/** * Takes the Scene and writes an image file according to the constraints defined by the caller. * This returns a BufferedImage of the Scene even if the file can not be written. * * @param visibleAreaOnly Eliminates all zoom features. If true, the exported image will be a * created from the visible area of the scene. * @param selectedOnly Create an image including only the objects selected on the scene. Note that * this feature requires that the scene is an instance of an ObjectScene since it is the * implementation that allows for object selection. * @param quality And integer value between 0-100. This is for JPG images only. Parameter is not * used if an image type other than jpg is selected. * @param width Directly sets the horizontal dimension of the exported image. This is only used * when the zoomType is ZoomType.CUSTOM_SIZE * @param height Directly sets the vertical dimension of the exported image. This is only used * when the zoomType is ZoomType.CUSTOM_SIZE. * @param createImageMap If true, the necessary steps are taken to setup the sequential call to * getSceneImageMapCoordinates. * @return image The raw image that was written to the file. * @throws java.io.IOException If for some reason the file cannot be written, an IOExeption will * be thrown. */ public BufferedImage createImage( ImageType imageType, ZoomType zoomType, boolean visibleAreaOnly, boolean selectedOnly, int quality, int width, int height, boolean createImageMap) throws IOException { double _scale = scene.getZoomFactor(); Rectangle sceneRec = scene.getPreferredBounds(); Rectangle viewRect = scene.getView().getVisibleRect(); BufferedImage bufferedImage; Graphics2D g; ArrayList<Widget> hiddenWidgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); int _imageWidth = sceneRec.width; int _imageHeight = sceneRec.height; Set<?> _selectedObjects = null; if (selectedOnly) { // in order to use getSelectedObject the scene must be an // ObjectScene if (scene instanceof ObjectScene) { ObjectScene gScene = (ObjectScene) scene; // hide unselected widget HashSet<Object> invisible = new HashSet<Object>(); invisible.addAll(gScene.getObjects()); _selectedObjects = gScene.getSelectedObjects(); invisible.removeAll(_selectedObjects); for (Object o : invisible) { Widget widget = gScene.findWidget(o); if (widget != null && widget.isVisible()) { widget.setVisible(false); hiddenWidgets.add(widget); } } } } if (visibleAreaOnly) { _imageWidth = viewRect.width; _imageHeight = viewRect.height; } else { switch (zoomType) { case CUSTOM_SIZE: _imageWidth = width; _imageHeight = height; _scale = Math.min( (double) width / (double) sceneRec.width, (double) height / (double) sceneRec.height); break; case FIT_IN_WINDOW: _scale = Math.min( (double) viewRect.width / (double) sceneRec.width, (double) viewRect.height / (double) sceneRec.height); _imageWidth = (int) ((double) sceneRec.width * _scale); _imageHeight = (int) ((double) sceneRec.height * _scale); break; case CURRENT_ZOOM_LEVEL: _imageWidth = (int) (sceneRec.width * scene.getZoomFactor()); _imageHeight = (int) (sceneRec.height * scene.getZoomFactor()); break; case ACTUAL_SIZE: _imageWidth = sceneRec.width; _imageHeight = sceneRec.height; _scale = 1.0; break; } } // Note that the field variable are being set to method local variable. // This // is for the call to getSceneImageMapCoordinates that will come since // createImageMap is true. if (createImageMap) { this.selectedObjects = _selectedObjects; this.imageHeight = _imageHeight; this.imageWidth = _imageWidth; this.scale = _scale; } bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = bufferedImage.createGraphics(); g.translate(0, 0); g.scale(_scale, _scale); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); scene.paint(g); // restore widget visibility for (Widget w : hiddenWidgets) { w.setVisible(true); } if (file != null) { FileImageOutputStream fo = new FileImageOutputStream(file); if (imageType == ImageType.JPG) { Iterator<?> iter = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpg"); ImageWriter writer = (ImageWriter) iter.next(); ImageWriteParam iwp = writer.getDefaultWriteParam(); iwp.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT); if (quality > 100) { quality = 100; } if (quality < 0) { quality = 0; } iwp.setCompressionQuality(quality / 100); writer.setOutput(fo); IIOImage image = new IIOImage(bufferedImage, null, null); writer.write(null, image, iwp); writer.dispose(); } else { ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "" + imageType, fo); } fo.flush(); fo.close(); } return bufferedImage; }
