/** * Wait until there are no more threads accessing the database. It is assumed that new threads * have been prevented from entering the database at the time this method is called. */ private void waitUntilQuiescent() { while (threadTotalCount.get() > 0) { // Still have threads in the database so sleep a little try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } }
/** Tests the maximum persistent search limit imposed by the server. */ @Test public void testMaxPSearch() throws Exception { TestCaseUtils.initializeTestBackend(true); // Modify the configuration to allow only 1 concurrent persistent search. InternalClientConnection conn = getRootConnection(); LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("ds-cfg-max-psearches", "1"); ArrayList<RawModification> mods = new ArrayList<>(); mods.add(new LDAPModification(ModificationType.REPLACE, attr)); ModifyOperation modifyOperation = conn.processModify(ByteString.valueOf("cn=config"), mods); assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS); // Create a persistent search request. Set<PersistentSearchChangeType> changeTypes = EnumSet.of(ADD, DELETE, MODIFY, MODIFY_DN); SearchRequest request = newSearchRequest(DN.valueOf("o=test"), SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT) .setTypesOnly(true) .addAttribute("cn") .addControl(new PersistentSearchControl(changeTypes, true, true)); final InternalSearchOperation search = conn.processSearch(request); Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { search.run(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }, "Persistent Search Test"); t.start(); t.join(2000); // Create a persistent search request. final String[] args = { "-D", "cn=Directory Manager", "-w", "password", "-h", "", "-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()), "-b", "o=test", "-s", "sub", "-C", "ps:add:true:true", "--noPropertiesFile", "(objectClass=*)" }; assertEquals(LDAPSearch.mainSearch(args, false, true, null, System.err), 11); // cancel the persisting persistent search. search.cancel(new CancelRequest(true, LocalizableMessage.EMPTY)); }