Example #1
   * Calculate the average value but removing outliers based on Median Absolute Deviation with a
   * fixed threshold of 3.0 TODO make the threshold be the first parameter in the list or make a
   * smarter analysis of method to use, not just MAD, based on the number of data in the set,
   * variance, etc
  public void run(Stack stack) throws ParseException {

    if (curNumberOfParameters < 1) {
      throw new ParseException("No arguments for Average MAD - median average deviation");

    // Get the first parameter that has to be the threshold
    // Double threshold = (Double) stack.pop();
    Double threshold = 3.0;

    Object param;

    ArrayList<Double> orginalValues = new ArrayList<Double>();

    int i = 0;

    while (i < (curNumberOfParameters)) {
      param = stack.pop();
      if (!(supportNull && param instanceof Null)) {
        orginalValues.add((Double) param);

    // calculate median
    Double median = median(orginalValues);

    ArrayList<Double> absMedianValues = new ArrayList<Double>();

    // calculate mad by abs(median - value) for each
    for (Double value : orginalValues) {
      absMedianValues.add(Math.abs(value - median));

    Double mad = median(absMedianValues);

    // select only values in the range of the mad*threshold => removing the
    // outliers
    int count = 0;
    int index = 0;
    Double sum = new Double(0);
    while (index < absMedianValues.size()) {
      if (absMedianValues.get(index) < mad * threshold) {
        sum += orginalValues.get(index);

    if (index > 0) {
      stack.push(sum / count);
    } else {
      stack.push(new Null());
Example #2
  private Double median(ArrayList<Double> median1) {
    // Calculate the median
    Double medianValue = null;

    Object[] objectArr = median1.toArray();
    Double[] median = Arrays.copyOf(objectArr, objectArr.length, Double[].class);
    // get the numbers into a sorted order

    if ((median.length & 1) == 0) {
      // even number of parameters
      medianValue = (median[median.length / 2 - 1] + median[median.length / 2]) / 2;
    } else {
      // odd number of parameters
      medianValue = median[median.length / 2];

    return medianValue;