/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void initializeSyntax(AttributeSyntaxCfg configuration) throws ConfigException { defaultApproximateMatchingRule = DirectoryServer.getApproximateMatchingRule(AMR_DOUBLE_METAPHONE_OID); if (defaultApproximateMatchingRule == null) { logError( ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN_APPROXIMATE_MATCHING_RULE.get( AMR_DOUBLE_METAPHONE_OID, SYNTAX_PRESENTATION_ADDRESS_NAME)); } defaultEqualityMatchingRule = DirectoryServer.getEqualityMatchingRule(EMR_CASE_IGNORE_OID); if (defaultEqualityMatchingRule == null) { logError( ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN_EQUALITY_MATCHING_RULE.get( EMR_CASE_IGNORE_OID, SYNTAX_PRESENTATION_ADDRESS_NAME)); } defaultOrderingMatchingRule = DirectoryServer.getOrderingMatchingRule(OMR_CASE_IGNORE_OID); if (defaultOrderingMatchingRule == null) { logError( ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN_ORDERING_MATCHING_RULE.get( OMR_CASE_IGNORE_OID, SYNTAX_PRESENTATION_ADDRESS_NAME)); } defaultSubstringMatchingRule = DirectoryServer.getSubstringMatchingRule(SMR_CASE_IGNORE_OID); if (defaultSubstringMatchingRule == null) { logError( ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN_SUBSTRING_MATCHING_RULE.get( SMR_CASE_IGNORE_OID, SYNTAX_PRESENTATION_ADDRESS_NAME)); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override() public void finalizeBackend() { // Deregister as a change listener. cfg.removeLocalDBChangeListener(this); // Deregister our base DNs. for (DN dn : rootContainer.getBaseDNs()) { try { DirectoryServer.deregisterBaseDN(dn); } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } } } DirectoryServer.deregisterMonitorProvider(rootContainerMonitor); DirectoryServer.deregisterMonitorProvider(diskMonitor); // We presume the server will prevent more operations coming into this // backend, but there may be existing operations already in the // backend. We need to wait for them to finish. waitUntilQuiescent(); // Close the database. try { rootContainer.close(); rootContainer = null; } catch (DatabaseException e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } Message message = ERR_JEB_DATABASE_EXCEPTION.get(e.getMessage()); logError(message); } // Checksum this db environment and register its offline state id/checksum. DirectoryServer.registerOfflineBackendStateID(this.getBackendID(), checksumDbEnv()); // Deregister the alert generator. DirectoryServer.deregisterAlertGenerator(this); // Make sure the thread counts are zero for next initialization. threadTotalCount.set(0); threadWriteCount.set(0); // Log an informational message. Message message = NOTE_BACKEND_OFFLINE.get(cfg.getBackendId()); logError(message); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override() public DynamicGroup newInstance(Entry groupEntry) throws DirectoryException { ensureNotNull(groupEntry); // Get the memberURL attribute from the entry, if there is one, and parse // out the LDAP URLs that it contains. LinkedHashSet<LDAPURL> memberURLs = new LinkedHashSet<LDAPURL>(); AttributeType memberURLType = DirectoryConfig.getAttributeType(ATTR_MEMBER_URL_LC, true); List<Attribute> attrList = groupEntry.getAttribute(memberURLType); if (attrList != null) { for (Attribute a : attrList) { for (AttributeValue v : a) { try { memberURLs.add(LDAPURL.decode(v.getValue().toString(), true)); } catch (DirectoryException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } Message message = ERR_DYNAMICGROUP_CANNOT_DECODE_MEMBERURL.get( v.getValue().toString(), String.valueOf(groupEntry.getDN()), de.getMessageObject()); ErrorLogger.logError(message); } } } } return new DynamicGroup(groupEntry.getDN(), memberURLs); }
