private void runJavaProcessInProject( TmcProjectInfo projectInfo, ClassPath classPath, String taskName, List<String> args, InputOutput inOut, BgTaskListener<ProcessResult> listener) { FileObject projectDir = projectInfo.getProjectDir(); JavaPlatform platform = JavaPlatform.getDefault(); // Should probably use project's configured platform instead FileObject javaExe = platform.findTool("java"); if (javaExe == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // TMC server packages this with every exercise for our convenience. // True even for Maven exercises, at least until NB's Maven API is published. ClassPath testRunnerClassPath = getTestRunnerClassPath(projectInfo); if (testRunnerClassPath != null) { classPath = ClassPathSupport.createProxyClassPath(classPath, testRunnerClassPath); } String[] command = new String[3 + args.size()]; command[0] = FileUtil.toFile(javaExe).getAbsolutePath(); command[1] = "-cp"; command[2] = classPath.toString(ClassPath.PathConversionMode.WARN); System.arraycopy(args.toArray(new String[args.size()]), 0, command, 3, args.size());, ' ')); ProcessRunner runner = new ProcessRunner(command, FileUtil.toFile(projectDir), inOut); BgTask.start(taskName, runner, listener); }
private void setRoots(Project[] projects) { Set<File> newRoots = new HashSet<File>(); for (Project project : projects) { Sources sources = ProjectUtils.getSources(project); SourceGroup[] groups = sources.getSourceGroups(Sources.TYPE_GENERIC); for (SourceGroup group : groups) { FileObject fo = group.getRootFolder(); File root = FileUtil.toFile(fo); if (root == null) { LOG.log( Level.WARNING, "source group{0} returned null root folder", group.getDisplayName()); } else { addRootFile(newRoots, root); } } File root = FileUtil.toFile(project.getProjectDirectory()); if (root == null) { LOG.log( Level.WARNING, "project {0} returned null root folder", project.getProjectDirectory()); } else { addRootFile(newRoots, root); } } synchronized (roots) { roots.clear(); roots.addAll(newRoots); } fireFileEvent(EVENT_PROJECTS_CHANGED, null); }
/** * Simulates deadlock issue 133616 - create MultiFileSystem - create lookup to set our * MultiFileSystem and system filesystem - create handler to manage threads - put test FileObject * to 'potentialLock' set - call hasLocks - it call LocalFileSystemEx.getInvalid which ends in our * DeadlockHandler - it starts lockingThread which calls FileObject.lock which locks our * FileObject - when we in LocalFileSystemEx.lock, we notify main thread which continues in * getInvalid and tries to accuire lock on FileObject and it dead locks */ public void testLocalFileSystemEx133616() throws Exception { System.setProperty("workdir", getWorkDirPath()); clearWorkDir(); FileSystem lfs = TestUtilHid.createLocalFileSystem("mfs1" + getName(), new String[] {"/fold/file1"}); LocalFileSystemEx exfs = new LocalFileSystemEx(); exfs.setRootDirectory(FileUtil.toFile(lfs.getRoot())); FileSystem xfs = TestUtilHid.createXMLFileSystem(getName(), new String[] {}); FileSystem mfs = new MultiFileSystem(exfs, xfs); testedFS = mfs; System.setProperty( "org.openide.util.Lookup", LocalFileSystemEx133616Test.class.getName() + "$Lkp"); Lookup l = Lookup.getDefault(); if (!(l instanceof Lkp)) { fail("Wrong lookup: " + l); } final FileObject file1FO = mfs.findResource("/fold/file1"); File file1File = FileUtil.toFile(file1FO); Logger.getLogger(LocalFileSystemEx.class.getName()).setLevel(Level.FINEST); Logger.getLogger(LocalFileSystemEx.class.getName()).addHandler(new DeadlockHandler(file1FO)); LocalFileSystemEx.potentialLock(file1FO.getPath()); LocalFileSystemEx.hasLocks(); }
/** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @param libNodes DOCUMENT ME! * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ private boolean performDeploy(final List<Node> libNodes) { final List<DeployInformation> infos = new LinkedList<DeployInformation>(); final ModificationStore modStore = ModificationStore.getInstance(); for (final Node libNode : libNodes) { for (final Node node : libNode.getChildren().getNodes(true)) { for (final Action a : node.getActions(false)) { // if this action is registered it node should be of type // LocalManagement or StarterManagement if (a instanceof DeployChangedJarsAction) { for (final Node ch : node.getChildren().getNodes()) { final DeployInformation info = DeployInformation.getDeployInformation(ch); final String path = FileUtil.toFile(info.getSourceDir()).getAbsolutePath(); if (modStore.anyModifiedInContext(path, ModificationStore.MOD_CHANGED)) { infos.add(info); } } // continue with outer loop since only one action of // this type should be registered break; } } } } try { JarHandler.deployAllJars(infos, JarHandler.ANT_TARGET_DEPLOY_CHANGED_JARS); for (final DeployInformation info : infos) { final String path = FileUtil.toFile(info.getSourceDir()).getAbsolutePath(); modStore.removeAllModificationsInContext(path, ModificationStore.MOD_CHANGED); } return true; } catch (final IOException ex) { LOG.warn("could not deploy changed jars", ex); // NOI18N return false; } }
private List<String> getCommandArguments() { List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); if (outputDirectory != null) { args.add("-o"); args.add(FileUtil.toFile(outputDirectory).getAbsolutePath()); } // Where do we want ANTLR to look for .tokens and import grammars? if (libDirectory != null && libDirectory.isFolder()) { args.add("-lib"); args.add(FileUtil.toFile(libDirectory).getAbsolutePath()); } if (atn) { args.add("-atn"); } if (encoding != null && !encoding.isEmpty()) { args.add("-encoding"); args.add(encoding); } if (listener) { args.add("-listener"); } else { args.add("-no-listener"); } if (visitor) { args.add("-visitor"); } else { args.add("-no-visitor"); } if (treatWarningsAsErrors) { args.add("-Werror"); } if (forceATN) { args.add("-Xforce-atn"); } if (targetArgument != null) { args.add("-Dlanguage=" + targetArgument); } if (options != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> option : options.entrySet()) { args.add(String.format("-D%s=%s", option.getKey(), option.getValue())); } } if (arguments != null) { args.addAll(arguments); } return args; }
public FuelPhpIgnoredFilesExtender(PhpModule pm) { assert pm != null; docs = new File(FileUtil.toFile(pm.getProjectDirectory()), "docs"); // NOI18N // add settings whether MVC direcotries is ignored if (FuelPhpPreferences.ignoreMVCNode(pm)) { controller = FileUtil.toFile(FuelUtils.getControllerDirectory(pm)); model = FileUtil.toFile(FuelUtils.getModelDirectory(pm)); views = FileUtil.toFile(FuelUtils.getViewsDirectory(pm)); modules = FileUtil.toFile(FuelUtils.getModulesDirectory(pm)); } }
void load() { FileObject checkstyleConfigurationFile = GlobalCheckstyleSettings.INSTANCE.getCheckstyleConfigurationFile(); String cleanAbsoluteFile = FileUtil.toFile(checkstyleConfigurationFile).getAbsolutePath(); checkstyleConfiguration.setConfigFilePath(cleanAbsoluteFile); FileObject checkstylePropertiesFile = GlobalCheckstyleSettings.INSTANCE.getPropertiesFile(); if (null != checkstylePropertiesFile) { String propertiesFilePath = FileUtil.toFile(checkstylePropertiesFile).getAbsolutePath(); checkstyleConfiguration.setPropertiesFilePath(propertiesFilePath); } else { checkstyleConfiguration.setPropertiesFilePath(""); } checkstyleConfiguration.setProperties( GlobalCheckstyleSettings.INSTANCE.getPropertiesAsString()); }
private List<TestMethod> findProjectTests(TmcProjectInfo projectInfo, FileObject testDir) { TestScanner scanner = new TestScanner(); scanner.setClassPath( getTestClassPath(projectInfo, testDir).toString(ClassPath.PathConversionMode.WARN)); scanner.addSource(FileUtil.toFile(testDir)); return scanner.findTests(); }
