Example #1
  * Schedules a service-request on a file. Only "pages/main" services are handled. The
  * service-request is later handled through the {@link #probeCall} method.
  * @param service the service to be performed
  * @param subservice the subservice to be performed
  * @param filename the filename to service
  * @return <code>true</code> if maintenance was performed, <code>false</code> otherwise
 public boolean fileChange(String service, String subservice, String filename) {
   log.debug("frontend change -> " + filename);
   log.service("s=" + service + " sub=" + subservice + "file=" + filename);
   // jump to correct subhandles based on the subservice
   if (subservice.equals("main")) {
     handleMainCheck(service, subservice, filename);
   return true;
Example #2
   * Handles a pages/mirror service request. Places a page in the file2copy queue, so it will be
   * sent to a mirror site by the FileCopier.
   * @param filenode the filenet node that contains the service request
   * @param status the current status of the node
   * @param ctype the type of change on that node ("c" : node was changed)
   * @return <code>true</code>
  public boolean handleMirror(MMObjectNode filenode, int status, String ctype) {
    switch (status) {
      case Netfiles.STATUS_REQUEST: // Request
        // register the node as being On Its Way
        filenode.setValue("status", Netfiles.STATUS_ON_ITS_WAY);
        String filename = filenode.getStringValue("filename");
        String dstserver = filenode.getStringValue("mmserver");
        // recover the correct source/dest properties for this mirror
        // why does it say "demoserver" ??
        String sshpath = getProperty("demoserver", "sshpath");
        log.debug("sshpath=" + sshpath);
        String srcpath = getProperty("demoserver", "path");
        log.debug("srcpath=" + srcpath);
        String dstuser = getProperty(dstserver, "user");
        log.debug("dsthost=" + dsthost);
        String dstpath = getProperty(dstserver, "path");
        log.debug("dstpath=" + dstpath);

        /* this code can be dropped as it is handled in FileCopier

                SCPcopy scpcopy=new SCPcopy(sshpath,dstuser,dsthost,dstpath);

                synchronized(syncobj) {
        // create a new file2copy object and add it to the queue,
        // so the FileCopier thread will handle it.
        files2copy.append(new aFile2Copy(dstuser, dsthost, dstpath, srcpath, filename, sshpath));

        // register the node as being Done
        filenode.setValue("status", Netfiles.STATUS_DONE);
      case Netfiles.STATUS_ON_ITS_WAY: // On its way
      case Netfiles.STATUS_DONE: // Done
    return true;
Example #3
  * Recalculate a page. Invokes the SCAN parser (which will re-cache the page through the scancache
  * module) Only works for SCAN.
  * @param url of the page to cache
 public void calcPage(String url) {
   scanparser m = (scanparser) Vwms.getMMBase().getModule("SCANPARSER");
   url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 5);
   url = url.replace(':', '?');
   log.debug("getPage=" + url);
   if (m != null) {
     scanpage sp = new scanpage();
     m.calcPage(url, sp, 0);
Example #4
  * Performs general periodic maintenance. This routine handles alle open pages/main and
  * pages/mirror file service requests. These requests are obtained from the netfiles builder. For
  * each file that should be serviced, the filechange method is called. This routine handles a
  * maximum of 10 page/main, and 50 page/mirror service calls each time it is called. The first
  * time this method is call, nothing happens (?)
  * @return <code>true</code> if maintenance was performed, <code>false</code> otherwise
 public boolean probeCall() {
   if (first) {
     // skip first time this method is called
     first = false;
   } else {
     // handle up to 10 pages/main fileservice requests
     try {
       Netfiles bul = (Netfiles) Vwms.getMMBase().getMMObject("netfiles");
       // Enumeration e=bul.search("WHERE service='pages' AND subservice='main' AND
       // status="+Netfiles.STATUS_REQUEST+" ORDER BY number DESC");
       Enumeration e =
           bul.search("service=='pages'+subservice=='main'+status=" + Netfiles.STATUS_REQUEST);
       int i = 0;
       while (e.hasMoreElements() && i < 10) {
         MMObjectNode node = (MMObjectNode) e.nextElement();
         fileChange("" + node.getIntValue("number"), "c");
     } catch (Exception e) {
     // handle up to 50 pages/mirror fileservice requests
     try {
       Netfiles bul = (Netfiles) Vwms.getMMBase().getMMObject("netfiles");
       Enumeration e =
           bul.search("service=='pages'+subservice=='mirror'+status=" + Netfiles.STATUS_REQUEST);
       // Enumeration e=bul.search("WHERE service='pages' AND subservice='mirror' AND
       // status="+Netfiles.STATUS_REQUEST+" ORDER BY number DESC");
       int i = 0;
       while (e.hasMoreElements() && i < 50) {
         MMObjectNode node = (MMObjectNode) e.nextElement();
         fileChange("" + node.getIntValue("number"), "c");
     } catch (Exception e) {
   return true;
Example #5
  /** @javadoc */
  public void handleChanged(String buildername, int number) {
    // method checks if this really something valid
    // and we should signal a new version

