  protected void init() {
    // mount /public
    String rootPath = PersonalFolderManager.getInstance().getRootPathFor(identity);
    OlatRootFolderImpl vfsPublic = new OlatRootFolderImpl(rootPath + "/public", this);
    // vfsPublic.getBasefile().mkdirs(); // lazy initialize folders
    // we do a little trick here and wrap it again in a NamedContainerImpl so
    // it doesn't show up as a OlatRootFolderImpl to prevent it from editing its MetaData
    OlatNamedContainerImpl vfsNamedPublic = new OlatNamedContainerImpl("public", vfsPublic);

    // mount /private
    OlatRootFolderImpl vfsPrivate = new OlatRootFolderImpl(rootPath + "/private", this);
    // vfsPrivate.getBasefile().mkdirs(); // lazy initialize folders
    // we do a little trick here and wrap it again in a NamedContainerImpl so
    // it doesn't show up as a OlatRootFolderImpl to prevent it from editing its MetaData
    OlatNamedContainerImpl vfsNamedPrivate = new OlatNamedContainerImpl("private", vfsPrivate);

    init = true;