/** * Gets the name of the CASA file in the given project. * * @param project a JBI project * @return CASA file name */ public static String getCasaFileName(Project project) { ProjectInformation projInfo = project.getLookup().lookup(ProjectInformation.class); String projName = projInfo.getName(); File pf = FileUtil.toFile(project.getProjectDirectory()); return pf.getPath() + CASA_DIR_NAME + projName + CASA_EXT; }
private NbGradleProject(FileObject projectDir, ProjectState state) throws IOException { this.projectDir = projectDir; this.projectDirAsFile = FileUtil.toFile(projectDir); if (projectDirAsFile == null) { throw new IOException("Project directory does not exist."); } this.mergedCommandQueryRef = new AtomicReference<BuiltInGradleCommandQuery>(null); this.delayedInitTasks = new AtomicReference<Queue<Runnable>>(new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>()); this.state = state; this.defaultLookupRef = new AtomicReference<Lookup>(null); = new ProjectPropertiesProxy(this); this.projectInfoManager = new ProjectInfoManager(); this.hasModelBeenLoaded = new AtomicBoolean(false); this.loadErrorRef = new AtomicReference<ProjectInfoRef>(null); this.modelChanges = new ChangeSupport(this); this.currentModelRef = new AtomicReference<NbGradleModelRef>( new NbGradleModelRef(GradleModelLoader.createEmptyModel(projectDirAsFile))); this.loadedAtLeastOnceSignal = new WaitableSignal(); = projectDir.getNameExt(); this.exceptionDisplayer = new ExceptionDisplayer(NbStrings.getProjectErrorTitle(name)); this.extensionRefs = Collections.emptyList(); this.extensionsOnLookup = Lookup.EMPTY; this.lookupRef = new AtomicReference<DynamicLookup>(null); this.protectedLookupRef = new AtomicReference<Lookup>(null); }
protected void performAction(Node[] activatedNodes) { BoraDataObject c = activatedNodes[0].getCookie(BoraDataObject.class); String reference = FileUtil.toFile(c.getPrimaryFile().getParent()).getPath(); String oemmDir = Utilities.absoluteFileName(activatedNodes[0].getName() + ".oemm", reference); view(c, oemmDir, activatedNodes[0].getName() + " OEMM"); }
public void savePreset(String name, Layout layout) { Preset preset = addPreset(new Preset(name, layout)); try { // Create file if dont exist FileObject folder = FileUtil.getConfigFile("layoutpresets"); if (folder == null) { folder = FileUtil.getConfigRoot().createFolder("layoutpresets"); } FileObject presetFile = folder.getFileObject(name, "xml"); if (presetFile == null) { presetFile = folder.createData(name, "xml"); } // Create doc DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); final Document document = documentBuilder.newDocument(); document.setXmlVersion("1.0"); document.setXmlStandalone(true); // Write doc preset.writeXML(document); // Write XML file Source source = new DOMSource(document); Result result = new StreamResult(FileUtil.toFile(presetFile)); Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8"); transformer.transform(source, result); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** Actually performs the detection and stores relevant information in this Iterator */ public void run() { try { FileObject java = findTool("java"); // NOI18N if (java == null) return; File javaFile = FileUtil.toFile(java); if (javaFile == null) return; String javapath = javaFile.getAbsolutePath(); String filePath = File.createTempFile("nb-platformdetect", "properties").getAbsolutePath(); // NOI18N final String probePath = getSDKProperties(javapath, filePath); File f = new File(filePath); Properties p = new Properties(); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f); p.load(is); Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>(p.size()); for (Enumeration en = p.keys(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { String k = (String) en.nextElement(); String v = p.getProperty(k); if (VisagePlatformImpl.SYSPROP_JAVA_CLASS_PATH.equals(k)) { v = filterProbe(v, probePath); } else if (VisagePlatformImpl.SYSPROP_USER_DIR.equals(k)) { v = ""; // NOI18N } v = fixSymLinks(k, v); m.put(k, v); } this.setSystemProperties(m); this.valid = true; is.close(); f.delete(); } catch (IOException ex) { this.valid = false; } }
