private void setPublicPointY(ASN1OctetString publicPointY) throws IllegalArgumentException { if ((options & Y) == 0) { options |= Y; this.publicPointY = publicPointY.getOctets(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Public Point Y already set"); } }
private void setBasePointG(ASN1OctetString basePointG) throws IllegalArgumentException { if ((options & G) == 0) { options |= G; this.basePointG = basePointG.getOctets(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base Point G already set"); } }
ECDSAPublicKey(ASN1Sequence seq) throws IllegalArgumentException { Enumeration en = seq.getObjects(); this.usage = ASN1ObjectIdentifier.getInstance(en.nextElement()); options = 0; while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Object obj = en.nextElement(); if (obj instanceof ASN1TaggedObject) { ASN1TaggedObject to = (ASN1TaggedObject) obj; switch (to.getTagNo()) { case 0x1: setPrimeModulusP(UnsignedInteger.getInstance(to).getValue()); break; case 0x2: setFirstCoefA(UnsignedInteger.getInstance(to).getValue()); break; case 0x3: setSecondCoefB(UnsignedInteger.getInstance(to).getValue()); break; case 0x4: setBasePointG(ASN1OctetString.getInstance(to, false)); break; case 0x5: setOrderOfBasePointR(UnsignedInteger.getInstance(to).getValue()); break; case 0x6: setPublicPointY(ASN1OctetString.getInstance(to, false)); break; case 0x7: setCofactorF(UnsignedInteger.getInstance(to).getValue()); break; default: options = 0; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Object Identifier!"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Object Identifier!"); } } if (options != 0x20 && options != 0x7F) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("All options must be either present or absent!"); } }
/** * Create a SubjectPublicKeyInfo public key. * * @param publicKey the SubjectPublicKeyInfo encoding * @return the appropriate key parameter * @throws on an error encoding the key */ public static SubjectPublicKeyInfo createSubjectPublicKeyInfo(AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey) throws IOException { if (publicKey instanceof RSAKeyParameters) { RSAKeyParameters pub = (RSAKeyParameters) publicKey; return new SubjectPublicKeyInfo( new AlgorithmIdentifier(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.rsaEncryption, DERNull.INSTANCE), new RSAPublicKey(pub.getModulus(), pub.getExponent())); } else if (publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKeyParameters) { DSAPublicKeyParameters pub = (DSAPublicKeyParameters) publicKey; return new SubjectPublicKeyInfo( new AlgorithmIdentifier(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa), new ASN1Integer(pub.getY())); } else if (publicKey instanceof ECPublicKeyParameters) { ECPublicKeyParameters pub = (ECPublicKeyParameters) publicKey; ECDomainParameters domainParams = pub.getParameters(); ASN1Encodable params; if (domainParams == null) { params = new X962Parameters(DERNull.INSTANCE); // Implicitly CA } else if (domainParams instanceof ECNamedDomainParameters) { params = new X962Parameters(((ECNamedDomainParameters) domainParams).getName()); } else { X9ECParameters ecP = new X9ECParameters( domainParams.getCurve(), domainParams.getG(), domainParams.getN(), domainParams.getH(), domainParams.getSeed()); params = new X962Parameters(ecP); } ASN1OctetString p = (ASN1OctetString) new X9ECPoint(pub.getQ()).toASN1Primitive(); return new SubjectPublicKeyInfo( new AlgorithmIdentifier(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey, params), p.getOctets()); } else { throw new IOException("key parameters not recognised."); } }