/** * Evaluate an entry to be added to see if it has any "aci" attribute type. If it does, examines * each "aci" attribute type value for syntax errors. All of the "aci" attribute type values must * pass syntax check for the add operation to proceed. Any entry with an "aci" attribute type must * have "modify-acl" privileges. * * @param entry The entry to be examined. * @param operation The operation to to check privileges on. * @param clientDN The authorization DN. * @return True if the entry has no ACI attributes or if all of the "aci" attributes values pass * ACI syntax checking. * @throws DirectoryException If a modified ACI could not be decoded. */ private boolean verifySyntax(Entry entry, Operation operation, DN clientDN) throws DirectoryException { if (entry.hasOperationalAttribute(aciType)) { /* * Check that the operation has "modify-acl" privileges since the * entry to be added has an "aci" attribute type. */ if (!operation.getClientConnection().hasPrivilege(Privilege.MODIFY_ACL, operation)) { Message message = INFO_ACI_ADD_FAILED_PRIVILEGE.get( String.valueOf(entry.getDN()), String.valueOf(clientDN)); logError(message); return false; } List<Attribute> attributeList = entry.getOperationalAttribute(aciType, null); for (Attribute attribute : attributeList) { for (AttributeValue value : attribute) { try { DN dn = entry.getDN(); Aci.decode(value.getValue(), dn); } catch (AciException ex) { Message message = WARN_ACI_ADD_FAILED_DECODE.get(String.valueOf(entry.getDN()), ex.getMessage()); throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, message); } } } } return true; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void initializeSyntax(AttributeSyntaxCfg configuration) throws ConfigException { defaultEqualityMatchingRule = DirectoryServer.getEqualityMatchingRule(EMR_CASE_IGNORE_LIST_OID); if (defaultEqualityMatchingRule == null) { logError( ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN_EQUALITY_MATCHING_RULE.get( EMR_CASE_IGNORE_LIST_OID, SYNTAX_OTHER_MAILBOX_NAME)); } defaultSubstringMatchingRule = DirectoryServer.getSubstringMatchingRule(SMR_CASE_IGNORE_LIST_OID); if (defaultSubstringMatchingRule == null) { logError( ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_UNKNOWN_SUBSTRING_MATCHING_RULE.get( SMR_CASE_IGNORE_LIST_OID, SYNTAX_OTHER_MAILBOX_NAME)); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void diskSpaceRestored(DiskSpaceMonitor monitor) { Message msg = NOTE_JEB_DISK_SPACE_RESTORED.get( monitor.getFreeSpace(), monitor.getDirectory().getPath(), cfg.getBackendId(), Math.max(monitor.getLowThreshold(), monitor.getFullThreshold())); logError(msg); }
/** * Process all ACIs under the "cn=config" naming context and adds them to the ACI list cache. It * also logs messages about the number of ACIs added to the cache. This method is called once at * startup. It will put the server in lockdown mode if needed. * * @throws InitializationException If there is an error searching for the ACIs in the naming * context. */ private void processConfigAcis() throws InitializationException { LinkedHashSet<String> requestAttrs = new LinkedHashSet<String>(1); requestAttrs.add("aci"); LinkedList<Message> failedACIMsgs = new LinkedList<Message>(); InternalClientConnection conn = InternalClientConnection.getRootConnection(); ConfigHandler configBackend = DirectoryServer.getConfigHandler(); for (DN baseDN : configBackend.getBaseDNs()) { try { if (!configBackend.entryExists(baseDN)) { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } // FIXME -- Is there anything that we need to do here? continue; } try { InternalSearchOperation internalSearch = new InternalSearchOperation( conn, InternalClientConnection.nextOperationID(), InternalClientConnection.nextMessageID(), null, baseDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, DereferencePolicy.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES, 0, 0, false, SearchFilter.createFilterFromString("aci=*"), requestAttrs, null); LocalBackendSearchOperation localSearch = new LocalBackendSearchOperation(internalSearch); configBackend.search(localSearch); if (!internalSearch.getSearchEntries().isEmpty()) { int validAcis = aciList.addAci(internalSearch.getSearchEntries(), failedACIMsgs); if (!failedACIMsgs.isEmpty()) { aciListenerMgr.logMsgsSetLockDownMode(failedACIMsgs); } Message message = INFO_ACI_ADD_LIST_ACIS.get(Integer.toString(validAcis), String.valueOf(baseDN)); logError(message); } } catch (Exception e) { Message message = INFO_ACI_HANDLER_FAIL_PROCESS_ACI.get(); throw new InitializationException(message, e); } } }