private File getFileToRender() throws IOException { FileObject render = toRender; if (render == null) { PovrayProject proj = renderService.getProject(); MainFileProvider provider = (MainFileProvider) proj.getLookup().lookup(MainFileProvider.class); if (provider == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Main file provider missing"); } render = provider.getMainFile(); if (render == null) { ProjectInformation info = (ProjectInformation) proj.getLookup().lookup(ProjectInformation.class); // XXX let the user choose throw new IOException( NbBundle.getMessage(Povray.class, "MSG_NoMainFile", info.getDisplayName())); } } assert render != null; File result = FileUtil.toFile(render); if (result == null) { throw new IOException(NbBundle.getMessage(Povray.class, "MSG_VirtualFile", render.getName())); } assert result.exists(); assert result.isFile(); return result; }
private File getImagesDir() { PovrayProject proj = renderService.getProject(); FileObject fob = proj.getImagesFolder(true); File result = FileUtil.toFile(fob); assert result != null && result.exists(); return result; }
private void writeResultsXml(GtaResult resultsObject) throws IOException { String newAnResFileName = FileUtil.findFreeFileName( resultsfolder, resultsfolder.getName() + "_" + modelReference.getFilename() + "_results", "xml"); FileObject newAnResFile = resultsfolder.createData(newAnResFileName, "xml"); resultsObject.setSummary(new Summary()); resultsObject.getSummary().setFitModelCall(fitModelCall); // TODO resolve problem with multiple modelcalls resultsObject.getSummary().setInitModelCall(modelCalls.get(0)); for (int i = 0; i < relationsList.size(); i++) { resultsObject.getDatasetRelations().add(new DatasetRelation()); resultsObject .getDatasetRelations() .get(i) .setTo(String.valueOf((int) floor(relationsList.get(i)[0]))); resultsObject .getDatasetRelations() .get(i) .setFrom(String.valueOf((int) floor(relationsList.get(i)[1]))); // TODO do this in a different way // resultsObject.getDatasetRelations().get(i).getValues().add(relationsList.get(i)[2]); String cmd = timpcontroller.NAME_OF_RESULT_OBJECT + "$currTheta[[" + (int) floor(relationsList.get(i)[0]) + "]]@drel"; resultsObject.getDatasetRelations().get(i).getValues().add(timpcontroller.getDouble(cmd)); } createAnalysisResultsFile(resultsObject, FileUtil.toFile(newAnResFile)); }
public Tgm getTgm() { // perhaps IOExeption? // If the Object "tgm" doesn't exist yet, read in from file if (tgm == null) { tgm = new Tgm(); try { javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext jaxbCtx = javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(tgm.getClass().getPackage().getName()); javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbCtx.createUnmarshaller(); tgm = (Tgm) unmarshaller.unmarshal( FileUtil.toFile( this.getPrimaryFile())); // NOI18N //replaced: new"File path") // //Fix this: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: // file parameter must not be null } catch (javax.xml.bind.JAXBException ex) { // XXXTODO Handle exception java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("global") .log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // NOI18N } } // Else simply return the object return tgm; }
public void testChangeReentrant() throws Exception { assertEquals(false, getEntityGeneralPanel().getReentrantCheckBox().isSelected()); getEntityGeneralPanel().getReentrantCheckBox().doClick(); // change it assertEquals(true, bean.isReentrant()); Thread.sleep(1000); Utils utils = new Utils(this); utils.checkInXML(ddObj, "<reentrant>true</reentrant>");; if (ContentComparator.equalsXML( FileUtil.toFile(ddFo), getGoldenFile("testChangeReentrant_ejb-jar.xml")) == false) { assertFile( FileUtil.toFile(ddFo), getGoldenFile("testChangeReentrant_ejb-jar.xml"), new File(getWorkDir(), "testChangeReentrant.diff")); // check file on disc } }
