ((null != _openNMSalarm.getAlarmAckTime()) && (null != _openNMSalarm.getAlarmAckUser())) {
        // OnmsAlarm can contain java.sql.Timestamp - convert to Date
        alarmValueSpecification.setAckTime(new Date(_openNMSalarm.getAlarmAckTime().getTime()));
      } else {

      // if the alarm is cleared, then set the alarm cleared time
      // to that of the lasteventtime as this must be the time
      // the clear occured.
      if (_openNMSalarm.getSeverity() == OnmsSeverity.CLEARED) {
        // OnmsAlarm can contain java.sql.Timestamp - convert to Date
            new Date(_openNMSalarm.getLastEventTime().getTime()));
      } else {

      // Set the alarmRaisedTime to the FirstEventTime of the OpenNMS
      // alarm. Set the alarm changed time to the last event time.
      // OnmsAlarm can contain java.sql.Timestamp - convert to Date
      if (null != _openNMSalarm.getFirstEventTime()) {
            new Date(_openNMSalarm.getFirstEventTime().getTime()));
      if (null != _openNMSalarm.getLastEventTime()) {
            new Date(_openNMSalarm.getLastEventTime().getTime()));

    } catch (Throwable e) {
      log.error(logheader + ": Problem getting ACK time information", e);

    Matcher matcher = null;
    String _uei_no_html = "NOT_SET";
    try {
      String uei = _openNMSalarm.getUei();
      if (null != uei) {
        matcher = p.matcher(uei);
        _uei_no_html = matcher.replaceAll(" "); // remove any HTML tags from uei
          (_openNMSalarm.getX733AlarmType() == null)
              ? javax.oss.fm.monitor.AlarmType.EQUIPMENT_ALARM
              : _openNMSalarm.getX733AlarmType());
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      log.error(logheader + ": Problem getting  X733AlarmType or Uei", e);

    // Get some local node information as to where the alarm came from
    // This includes, what type of managed element the node is
    // and what its node id and label are.*/
    //		String mftr = "NOT_SET"; // FIXME: Not read
    //		String modelNo = "NOT_SET"; // FIXME: Not read
    //		String assetserno = "NOT_SET"; // FIXME: Not read
    //		String nodelabel = "NOT_SET"; // FIXME: Not read
    //		String alarmIP = "NOT_SET"; // FIXME: Not read
    String managedObjectType = "NOT_SET";
    String managedObjectInstance = "NOT_SET";
    String assetManagedObjectType = "NOT_SET";
    String assetManagedObjectInstance = "NOT_SET";

    String assetDescription = "NOT_SET";
    String assetAddress2 = "NOT_SET";

    if (!isQoSDrxAlarm) { // if is locally generated alarm
      try {
        // some opennms alarms don't have node information
        // set default values if no node information present
        if (_openNMSalarm.getNode() != null) {
          node = ossDao.findNodeByID(_openNMSalarm.getNode().getId());

          asset = node.getAssetRecord();

          //					alarmIP = _openNMSalarm.getIpAddr(); // Not read
          //					if (node != null) {
          //					nodelabel = node.getLabel(); // Not read
          //					}
          if (asset != null) {
            //						if (asset.getManufacturer()!= null) mftr = asset.getManufacturer(); // Not read
            //						if (asset.getModelNumber()!= null) modelNo = asset.getModelNumber(); // Not read
            //						if (asset.getSerialNumber()!= null) assetserno = asset.getSerialNumber(); // Not
            // read
            if (asset.getDescription() != null)
              assetDescription =
                  asset.getDescription(); // TODO was used for managed object class as is 128 char
            // long
            if (asset.getAddress2() != null)
              assetAddress2 =
                  asset.getAddress2(); // TODO was used for managed object instance - as is 256 char
            // long string
            if (asset.getManagedObjectInstance() != null)
              assetManagedObjectInstance = asset.getManagedObjectInstance();
            if (asset.getManagedObjectType() != null)
              assetManagedObjectType = asset.getManagedObjectType();

          managedObjectInstance = assetManagedObjectInstance;
          managedObjectType = assetManagedObjectType;

          if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    + ": isQoSDrxAlarm=FALSE  OpenNMS type and instance not set. Using from Node Asset record: ManagedObjectInstance: "
                    + managedObjectInstance
                    + " ManagedObjectType:"
                    + managedObjectType);
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        log.error(logheader + ": Problem getting node and asset information", ex);
    } else { // is a received alarm
      try {
        managedObjectInstance = _openNMSalarm.getManagedObjectInstance();
        managedObjectType = _openNMSalarm.getManagedObjectType();

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                  + ": isQoSDrxAlarm=TRUE  OpenNMS type and instance set. Using from OnmsAlarm: ManagedObjectInstance: "
                  + managedObjectInstance
                  + " ManagedObjectType:"
                  + managedObjectType);
      } catch (Throwable ex) {
        log.error(logheader + ": Problem managedObjectInstance or managedObjectType", ex);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
      log.debug(logheader + ": _av.setManagedObjectClass set to: " + managedObjectType);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
      log.debug(logheader + ": _av.setManagedObjectInstance set to: " + managedObjectInstance);

