private void checkMethodModifiers(MethodNode node) { // don't check volatile here as it overlaps with ACC_BRIDGE // additional modifiers not allowed for interfaces if ((this.currentClass.getModifiers() & ACC_INTERFACE) != 0) { checkMethodForModifier(node, isStrict(node.getModifiers()), "strictfp"); checkMethodForModifier(node, isSynchronized(node.getModifiers()), "synchronized"); checkMethodForModifier(node, isNative(node.getModifiers()), "native"); } }
public void visitMethod(MethodNode node) { inConstructor = false; inStaticConstructor = node.isStaticConstructor(); checkAbstractDeclaration(node); checkRepetitiveMethod(node); checkOverloadingPrivateAndPublic(node); checkMethodModifiers(node); checkGenericsUsage(node, node.getParameters()); checkGenericsUsage(node, node.getReturnType()); super.visitMethod(node); }
private void checkAbstractDeclaration(MethodNode methodNode) { if (!methodNode.isAbstract()) return; if (isAbstract(currentClass.getModifiers())) return; addError( "Can't have an abstract method in a non-abstract class." + " The " + getDescription(currentClass) + " must be declared abstract or the method '" + methodNode.getTypeDescriptor() + "' must not be abstract.", methodNode); }
private int firePeacefulRegenEventAndStoreEventBefore( MethodNode method, AbstractInsnNode injectPoint, LabelNode endLabel) { // create variable LabelNode peacefulRegenEventStart = new LabelNode(); LocalVariableNode peacefulRegenEvent = new LocalVariableNode( "peacefulRegenEvent", Type.getDescriptor(HealthRegenEvent.PeacefulRegen.class), null, peacefulRegenEventStart, endLabel, method.maxLocals); method.maxLocals += 1; method.localVariables.add(peacefulRegenEvent); InsnList toInject = new InsnList(); // HealthRegenEvent.PeacefulRegen peacefulRegenEvent = Hooks.firePeacefulRegenEvent(this); toInject.add(new VarInsnNode(ALOAD, 0)); toInject.add( new MethodInsnNode( INVOKESTATIC, Type.getInternalName(Hooks.class), "firePeacefulRegenEvent", "(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;)Lsqueek/applecore/api/hunger/HealthRegenEvent$PeacefulRegen;", false)); toInject.add(new VarInsnNode(ASTORE, peacefulRegenEvent.index)); toInject.add(peacefulRegenEventStart); method.instructions.insertBefore(injectPoint, toInject); return peacefulRegenEvent.index; }
private void addErrorIfParamsAndReturnTypeEqual( Parameter[] p2, Parameter[] p1, MethodNode node, MethodNode element) { boolean isEqual = true; for (int i = 0; i < p2.length; i++) { isEqual &= p1[i].getType().equals(p2[i].getType()); } isEqual &= node.getReturnType().equals(element.getReturnType()); if (isEqual) { addError( "Repetitive method name/signature for " + getDescription(node) + " in " + getDescription(currentClass) + ".", node); } }
private void checkMethodForWeakerAccessPrivileges(MethodNode mn, ClassNode cn) { Parameter[] params = mn.getParameters(); for (MethodNode superMethod : cn.getSuperClass().getMethods(mn.getName())) { Parameter[] superParams = superMethod.getParameters(); if (!hasEqualParameterTypes(params, superParams)) continue; if ((mn.isPrivate() && !superMethod.isPrivate()) || (mn.isProtected() && superMethod.isPublic())) { addWeakerAccessError(cn, mn, params, superMethod); return; } } }
private void checkInterfaceMethodVisibility(ClassNode node) { if (!node.isInterface()) return; for (MethodNode method : node.getMethods()) { if (method.isPrivate()) { addError( "Method '" + method.getName() + "' is private but should be public in " + getDescription(currentClass) + ".", method); } else if (method.isProtected()) { addError( "Method '" + method.getName() + "' is protected but should be public in " + getDescription(currentClass) + ".", method); } } }
private void checkMethodsForOverridingFinal(ClassNode cn) { for (MethodNode method : cn.getMethods()) { Parameter[] params = method.getParameters(); for (MethodNode superMethod : cn.getSuperClass().getMethods(method.getName())) { Parameter[] superParams = superMethod.getParameters(); if (!hasEqualParameterTypes(params, superParams)) continue; if (!superMethod.isFinal()) break; addInvalidUseOfFinalError(method, params, superMethod.getDeclaringClass()); return; } } }
private void checkMethodsForIncorrectModifiers(ClassNode cn) { if (!cn.isInterface()) return; for (MethodNode method : cn.getMethods()) { if (method.isFinal()) { addError( "The " + getDescription(method) + " from " + getDescription(cn) + " must not be final. It is by definition abstract.", method); } if (method.isStatic() && !isConstructor(method)) { addError( "The " + getDescription(method) + " from " + getDescription(cn) + " must not be static. Only fields may be static in an interface.", method); } } }
private void addWeakerAccessError( ClassNode cn, MethodNode method, Parameter[] parameters, MethodNode superMethod) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append(method.getName()); msg.append("("); boolean needsComma = false; for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { if (needsComma) { msg.append(","); } else { needsComma = true; } msg.append(parameter.getType()); } msg.append(") in "); msg.append(cn.getName()); msg.append(" cannot override "); msg.append(superMethod.getName()); msg.append(" in "); msg.append(superMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()); msg.append("; attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was "); msg.append(superMethod.isPublic() ? "public" : "protected"); addError(msg.toString(), method); }
private void checkRepetitiveMethod(MethodNode node) { if (isConstructor(node)) return; for (MethodNode method : currentClass.getMethods(node.getName())) { if (method == node) continue; if (!method.getDeclaringClass().equals(node.getDeclaringClass())) continue; Parameter[] p1 = node.getParameters(); Parameter[] p2 = method.getParameters(); if (p1.length != p2.length) continue; addErrorIfParamsAndReturnTypeEqual(p2, p1, node, method); } }
private void addInvalidUseOfFinalError( MethodNode method, Parameter[] parameters, ClassNode superCN) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append("You are not allowed to override the final method ").append(method.getName()); msg.append("("); boolean needsComma = false; for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { if (needsComma) { msg.append(","); } else { needsComma = true; } msg.append(parameter.getType()); } msg.append(") from ").append(getDescription(superCN)); msg.append("."); addError(msg.toString(), method); }
private void checkOverloadingPrivateAndPublic(MethodNode node) { if (isConstructor(node)) return; boolean hasPrivate = false; boolean hasPublic = false; for (MethodNode method : currentClass.getMethods(node.getName())) { if (method == node) continue; if (!method.getDeclaringClass().equals(node.getDeclaringClass())) continue; if (method.isPublic() || method.isProtected()) { hasPublic = true; } else { hasPrivate = true; } } if (hasPrivate && hasPublic) { addError( "Mixing private and public/protected methods of the same name causes multimethods to be disabled and is forbidden to avoid surprising behaviour. Renaming the private methods will solve the problem.", node); } }
private boolean isConstructor(MethodNode method) { return method.getName().equals("<clinit>"); }
private String getDescription(MethodNode node) { return "method '" + node.getTypeDescriptor() + "'"; }