/** * Takes the Scene and writes an image file according to the constraints defined by the caller. * This returns a BufferedImage of the {@link Scene} even if the file can not be written. This * function creates the image for the entire {@link Scene}. * * @param visibleAreaOnly Eliminates all zoom features. If true, the exported image will be a * created from the visible area of the scene. * @param selectedOnly Create an image including only the objects selected on the scene. Note that * this feature requires that the scene is an instance of an ObjectScene since it is the * implementation that allows for object selection. * @param quality And integer value between 0-100. This is for JPG images only. Parameter is not * used if an image type other than jpg is selected. * @param canvas The {@link WorkareaCanvas} that is to exported. * @param createImageMap If true, the necessary steps are taken to setup the sequential call to * getSceneImageMapCoordinates. * @return image The raw image that was written to the file. * @throws java.io.IOException If for some reason the file cannot be written, an IOExeption will * be thrown. */ public BufferedImage createImage( ImageType imageType, ZoomType zoomType, boolean visibleAreaOnly, boolean selectedOnly, int quality, WorkareaCanvas canvas, boolean createImageMap) throws IOException { // Creates a rectangle with the starting point and the dimensions of the // scene seleceted for export Rectangle rectangle = canvas.getScene().getClientArea(); double _scale = scene.getZoomFactor(); Rectangle sceneRec = scene.getPreferredBounds(); Rectangle viewRect = scene.getView().getVisibleRect(); BufferedImage bufferedImage; Graphics2D g; ArrayList<Widget> hiddenWidgets = new ArrayList<Widget>(); int _imageWidth = sceneRec.width; int _imageHeight = sceneRec.height; Set<?> _selectedObjects = null; if (selectedOnly) { // in order to use getSelectedObject the scene must be an // ObjectScene if (scene instanceof ObjectScene) { ObjectScene gScene = (ObjectScene) scene; // hide unselected widget HashSet<Object> invisible = new HashSet<Object>(); invisible.addAll(gScene.getObjects()); _selectedObjects = gScene.getSelectedObjects(); invisible.removeAll(_selectedObjects); for (Object o : invisible) { Widget widget = gScene.findWidget(o); if (widget != null && widget.isVisible()) { widget.setVisible(false); hiddenWidgets.add(widget); } } } } if (visibleAreaOnly) { _imageWidth = viewRect.width; _imageHeight = viewRect.height; } else { switch (zoomType) { case CUSTOM_SIZE: _imageWidth = rectangle.width; _imageHeight = rectangle.height; _scale = Math.min( (double) rectangle.width / (double) sceneRec.width, (double) rectangle.height / (double) sceneRec.height); break; case FIT_IN_WINDOW: _scale = Math.min( (double) viewRect.width / (double) sceneRec.width, (double) viewRect.height / (double) sceneRec.height); _imageWidth = (int) ((double) sceneRec.width * _scale); _imageHeight = (int) ((double) sceneRec.height * _scale); break; case CURRENT_ZOOM_LEVEL: _imageWidth = (int) (sceneRec.width * scene.getZoomFactor()); _imageHeight = (int) (sceneRec.height * scene.getZoomFactor()); break; case ACTUAL_SIZE: _imageWidth = sceneRec.width; _imageHeight = sceneRec.height; _scale = 1.0; break; } } // Note that the field variable are being set to method local variable. // This // is for the call to getSceneImageMapCoordinates that will come since // createImageMap is true. if (createImageMap) { this.selectedObjects = _selectedObjects; this.imageHeight = _imageHeight; this.imageWidth = _imageWidth; this.scale = _scale; } bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(rectangle.width, rectangle.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); g = bufferedImage.createGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint( RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.scale(_scale, _scale); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height); scene.paint(g); // restore widget visibility for (Widget w : hiddenWidgets) { w.setVisible(true); } if (file != null) { boolean save = true; if (file.exists()) { int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "This file exists. Do you wish to overwrite the file?", "Confirm", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); // The user has not pressed YES if (answer != 0) { save = false; } } if (save) { FileImageOutputStream fo = new FileImageOutputStream(file); if (imageType == ImageType.JPG) { Iterator<?> iter = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpg"); ImageWriter writer = (ImageWriter) iter.next(); ImageWriteParam iwp = writer.getDefaultWriteParam(); iwp.setCompressionMode(ImageWriteParam.MODE_EXPLICIT); if (quality > 100) { quality = 100; } if (quality < 0) { quality = 0; } iwp.setCompressionQuality(quality / 100); writer.setOutput(fo); IIOImage image = new IIOImage(bufferedImage, null, null); writer.write(null, image, iwp); writer.dispose(); } else { ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "" + imageType, fo); } fo.flush(); fo.close(); } } return bufferedImage; }