/** * Determines all files and folders that belong to a given project and adds them to the supplied * Collection. * * @param filteredFiles destination collection of Files * @param project project to examine */ public static void addProjectFiles( Collection filteredFiles, Collection rootFiles, Collection rootFilesExclusions, Project project) { FileStatusCache cache = CvsVersioningSystem.getInstance().getStatusCache(); Sources sources = ProjectUtils.getSources(project); SourceGroup[] sourceGroups = sources.getSourceGroups(Sources.TYPE_GENERIC); for (int j = 0; j < sourceGroups.length; j++) { SourceGroup sourceGroup = sourceGroups[j]; FileObject srcRootFo = sourceGroup.getRootFolder(); File rootFile = FileUtil.toFile(srcRootFo); try { getCVSRootFor(rootFile); } catch (IOException e) { // the folder is not under a versioned root continue; } rootFiles.add(rootFile); boolean containsSubprojects = false; FileObject[] rootChildren = srcRootFo.getChildren(); Set projectFiles = new HashSet(rootChildren.length); for (int i = 0; i < rootChildren.length; i++) { FileObject rootChildFo = rootChildren[i]; if (CvsVersioningSystem.FILENAME_CVS.equals(rootChildFo.getNameExt())) continue; File child = FileUtil.toFile(rootChildFo); // #67900 Added special treatment for .cvsignore files if (sourceGroup.contains(rootChildFo) || CvsVersioningSystem.FILENAME_CVSIGNORE.equals(rootChildFo.getNameExt())) { // TODO: #60516 deep scan is required here but not performed due to performace reasons projectFiles.add(child); } else { int status = cache.getStatus(child).getStatus(); if (status != FileInformation.STATUS_NOTVERSIONED_EXCLUDED) { rootFilesExclusions.add(child); containsSubprojects = true; } } } if (containsSubprojects) { filteredFiles.addAll(projectFiles); } else { filteredFiles.add(rootFile); } } }
public static File[] toFileArray(Collection fileObjects) { Set files = new HashSet(fileObjects.size() * 4 / 3 + 1); for (Iterator i = fileObjects.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { files.add(FileUtil.toFile((FileObject); } files.remove(null); return (File[]) files.toArray(new File[files.size()]); }
private void btnDefinitionActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_btnDefinitionActionPerformed File f = FileUtil.toFile(helper.getProjectDirectory()); // NOI18N String curr = SharableLibrariesUtils.browseForLibraryLocation(getLibraryLocation(), this, f); if (curr != null) { setLibraryLocation(curr); } } // GEN-LAST:event_btnDefinitionActionPerformed
/** Returns the exercise associated with the given project, or null if none. */ public Exercise tryGetExerciseForProject(TmcProjectInfo project, CourseDb courseDb) { File projectDir = FileUtil.toFile(project.getProjectDir()); for (Exercise ex : courseDb.getCurrentCourseExercises()) { if (getProjectDirForExercise(ex).equals(projectDir)) { return ex; } } return null; }
private File endorsedLibsPath(final TmcProjectInfo projectInfo) { String path = FileUtil.toFile(projectInfo.getProjectDir()).getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + "lib" + File.separatorChar + "endorsed"; return new File(path); }
public JComponent createComponent(Category category, Lookup context) { Project p = context.lookup(Project.class); CheckstyleSettingsProvider checkstyleSettingsProvider = p.getLookup().lookup(CheckstyleSettingsProvider.class); if (checkstyleSettingsProvider == null) { return new JLabel("<not available>"); } final CheckstyleSettings checkstyleSettings = checkstyleSettingsProvider.getCheckstyleSettings(); final CheckstyleConfiguration checkstyleConfiguration = new CheckstyleConfiguration(); FileObject checkstyleConfigurationFile = checkstyleSettings.getCheckstyleConfigurationFile(); if (checkstyleConfigurationFile != null) { String cleanAbsoluteFile = FileUtil.toFile(checkstyleConfigurationFile).getAbsolutePath(); checkstyleConfiguration.setConfigFilePath(cleanAbsoluteFile); } else { checkstyleConfiguration.setConfigFilePath(""); } FileObject