    // set severity and probable cause
    try {

      //			alarmValueSpecification.setProbableCause((short)-1); // OSS/J set to -1  then text
      // contains description
      alarmValueSpecification.setProbableCause((short) _openNMSalarm.getX733ProbableCause());

    } catch (Throwable e) {
      log.error(logheader + ": Problem getting severity or probable cause: ", e);

    if (!isQoSDrxAlarm) { // if is a locally generated alarm

      try {
        String _opinstr = _openNMSalarm.getOperInstruct();
        if (null != _opinstr) {
          matcher = p.matcher(_opinstr);
          _opinstr = matcher.replaceAll(" "); // remove all HTML tags from operator instructions
        } else _opinstr = "NOT_SET";

        String _logmsg = _openNMSalarm.getLogMsg();
        if (null != _logmsg) {
          matcher = p.matcher(_logmsg);
          _logmsg = matcher.replaceAll(" "); // remove all HTML tags from operator instructions
        } else _logmsg = "NOT_SET";

        String _description = _openNMSalarm.getDescription();
        if (null != _description) {
          matcher = p.matcher(_description);
          _description = matcher.replaceAll(" "); // remove all HTML tags from description
        } else _description = "NOT_SET";

        // using manufacturers own definition of specific problem here ( OSS/J )
        Integer alarmid = _openNMSalarm.getId();
        Integer counter = _openNMSalarm.getCounter();
        String reductionkey = _openNMSalarm.getReductionKey();

        // note some OnmsAlarms can have null nodes - we use a default value of 0 for ID
        Integer nodeid = 0;
        String onmsnodelabel = "";
        if (_openNMSalarm.getNode() != null) {
          nodeid = _openNMSalarm.getNode().getId();
          onmsnodelabel = _openNMSalarm.getNode().getLabel();
        InetAddress ipaddress = _openNMSalarm.getIpAddr();
        String x733AlarmType = _openNMSalarm.getX733AlarmType();
        String x733ProbableCause;
        try {
          x733ProbableCause =
              OOSSProbableCause.getStringforEnum((short) _openNMSalarm.getX733ProbableCause());
        } catch (Throwable e) {
          x733ProbableCause = "X733 Probable Cause Incorrectly Defined";

                + alarmid
                + "</alarmid>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<logmsg>"
                + _logmsg
                + "</logmsg>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<uei>"
                + _uei_no_html
                + "<uei>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<x733AlarmType>"
                + x733AlarmType
                + "</x733AlarmType>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<x733ProbableCause>"
                + x733ProbableCause
                + "</x733ProbableCause>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<counter>"
                + counter
                + "</counter>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<reductionkey>"
                + reductionkey
                + "</reductionkey>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<nodeid>"
                + nodeid
                + "</nodeid>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<nodelabel>"
                + onmsnodelabel
                + "</nodelabel>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<ipaddress>"
                + InetAddressUtils.toIpAddrString(ipaddress)
                + "</ipaddress>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<description>"
                + _description
                + "</description>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<opinstr>"
                + _opinstr
                + "</opinstr>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<asset.managedobjectinstance>"
                + assetManagedObjectInstance
                + "</asset.managedobjectinstance>"
                + "\n            "
                + // TODO - was used for object instance
                + assetManagedObjectType
                + "</asset.managedobjecttype>"
                + "\n            "
                + "<asset.address2>"
                + assetAddress2
                + "</asset.address2>"
                + "\n            "
                + // TODO - was used for object instance
                + assetDescription
                + "</asset.description>"
                + "\n"); // TODO - was used for object instancetype

      } catch (Throwable e) {
            logheader + ": Problem setting description, logmessage or operator instrctions: ", e);

    } else { // is a received alarm
      try {
        String _opinstr = _openNMSalarm.getOperInstruct();
        if (null == _opinstr) _opinstr = "NOT_SET";

        String _logmsg = _openNMSalarm.getLogMsg();
        if (null == _logmsg) _logmsg = "NOT_SET";
        // using manufacturers own definition of specific problem here ( OSS/J )

        String _description = _openNMSalarm.getDescription();
        if (null == _description) _description = "NOT_SET";

      } catch (Throwable e) {
            logheader + ": Problem setting description, logmessage or operator instrctions: ", e);

    // TODO replacement method to populate the alarm key
    try {
      // populate alarm key
      // TODO was AlarmKey ak = new OOSSAlarmKey(Integer.toString(_openNMSalarm.getId()));
      AlarmKey ak = alarmValueSpecification.getAlarmKey();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      log.error(logheader + ": Problem setting AlarmKey: ", e);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(logheader + ": Alarm Populated");

    return alarmValueSpecification;
  } // end populateAlarm()