Example #1
  * Instanciate value if any from the serialized version. This instanciation must not be performed
  * in a dedicated classloader to avoid ClassCastException with the user's code.
  * @param cl the classloader where to instanciate the object. Can be null : object is instanciated
  *     in the default caller classloader.
  * @return the value if no exception has been thown.
  * @throws ClassNotFoundException
  * @throws IOException
 private Serializable instanciateValue(ClassLoader cl) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
   if (this.serializedValue != null && this.value == null) {
     this.value =
         (Serializable) ByteToObjectConverter.ObjectStream.convert(this.serializedValue, cl);
   return this.value;
   * Decrypts the encapsulated credentials
   * @see org.ow2.proactive.authentication.crypto.KeyPairUtil#decrypt(String, String, String,
   *     byte[])
   * @param privKey the private key
   * @return the credential data containing the clear data:login, password and key
   * @throws KeyException decryption failure, malformed data
  public CredData decrypt(PrivateKey privKey) throws KeyException {
    byte[] data = null;
    byte[] aesClear = null;

    // recover clear AES key using the private key
    try {
      aesClear = KeyPairUtil.decrypt(this.algorithm, privKey, this.cipher, this.aes);
    } catch (KeyException e) {
      throw new KeyException("Could not decrypt symmetric key", e);

    // recover clear credentials using the AES key
    try {
      data = KeyUtil.decrypt(new SecretKeySpec(aesClear, AES_ALGO), AES_CIPHER, this.data);
    } catch (KeyException e) {
      throw new KeyException("Could not decrypt data", e);

    // deserialize clear credentials and obtain login & password
    try {
      return (CredData) ByteToObjectConverter.ObjectStream.convert(data);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new KeyException(e.getMessage());
Example #3
  * Instanciate thrown exception if any from the serialized version. This instanciation must not be
  * performed in a dedicated classloader to avoid ClassCastException with the user's code.
  * @param cl the classloader where to instanciate the object. Can be null : object is instanciated
  *     in the default caller classloader.
  * @return the exception that has been thrown if any.
  * @throws ClassNotFoundException
  * @throws IOException
 private Throwable instanciateException(ClassLoader cl)
     throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
   if (this.serializedException != null && this.exception == null) {
     this.exception =
         (Throwable) ByteToObjectConverter.ObjectStream.convert(this.serializedException, cl);
   return this.exception;