  public IPersistenceService createPersistenceService(NEConfiguration configuration) {

    // the cache providers
    ArrayList<CacheProvider> cacheList = new ArrayList<CacheProvider>();
    System.out.println("Creating db configuration");
    cacheList.add(new WeakCacheProvider());

    // the kernel extensions
    LuceneKernelExtensionFactory lucene = new LuceneKernelExtensionFactory();
    List<KernelExtensionFactory<?>> extensions = new ArrayList<KernelExtensionFactory<?>>();

    //		Map<String,String> config = new HashMap<String,String>();
    //		config.put("cache_type", "weak");

    // the database setup
    GraphDatabaseFactory gdbf = new GraphDatabaseFactory();
    GraphDatabaseService db = null;
    try {
      //		db = gdbf.newEmbeddedDatabase(configuration.path().getAbsolutePath());
      db =
              .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.cache_type, WeakCacheProvider.NAME)
    } catch (Exception e) {
    IPersistenceService service = new PersistenceService(db, configuration);
    return service;
  public static <V, E> Neo4jTopology loadTopology(Neo4jWorkspaceSettings settings)
      throws Exception {
    String db = DatabaseConfiguration.readDatabase(settings);
    Logger.getLogger(Neo4jWorkspace.class).info("using db " + db);

    // Get neo4j stuffs
    GraphDatabaseFactory factory = new GraphDatabaseFactory();
    GraphDatabaseService database = factory.newEmbeddedDatabase(db);
    GlobalGraphOperations operation = GlobalGraphOperations.at(database);

    ViewsManager views = new ViewsManager();

    // Setup graph model
    Neo4jGraphModelIO gio = new Neo4jGraphModelIO();
    Neo4jGraphModel typeModel = gio.getGraphModel();

    // Build graph
    INeo4jGraphReader r = views.getFirst().getFilter();
    Graph<IPropertyNode, IPropertyEdge> graph = r.read(operation, typeModel);
        .info("filtered graph has " + graph.getVertexCount() + " nodes using db " + db);

    // Build topology using graph typing model
    String topologyName = views.getFirst().getTopologyName();
    Neo4jTopologyFactory tfact = new Neo4jTopologyFactory();
    Neo4jTopology topology = tfact.newTopology(topologyName, graph, typeModel);

    return topology;
   * Build full Neo4jWorkspace involving reading files given by settings:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>neo4j database
   *   <li>view
   *   <li>graph model
   *   <li>projection
   * </ul>
   * and build topology & geometrical model according to Neo4j factories
   * @param settings
   * @throws Exception
  public Neo4jWorkspace(Neo4jWorkspaceSettings settings) throws Exception {
    String db = DatabaseConfiguration.readDatabase(settings);
    Logger.getLogger(Neo4jWorkspace.class).info("using db " + db);

    // Get neo4j stuffs
    GraphDatabaseFactory factory = new GraphDatabaseFactory();
    database = factory.newEmbeddedDatabase(db);
    operation = GlobalGraphOperations.at(database);

    views = new ViewsManager();
    layoutML = views.getFirst().getLayout();

    // Setup graph model
    Neo4jGraphModelIO gio = new Neo4jGraphModelIO();
    Neo4jGraphModel typeModel = gio.getGraphModel();

    // Build graph
    INeo4jGraphReader r = views.getFirst().getFilter();
    Graph<IPropertyNode, IPropertyEdge> graph = r.read(operation, typeModel);
        .info("filtered graph has " + graph.getVertexCount() + " nodes using db " + db);

    // Build topology using graph typing model
    String topologyName = views.getFirst().getTopologyName();
    Neo4jTopologyFactory tfact = new Neo4jTopologyFactory();
    topology = tfact.newTopology(topologyName, graph, typeModel);

    // Edit topology according to dataprism
    Dataprism dp = loadDataprism(settings);
    if (dp != null) ((Neo4jTopology) topology).edit().apply(dp);

    // Build layout model
    modelFactory = new Neo4jModelFactory(gio.getGraphModel());
    model = (IHierarchicalNodeModel) modelFactory.getLayoutModel(topology);
    edgeModel = model.getEdgeModel();
    applyLayoutMLConfiguration(model, layoutML);

    // Build layout
    layoutFactory = new Neo4jLayoutFactory(typeModel);
    if (layoutML != null) {
      Map<String, String> mapping = extractModelLayoutMapping(layoutML);

    layout = layoutFactory.getLayout(model);

    // finalize workspace
    annotationModel = new AnnotationModel();
    metadata = null;

    this.configuration = new ConfigurationFacade(this);
   * Helper method to get an instance of the graph database api
   * */
  private static GraphDatabaseAPI GET_GRAPH_DATABASE_API() {

    GraphDatabaseFactory gdbf = new GraphDatabaseFactory();

    GraphDatabaseBuilder edbb = gdbf.newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder("target/neo4jTestDb");
    edbb.setConfig(ShellSettings.remote_shell_enabled, Settings.TRUE);

    return (GraphDatabaseAPI) edbb.newGraphDatabase();
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GraphDatabaseFactory neodb = new GraphDatabaseFactory();
    // Direccion de la Base de datos Neo4j
    GraphDatabaseService graphDb =

    try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) {
      // Creacion de nodos con sus propiedades
      Node bobNode = graphDb.createNode(NodeType.Person); // Tipo del nodo Person
      bobNode.setProperty("Pid", 5001);
      bobNode.setProperty("Name", "Bob");
      bobNode.setProperty("Age", 23);

      Node aliceNode = graphDb.createNode(NodeType.Person);
      aliceNode.setProperty("Pid", 5002);
      aliceNode.setProperty("Name", "Eve");

      Node eveNode = graphDb.createNode(NodeType.Person);
      eveNode.setProperty("Name", "Eve");

      Node itNode = graphDb.createNode(NodeType.Course); // TIpo del nodo Course
      itNode.setProperty("Id", 1);
      itNode.setProperty("Name", "IT Beginners");
      itNode.setProperty("Location", "Room 153");

      Node electronicNode = graphDb.createNode(NodeType.Course);
      electronicNode.setProperty("Name", "Electronics Advanced");

      // Creacion de relaciones entre los nodos
      bobNode.createRelationshipTo(aliceNode, RelationType.Knows); // Tipo de relacion Knows

      Relationship bobRelIt =
              itNode, RelationType.BelongsTo); // Tipo de relacion BelongsTo
      bobRelIt.setProperty("Function", "Student");

      Relationship bobRelElectronics =
          bobNode.createRelationshipTo(electronicNode, RelationType.BelongsTo);
      bobRelElectronics.setProperty("Function", "Supply Teacher");

      Relationship aliceRelIt = aliceNode.createRelationshipTo(itNode, RelationType.BelongsTo);
      aliceRelIt.setProperty("Function", "Teacher");

      tx.success(); // Proceso termino de forma exitosa
    graphDb.shutdown(); // Cerrar base
Example #6
  private void attemptRecoveryOrCheckStateOfLogicalLogs(Args arguments, String storeDir) {
    if (arguments.getBoolean(RECOVERY, false, true)) {
    } else {
      try {
        if (recoveryChecker.recoveryNeededAt(new File(storeDir))) {
                  "Active logical log detected, this might be a source of inconsistencies.",
                  "Consider allowing the database to recover before running the consistency check.",
                  "Consistency checking will continue, abort if you wish to perform recovery first.",
                  "To perform recovery before checking consistency, use the '--recovery' flag."));

      } catch (IOException e) {
            "Failure when checking for recovery state: '%s', continuing as normal.%n", e);