checkstylePropertiesFile = checkstyleSettings.getPropertiesFile(); if (null != checkstylePropertiesFile) { String propertiesFilePath = FileUtil.toFile(checkstylePropertiesFile).getAbsolutePath(); checkstyleConfiguration.setPropertiesFilePath(propertiesFilePath); } else { checkstyleConfiguration.setPropertiesFilePath(""); } checkstyleConfiguration.setProperties(checkstyleSettings.getPropertiesAsString()); category.setOkButtonListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (checkstyleSettings instanceof CheckstyleSettingsProviderImpl.Settings) { CheckstyleSettingsProviderImpl.Settings checkstyleSettingsImpl = (CheckstyleSettingsProviderImpl.Settings) checkstyleSettings; checkstyleSettingsImpl.setCheckstyleConfigurationPath( checkstyleConfiguration.getConfigFilePath()); checkstyleSettingsImpl.setPropertiesPath( checkstyleConfiguration.getPropertiesFilePath()); checkstyleSettingsImpl.setProperties(checkstyleConfiguration.getProperties()); } } }); return checkstyleConfiguration; }
/** * Gets a the file related to the document * * @return the file related to the document, <code>null</code> if none exists. */ File getCurrentFile() { File result = referencedFile; if (result == null) { DataObject dobj = (DataObject) doc.getProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty); if (dobj != null) { FileObject fo = dobj.getPrimaryFile(); result = FileUtil.toFile(fo); } } return result; }
private static void setModules(final FileObject dir, final WizardDescriptor wiz) { final Properties properties = (Properties) wiz.getProperty(ModuleSelectionWizardPanel1.MODULE_SELECTION_PROPS); if (properties != null) { final FileObject jinferProjectDir = dir.getFileObject("jinferproject"); try { final FileObject projectProperties = jinferProjectDir.createData("project", "properties"); FileOutputStream(FileUtil.toFile(projectProperties)), null); } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } }
private void browseTargetFolderButtonActionPerformed( ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_browseTargetFolderButtonActionPerformed File target = new FileChooserBuilder(ApiGenProvider.lastDirFor(phpModule)) .setTitle(info) .setDirectoriesOnly(true) .setFileHiding(true) .setDefaultWorkingDirectory(FileUtil.toFile(phpModule.getSourceDirectory())) .showOpenDialog(); if (target != null) { target = FileUtil.normalizeFile(target); targetFolderTextField.setText(target.getAbsolutePath()); } } // GEN-LAST:event_browseTargetFolderButtonActionPerformed
public CakePhpIgnoredFilesExtender(PhpModule phpModule) { assert phpModule != null; if (CakePreferences.ignoreTmpDirectory(phpModule)) { CakePhpModule cakeModule = CakePhpModule.forPhpModule(phpModule); if (cakeModule == null) { appTmp = null; } else { FileObject tmpDirectory = cakeModule.getDirectory(DIR_TYPE.APP, FILE_TYPE.TMP, null); appTmp = tmpDirectory == null ? null : FileUtil.toFile(tmpDirectory); } } else { appTmp = null; } }
private static CacheKey tryCreateKey(NbGradleModel model) { ExceptionHelper.checkNotNullArgument(model, "model"); File projectDir = model.getGenericInfo().getProjectDir(); FileObject settingsFileObj = model.getGenericInfo().tryGetSettingsFileObj(); File settingsFile = settingsFileObj != null ? FileUtil.toFile(settingsFileObj) : null; if (projectDir == null || (settingsFile == null && settingsFileObj != null)) { return null; } return new CacheKey(projectDir, settingsFile); }
private static File getCompAppWSDLLockFile(Project project) { ProjectInformation projInfo = project.getLookup().lookup(ProjectInformation.class); String projName = projInfo.getName(); FileObject srcDirFO = ((JbiProject) project).getSourceDirectory(); if (srcDirFO != null) { // FileObject doesn't work: // srcDirFO.getFileObject( // LOCK_FILE_PREFIX + projName + WSDL_EXT + LOCK_FILE_SUFFIX); File lockFile = new File( FileUtil.toFile(srcDirFO), LOCK_FILE_PREFIX + projName + WSDL_EXT + LOCK_FILE_SUFFIX); return lockFile; } return null; }