/** * Retrieves the default ordering matching rule that will be used for attributes with this * syntax. * * @return The default ordering matching rule that will be used for attributes with this syntax, * or <CODE>null</CODE> if ordering matches will not be allowed for this type by default. */ @Override public OrderingMatchingRule getOrderingMatchingRule() { if (orderingMatchingRule == null) { orderingMatchingRule = new EnumOrderingMatchingRule(this, oid); try { DirectoryServer.registerMatchingRule(orderingMatchingRule, false); } catch (DirectoryException de) { logError(de.getMessageObject()); } } return orderingMatchingRule; }
/** * Creates a customized DirectoryException from the DatabaseException thrown by JE backend. * * @param e The DatabaseException to be converted. * @return DirectoryException created from exception. */ DirectoryException createDirectoryException(DatabaseException e) { ResultCode resultCode = DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(); Message message; if ((e instanceof EnvironmentFailureException) && !rootContainer.isValid()) { message = NOTE_BACKEND_ENVIRONMENT_UNUSABLE.get(getBackendID()); logError(message); DirectoryServer.sendAlertNotification( DirectoryServer.getInstance(), ALERT_TYPE_BACKEND_ENVIRONMENT_UNUSABLE, message); } String jeMessage = e.getMessage(); if (jeMessage == null) { jeMessage = stackTraceToSingleLineString(e); } message = ERR_JEB_DATABASE_EXCEPTION.get(jeMessage); return new DirectoryException(resultCode, message, e); }
/** * Process all global ACI attribute types found in the configuration entry and adds them to that * ACI list cache. It also logs messages about the number of ACI attribute types added to the * cache. This method is called once at startup. It also will put the server into lockdown mode if * needed. * * @param configuration The config handler containing the ACI configuration information. * @throws InitializationException If there is an error reading the global ACIs from the * configuration entry. */ private void processGlobalAcis(DseeCompatAccessControlHandlerCfg configuration) throws InitializationException { SortedSet<Aci> globalAcis = configuration.getGlobalACI(); try { if (globalAcis != null) { aciList.addAci(DN.nullDN(), globalAcis); Message message = INFO_ACI_ADD_LIST_GLOBAL_ACIS.get(Integer.toString(globalAcis.size())); logError(message); } } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } Message message = INFO_ACI_HANDLER_FAIL_PROCESS_GLOBAL_ACI.get(String.valueOf(configuration.dn())); throw new InitializationException(message, e); } }
/** * Check access on the new superior entry if it exists. If the entry does not exist or the DN * cannot be locked then false is returned. * * @param superiorDN The DN of the new superior entry. * @param op The modifyDN operation to check access on. * @return True if access is granted to the new superior entry. * @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while trying to retrieve the new superior entry. */ private boolean aciCheckSuperiorEntry(DN superiorDN, LocalBackendModifyDNOperation op) throws DirectoryException { boolean ret = false; final Lock entryLock = LockManager.lockRead(superiorDN); if (entryLock == null) { Message message = WARN_ACI_HANDLER_CANNOT_LOCK_NEW_SUPERIOR_USER.get(String.valueOf(superiorDN)); logError(message); return false; } try { Entry superiorEntry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(superiorDN); if (superiorEntry != null) { AciLDAPOperationContainer operationContainer = new AciLDAPOperationContainer(op, (ACI_IMPORT), superiorEntry); ret = accessAllowed(operationContainer); } } finally { LockManager.unlock(superiorDN, entryLock); } return ret; }
