static OProperty<?> buildPropery( String propName, EdmType type, Object value, String invalidCharacterReplacement) throws TransformationException, SQLException, IOException { if (!(type instanceof EdmSimpleType)) { if (type instanceof EdmCollectionType) { EdmCollectionType collectionType = (EdmCollectionType) type; EdmType componentType = collectionType.getItemType(); Builder<OObject> b = OCollections.newBuilder(componentType); if (value instanceof Array) { value = ((Array) value).getArray(); } int length = java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(value); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Object o = java.lang.reflect.Array.get(value, i); OProperty p = buildPropery("x", componentType, o, invalidCharacterReplacement); if (componentType instanceof EdmSimpleType) { b.add(OSimpleObjects.create((EdmSimpleType) componentType, p.getValue())); } else { throw new AssertionError("Multi-dimensional arrays are not yet supported."); // b.add((OCollection)p.getValue()); } } return OProperties.collection(propName, collectionType,; } throw new AssertionError("non-simple types are not yet supported"); } EdmSimpleType expectedType = (EdmSimpleType) type; if (value == null) { return OProperties.null_(propName, expectedType); } Class<?> sourceType = DataTypeManager.getRuntimeType(value.getClass()); Class<?> targetType = DataTypeManager.getDataTypeClass( ODataTypeManager.teiidType(expectedType.getFullyQualifiedTypeName())); if (sourceType != targetType) { Transform t = DataTypeManager.getTransform(sourceType, targetType); if (t == null && BlobType.class == targetType) { if (sourceType == ClobType.class) { return OProperties.binary(propName, ClobType.getString((Clob) value).getBytes()); } if (sourceType == SQLXML.class) { return OProperties.binary(propName, ((SQLXML) value).getString().getBytes()); } } value = DataTypeManager.convertToRuntimeType(value, true); value = t != null ? t.transform(value, targetType) : value; value = replaceInvalidCharacters(expectedType, value, invalidCharacterReplacement); if (value instanceof BinaryType) { value = ((BinaryType) value).getBytesDirect(); } return OProperties.simple(propName, expectedType, value); } value = replaceInvalidCharacters(expectedType, value, invalidCharacterReplacement); return OProperties.simple(propName, expectedType, value); }
/** * adds the property. This property can be a navigation property too. In this case a link will be * added. If it's the meta data the information will be added to the entry too. * * @param entry JsonEntry * @param ees EdmEntitySet * @param name PropertyName * @param jsr JsonStreamReader * @return EdmEntitySet */ protected EdmEntitySet addProperty( JsonEntry entry, EdmEntitySet ees, String name, JsonStreamReader jsr) { JsonEvent event = jsr.nextEvent(); if (event.isEndProperty()) { // scalar property EdmProperty ep = entry.getEntityType().findProperty(name); if (ep == null) { // OpenEntityTypeの場合は、プロパティを追加する NamespacedAnnotation<?> openType = findAnnotation(ees.getType(), null, Edm.EntityType.OpenType); if (openType != null && openType.getValue() == "true") { Object propValue = null; try { propValue = event.asEndProperty().getObject(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name).reason(e); } // 型によって登録するEntityPropertyを変更する if (propValue instanceof Boolean) { JsonTypeConverter.parse( name, (EdmSimpleType<?>) EdmSimpleType.BOOLEAN, propValue.toString())); } else if (propValue instanceof Double) { JsonTypeConverter.parse( name, (EdmSimpleType<?>) EdmSimpleType.DOUBLE, propValue.toString())); } else { if (propValue == null) { JsonTypeConverter.parse(name, (EdmSimpleType<?>) EdmSimpleType.STRING, null)); } else { JsonTypeConverter.parse( name, (EdmSimpleType<?>) EdmSimpleType.STRING, propValue.toString())); } } } else { throw DcCoreException.OData.FIELED_INVALID_ERROR.params( "unknown property " + name + " for " + entry.getEntityType().getName()); } } else { // StaticPropertyの値チェック String propValue = event.asEndProperty().getValue(); if (propValue != null) { EdmType type = ep.getType(); if (type.equals(EdmSimpleType.BOOLEAN) && !ODataUtils.validateBoolean(propValue)) { throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } else if (type.equals(EdmSimpleType.STRING) && !ODataUtils.validateString(propValue)) { throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } else if (type.equals(EdmSimpleType.DATETIME)) { if (!ODataUtils.validateDateTime(propValue)) { throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } if (Common.SYSUTCDATETIME.equals(propValue)) { String crrTime = String.valueOf(getCurrentTimeMillis()); propValue = String.format("/Date(%s)/", crrTime); } } else if (type.equals(EdmSimpleType.SINGLE) && !ODataUtils.validateSingle(propValue)) { throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } else if (type.equals(EdmSimpleType.INT32) && !ODataUtils.validateInt32(propValue)) { throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } else if (type.equals(EdmSimpleType.DOUBLE) && !ODataUtils.validateDouble(propValue)) { throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } } if (ep.getType().isSimple()) { // シンプル型(文字列や数値など)であればプロパティに追加する JsonTypeConverter.parse(name, (EdmSimpleType<?>) ep.getType(), propValue)); } else { if (propValue == null) { // ComplexType型で、値がnullの場合はエラーにしない JsonTypeConverter.parse(name, (EdmSimpleType<?>) EdmSimpleType.STRING, null)); } else { // ComplexType型で、ComplexType型以外の値が指定された場合("aaa")はエラーとする throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } } } } else if (event.isStartObject()) { // JSONオブジェクトの場合は値を取得する JsonObjectPropertyValue val = getValue(event, ees, name, jsr, entry); if (val.complexObject != null) { // ComplexTypeデータであればプロパティに追加する OProperties.complex( name, (EdmComplexType) val.complexObject.getType(), val.complexObject.getProperties())); } else { // ComplexTypeデータ以外はエラーとする throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } } else if (event.isStartArray()) { // 配列オブジェクトの場合 JsonObjectPropertyValue val = new JsonObjectPropertyValue(); // スキーマ定義が存在してCollectionKindがNoneでなければ、配列としてパースする EdmProperty eprop = entry.getEntityType().findProperty(name); if (null != eprop && eprop.getCollectionKind() != CollectionKind.NONE) { val.collectionType = new EdmCollectionType(eprop.getCollectionKind(), eprop.getType()); DcJsonCollectionFormatParser cfp = new DcJsonCollectionFormatParser(val.collectionType, this.metadata, name); val.collection = cfp.parseCollection(jsr); } // パースに成功した場合は、プロパティに追加する if (val.collectionType != null && val.collection != null) {, val.collectionType, val.collection)); } else { throw DcCoreException.OData.REQUEST_FIELD_FORMAT_ERROR.params(name); } } else { throw DcCoreException.OData.INVALID_TYPE_ERROR.params(name); } return ees; }