public static String dumpToSeparateFile(File dir, String testId, String content) { if (content == null || content.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The content can not be empty(" + content + ")."); } String filename = testId + ".asciidoc"; Writer writer = AsciiDocGenerator.getFW(new File(dir, "includes"), filename); String title = ""; char firstChar = content.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '.' || firstChar == '_') { int pos = content.indexOf('\n'); if (pos != -1) { title = content.substring(0, pos + 1); content = content.substring(pos + 1); } } try { writer.write(content); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return title + "include::includes/" + filename + "[]\n"; }
@Test @Graph( value = {"John friend Sara", "John friend Joe", "Sara friend Maria", "Joe friend Steve"}, autoIndexNodes = true) public void intro_examples() throws Exception { try (Transaction ignored = graphdb.beginTx()) { Writer fw = AsciiDocGenerator.getFW(DOCS_TARGET, gen.get().getTitle()); data.get(); fw.append("\nImagine an example graph like the following one:\n\n"); fw.append( AsciiDocGenerator.dumpToSeparateFileWithType( new File(DOCS_TARGET), "intro.graph", AsciidocHelper.createGraphVizWithNodeId("Example Graph", graphdb(), "cypher-intro"))); fw.append( "\nFor example, here is a query which finds a user called John and John's friends (though not " + "his direct friends) before returning both John and any friends-of-friends that are found."); fw.append("\n\n"); String query = "MATCH (john {name: 'John'})-[:friend]->()-[:friend]->(fof) RETURN john, fof "; fw.append( AsciiDocGenerator.dumpToSeparateFileWithType( new File(DOCS_TARGET), "intro.query", createCypherSnippet(query))); fw.append("\nResulting in:\n\n"); fw.append( AsciiDocGenerator.dumpToSeparateFileWithType( new File(DOCS_TARGET), "intro.result", createQueryResultSnippet(engine.execute(query).dumpToString()))); fw.append( "\nNext up we will add filtering to set more parts " + "in motion:\n\nWe take a list of user names " + "and find all nodes with names from this list, match their friends and return " + "only those followed users who have a +name+ property starting with +S+."); query = "MATCH (user)-[:friend]->(follower) WHERE " + " IN ['Joe', 'John', 'Sara', 'Maria', 'Steve'] AND =~ 'S.*' " + "RETURN user, "; fw.append("\n\n"); fw.append( AsciiDocGenerator.dumpToSeparateFileWithType( new File(DOCS_TARGET), "intro.query", createCypherSnippet(query))); fw.append("\nResulting in:\n\n"); fw.append( AsciiDocGenerator.dumpToSeparateFileWithType( new File(DOCS_TARGET), "intro.result", createQueryResultSnippet(engine.execute(query).dumpToString()))); fw.close(); } }