Example #1
  * Returns the definition of the selected attribute / object class OID.
  * @param schemaEntry The selected schema entry to search on.
  * @param type The type of the research. ("objectClasses" or "attributeTypes")
  * @param oid The OID of the element to search for.
  * @return The byte string definition of the element.
 private static ByteString getSchemaElement(
     final Entry schemaEntry, final String type, final String oid) {
   final Attribute attribute = schemaEntry.getAttribute(type);
   final MatchingRule mrule = CoreSchema.getObjectIdentifierFirstComponentMatchingRule();
   Assertion assertion;
   try {
     assertion = mrule.getAssertion(ByteString.valueOfUtf8(oid));
     for (final ByteString value : attribute) {
       final ByteString nvalue = mrule.normalizeAttributeValue(value);
       if (assertion.matches(nvalue).toBoolean()) {
         return value;
   } catch (DecodeException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(e);
   throw new IllegalStateException(ERR_UPGRADE_UNKNOWN_OC_ATT.get(type, oid).toString());
Example #2
   * This task adds new attributes / object classes to the specified destination file. The new
   * attributes and object classes must be originally defined in the template file.
   * @param templateFile The file in which the new attribute/object definition can be read.
   * @param destination The file where we want to add the new definitions.
   * @param attributes Those attributes needed to be inserted into the new destination file.
   * @param objectClasses Those object classes needed to be inserted into the new destination file.
   * @return An integer which represents each time an attribute / object class is inserted
   *     successfully to the destination file.
   * @throws IOException If an unexpected IO error occurred while reading the entry.
   * @throws IllegalStateException Failure to find an attribute in the template schema indicates
   *     either a programming error (e.g. typo in the attribute name) or template corruption.
   *     Upgrade should stop.
  static int updateSchemaFile(
      final File templateFile,
      final File destination,
      final String[] attributes,
      final String[] objectClasses)
      throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
    int changeCount = 0;
    LDIFEntryReader templateReader = null;
    LDIFEntryReader destinationReader = null;
    LDIFEntryWriter destinationWriter = null;
    File copy = null;
    try {
      templateReader = new LDIFEntryReader(new FileInputStream(templateFile));
      if (!templateReader.hasNext()) {
        // Unless template are corrupted, this should not happen.
        throw new IOException(
      final Entry templateSchemaEntry = templateReader.readEntry();

      destinationReader = new LDIFEntryReader(new FileInputStream(destination));
      if (!destinationReader.hasNext()) {
        // Unless template are corrupted, this should not happen.
        throw new IOException(ERR_UPGRADE_CORRUPTED_TEMPLATE.get(destination.getPath()).toString());
      final Entry destinationSchemaEntry = destinationReader.readEntry();

      if (attributes != null) {
        for (final String att : attributes) {
          final ByteString attributeType =
              getSchemaElement(templateSchemaEntry, "attributeTypes", att);
          logger.debug(LocalizableMessage.raw(String.format("Added %s", attributeType)));

      if (objectClasses != null) {
        for (final String oc : objectClasses) {
          final ByteString objectClass = getSchemaElement(templateSchemaEntry, "objectClasses", oc);
          logger.trace("Added %s", objectClass);

      // Then writes the new schema entry.
      copy = File.createTempFile("copySchema", ".tmp", destination.getParentFile());
      final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(copy);
      destinationWriter = new LDIFEntryWriter(fos);
      // Copy comments to fos (get License and first comments only).
      writeFileHeaderComments(templateFile, destinationWriter);
      // Writes the entry after.
    } finally {
      // Readers and writer must be close before writing files.
      // This causes exceptions under windows OS.
      StaticUtils.close(templateReader, destinationReader, destinationWriter);

    // Renames the copy to make it the new schema file.
    try {
      rename(copy, destination);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw e;

    return changeCount;