/** * Checks to see if a LDAP modification is allowed access. * * @param container The structure containing the LDAP modifications * @param operation The operation to check modify privileges on. operation to check and the * evaluation context to apply the check against. * @param skipAccessCheck True if access checking should be skipped. * @return True if access is allowed. * @throws DirectoryException If a modified ACI could not be decoded. */ private boolean aciCheckMods( AciLDAPOperationContainer container, LocalBackendModifyOperation operation, boolean skipAccessCheck) throws DirectoryException { Entry resourceEntry = container.getResourceEntry(); DN dn = resourceEntry.getDN(); List<Modification> modifications = operation.getModifications(); for (Modification m : modifications) { Attribute modAttr = m.getAttribute(); AttributeType modAttrType = modAttr.getAttributeType(); if (modAttrType.equals(aciType)) { /* * Check that the operation has modify privileges if it contains * an "aci" attribute type. */ if (!operation.getClientConnection().hasPrivilege(Privilege.MODIFY_ACL, operation)) { Message message = INFO_ACI_MODIFY_FAILED_PRIVILEGE.get( String.valueOf(container.getResourceDN()), String.valueOf(container.getClientDN())); logError(message); return false; } } // This access check handles the case where all attributes of this // type are being replaced or deleted. If only a subset is being // deleted than this access check is skipped. ModificationType modType = m.getModificationType(); if (((modType == ModificationType.DELETE) && modAttr.isEmpty()) || ((modType == ModificationType.REPLACE) || (modType == ModificationType.INCREMENT))) { /* * Check if we have rights to delete all values of an attribute * type in the resource entry. */ if (resourceEntry.hasAttribute(modAttrType)) { container.setCurrentAttributeType(modAttrType); List<Attribute> attrList = resourceEntry.getAttribute(modAttrType, modAttr.getOptions()); if (attrList != null) { for (Attribute a : attrList) { for (AttributeValue v : a) { container.setCurrentAttributeValue(v); container.setRights(ACI_WRITE_DELETE); if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) { return false; } } } } } } if (!modAttr.isEmpty()) { for (AttributeValue v : modAttr) { container.setCurrentAttributeType(modAttrType); switch (m.getModificationType()) { case ADD: case REPLACE: container.setCurrentAttributeValue(v); container.setRights(ACI_WRITE_ADD); if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) { return false; } break; case DELETE: container.setCurrentAttributeValue(v); container.setRights(ACI_WRITE_DELETE); if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) { return false; } break; case INCREMENT: Entry modifiedEntry = operation.getModifiedEntry(); List<Attribute> modifiedAttrs = modifiedEntry.getAttribute(modAttrType, modAttr.getOptions()); if (modifiedAttrs != null) { for (Attribute attr : modifiedAttrs) { for (AttributeValue val : attr) { container.setCurrentAttributeValue(val); container.setRights(ACI_WRITE_ADD); if (!skipAccessCheck && !accessAllowed(container)) { return false; } } } } break; } /* * Check if the modification type has an "aci" attribute type. * If so, check the syntax of that attribute value. Fail the * the operation if the syntax check fails. */ if (modAttrType.equals(aciType) || modAttrType.equals(globalAciType)) { try { // A global ACI needs a NULL DN, not the DN of the // modification. if (modAttrType.equals(globalAciType)) { dn = DN.nullDN(); } Aci.decode(v.getValue(), dn); } catch (AciException ex) { Message message = WARN_ACI_MODIFY_FAILED_DECODE.get(String.valueOf(dn), ex.getMessage()); throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, message); } } } } } return true; }
/** * Check access using the specified container. This container will have all of the information to * gather applicable ACIs and perform evaluation on them. * * @param container An ACI operation container which has all of the information needed to check * access. * @return True if access is allowed. */ boolean accessAllowed(AciContainer container) { DN dn = container.getResourceEntry().getDN(); // For ACI_WRITE_ADD and ACI_WRITE_DELETE set the ACI_WRITE // right. if (container.hasRights(ACI_WRITE_ADD) || container.hasRights(ACI_WRITE_DELETE)) { container.setRights(container.getRights() | ACI_WRITE); } // Check if the ACI_SELF right needs to be set (selfwrite right). // Only done