    boolean dirty = false;
    for (VersionCacheWhenNode whennode : whens) {
      List<String> types = whennode.getTypes();

      // check if im known in the types part
      if (types.contains(buildername)) {
        // is there only 1 builder type ?
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("types=" + types.toString());
        if (types.size() == 1) {
          dirty = true;
        } else {
          // so multiple prepare a multilevel !
          List<String> nodes = whennode.getNodes();

          List<String> fields = new Vector<String>();
          fields.add(buildername + ".number");
          List<String> ordervec = new Vector<String>();
          List<String> dirvec = new Vector<String>();

          List<MMObjectNode> vec =
                      buildername + ".number==" + number,
          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("VEC=" + vec);
          if (vec != null && vec.size() > 0) {
            dirty = true;

    if (dirty) {
      // add one to the version of this counter
      int version = versionnode.getIntValue("version");
      versionnode.setValue("version", version + 1);
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Changed = " + (version + 1));
Example #6
   * Schedules a netfile object to be send to its mirror sites. The routine searches the appropriate
   * netfile node, and sets its status to 'request'. If a node does not exits, a new node is
   * created. In the latter case, the system also creates mirrornodes for each mirrorsite associated
   * with this service.
   * @param service the service to be performed
   * @param subservice the subservice to be performed
   * @param filename the filename to service
  public void handleMainCheck(String service, String subservice, String filename) {
    log.debug("Reached handleMainCheck");
    Netfiles bul = (Netfiles) Vwms.getMMBase().getMMObject("netfiles");
    Enumeration e =
            "WHERE filename='"
                + filename
                + "' AND service='"
                + service
                + "' AND subservice='"
                + subservice
                + "'");
    if (e.hasMoreElements()) {
      MMObjectNode mainnode = (MMObjectNode) e.nextElement();
      mainnode.setValue("status", Netfiles.STATUS_REQUEST);
    } else {
      MMObjectNode mainnode = bul.getNewNode("system");
      mainnode.setValue("filename", filename);
      mainnode.setValue("mmserver", Vwms.getMMBase().getMachineName());
      mainnode.setValue("service", service);
      mainnode.setValue("subservice", subservice);
      mainnode.setValue("status", Netfiles.STATUS_REQUEST);
      mainnode.setValue("filesize", -1);
      bul.insert("system", mainnode);

      Enumeration f = getMirrorNodes(service).elements();
      while (f.hasMoreElements()) {
        MMObjectNode n2 = (MMObjectNode) f.nextElement();
        // hack hack also have to create mirror nodes !
        mainnode = bul.getNewNode("system");
        mainnode.setValue("filename", filename);
        mainnode.setValue("mmserver", n2.getStringValue("name"));
        mainnode.setValue("service", service);
        mainnode.setValue("subservice", "mirror");
        mainnode.setValue("status", Netfiles.STATUS_DONE);
        mainnode.setValue("filesize", -1);
        bul.insert("system", mainnode);
Example #7
 /** Constructor for the PageMaster VWM. */
 public PageMaster() {
   log.debug("ready for action");