if the right is ACI_WRITE, an attribute value is set // and that attribute value is a DN. if ((container.getCurrentAttributeValue() != null) && (container.hasRights(ACI_WRITE)) && (isAttributeDN(container.getCurrentAttributeType()))) { String DNString = null; try { DNString = container.getCurrentAttributeValue().getValue().toString(); DN tmpDN = DN.decode(DNString); // Have a valid DN, compare to clientDN to see if the ACI_SELF // right should be set. if (tmpDN.equals(container.getClientDN())) { container.setRights(container.getRights() | ACI_SELF); } } catch (DirectoryException ex) { // Log a message and keep going. Message message = WARN_ACI_NOT_VALID_DN.get(DNString); logError(message); } } // Check proxy authorization only if the entry has not already been // processed (working on a new entry). If working on a new entry, // then only do a proxy check if the right is not set to ACI_PROXY // and the proxied authorization control has been decoded. if (!container.hasSeenEntry()) { if (container.isProxiedAuthorization() && !container.hasRights(ACI_PROXY) && !container.hasRights(ACI_SKIP_PROXY_CHECK)) { int currentRights = container.getRights(); // Save the current rights so they can be put back if on // success. container.setRights(ACI_PROXY); // Switch to the original authorization entry, not the proxied // one. container.useOrigAuthorizationEntry(true); if (!accessAllowed(container)) { return false; } // Access is ok, put the original rights back. container.setRights(currentRights); // Put the proxied authorization entry back to the current // authorization entry. container.useOrigAuthorizationEntry(false); } // Set the seen flag so proxy processing is not performed for this // entry again. container.setSeenEntry(true); } /* * First get all allowed candidate ACIs. */ LinkedList<Aci> candidates = aciList.getCandidateAcis(dn); /* * Create an applicable list of ACIs by target matching each * candidate ACI against the container's target match view. */ createApplicableList(candidates, container); /* * Evaluate the applicable list. */ boolean ret = testApplicableLists(container); // Build summary string if doing geteffectiverights eval. if (container.isGetEffectiveRightsEval()) { AciEffectiveRights.createSummary(container, ret, "main"); } return ret; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override() public LDIFImportResult importLDIF(LDIFImportConfig importConfig) throws DirectoryException { RuntimeInformation.logInfo(); // If the backend already has the root container open, we must use the same // underlying root container boolean openRootContainer = rootContainer == null; // If the rootContainer is open, the backend is initialized by something // else. // We can't do import while the backend is online. if (!openRootContainer) { Message message = ERR_JEB_IMPORT_BACKEND_ONLINE.get(); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message); } try { EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig(); envConfig.setAllowCreate(true); envConfig.setTransactional(false); envConfig.setDurability(Durability.COMMIT_NO_SYNC); envConfig.setLockTimeout(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); envConfig.setTxnTimeout(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); envConfig.setConfigParam( EnvironmentConfig.CLEANER_MIN_FILE_UTILIZATION, String.valueOf(cfg.getDBCleanerMinUtilization())); envConfig.setConfigParam( EnvironmentConfig.LOG_FILE_MAX, String.valueOf(cfg.getDBLogFileMax())); if (!importConfig.appendToExistingData()) { if (importConfig.clearBackend() || cfg.getBaseDN().size() <= 1) { // We have the writer lock on the environment, now delete the // environment and re-open it. Only do this when we are // importing to all the base DNs in the backend or if the backend only // have one base DN. File parentDirectory = getFileForPath(cfg.getDBDirectory()); File backendDirectory = new File(parentDirectory, cfg.getBackendId()); // If the backend does not exist the import will create it. if (backendDirectory.exists()) { EnvManager.removeFiles(backendDirectory.getPath()); } } } Importer importer = new Importer(importConfig, cfg, envConfig); rootContainer = initializeRootContainer(envConfig); return importer.processImport(rootContainer); } catch (ExecutionException execEx) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, execEx); } if (execEx.getCause() instanceof DirectoryException) { throw ((DirectoryException) execEx.getCause()); } else { Message message = ERR_EXECUTION_ERROR.get(execEx.getMessage()); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message); } } catch (InterruptedException intEx) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, intEx); } Message message = ERR_INTERRUPTED_ERROR.get(intEx.getMessage()); throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message); } catch (JebException je) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, je); } throw new DirectoryException( DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), je.getMessageObject()); } catch (InitializationException ie) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, ie); } throw new DirectoryException( DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ie.getMessageObject()); } catch (ConfigException ce) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, ce); } throw new DirectoryException( DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ce.getMessageObject()); } finally { // leave the backend in the same state. try { if (rootContainer != null) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); rootContainer.close(); long finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long closeTime = (finishTime - startTime) / 1000; Message msg = NOTE_JEB_IMPORT_LDIF_ROOTCONTAINER_CLOSE.get(closeTime); logError(msg); rootContainer = null; } // Sync the environment to disk. if (debugEnabled()) { Message message = NOTE_JEB_IMPORT_CLOSING_DATABASE.get(); TRACER.debugInfo(message.toString()); } } catch (DatabaseException de) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, de); } } } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override() public void initializeBackend() throws ConfigException, InitializationException { // Checksum this db environment and register its offline state id/checksum. DirectoryServer.registerOfflineBackendStateID(this.getBackendID(), checksumDbEnv()); if (rootContainer == null) { EnvironmentConfig envConfig = ConfigurableEnvironment.parseConfigEntry(cfg); rootContainer = initializeRootContainer(envConfig); } // Preload the database cache. rootContainer.preload(cfg.getPreloadTimeLimit()); try { // Log an informational message about the number of entries. Message message = NOTE_JEB_BACKEND_STARTED.get(cfg.getBackendId(), rootContainer.getEntryCount()); logError(message); } catch (DatabaseException databaseException) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, databaseException); } Message message = WARN_JEB_GET_ENTRY_COUNT_FAILED.get(databaseException.getMessage()); throw new InitializationException(message, databaseException); } for (DN dn : cfg.getBaseDN()) { try { DirectoryServer.registerBaseDN(dn, this, false); } catch (Exception e) { if (debugEnabled()) { TRACER.debugCaught(DebugLogLevel.ERROR, e); } Message message = ERR_BACKEND_CANNOT_REGISTER_BASEDN.get(String.valueOf(dn), String.valueOf(e)); throw new InitializationException(message, e); } } // Register a monitor provider for the environment. rootContainerMonitor = rootContainer.getMonitorProvider(); DirectoryServer.registerMonitorProvider(rootContainerMonitor); // Register as disk space monitor handler File parentDirectory = getFileForPath(cfg.getDBDirectory()); File backendDirectory = new File(parentDirectory, cfg.getBackendId()); diskMonitor = new DiskSpaceMonitor( getBackendID() + " backend", backendDirectory, cfg.getDiskLowThreshold(), cfg.getDiskFullThreshold(), 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, this); diskMonitor.initializeMonitorProvider(null); DirectoryServer.registerMonitorProvider(diskMonitor); // Register as an AlertGenerator. DirectoryServer.registerAlertGenerator(this); // Register this backend as a change listener. cfg.addLocalDBChangeListener(this); }