private void setRandomTripMode(final Trip trip, final Plan plan, boolean ffcard, boolean owcard) { // carsharing is the new trip if (possibleModes.length == 2) { if (rng.nextBoolean()) { if (owcard) TripRouter.insertTrip( plan, trip.getOriginActivity(), Collections.singletonList(new LegImpl("onewaycarsharing")), trip.getDestinationActivity()); } else { if (ffcard) TripRouter.insertTrip( plan, trip.getOriginActivity(), Collections.singletonList(new LegImpl("freefloating")), trip.getDestinationActivity()); } } else if (possibleModes.length == 1 && possibleModes[0] != null) { if ((possibleModes[0].equals("freefloating") && ffcard) || (possibleModes[0].equals("onewaycarsharing") && owcard)) TripRouter.insertTrip( plan, trip.getOriginActivity(), Collections.singletonList(new LegImpl(possibleModes[0])), trip.getDestinationActivity()); } else TripRouter.insertTrip( plan, trip.getOriginActivity(), trip.getTripElements(), trip.getDestinationActivity()); }
@Override public TripRouter instantiateAndConfigureTripRouter(RoutingContext routingContext) { TripRouter instance = this.delegateFactory.instantiateAndConfigureTripRouter(routingContext); Network network = this.scenario.getNetwork(); PopulationFactory populationFactory = this.scenario.getPopulation().getFactory(); ModeRouteFactory modeRouteFactory = ((PopulationFactoryImpl) populationFactory).getModeRouteFactory(); MultiModalConfigGroup multiModalConfigGroup = (MultiModalConfigGroup) scenario.getConfig().getModule(MultiModalConfigGroup.GROUP_NAME); Set<String> simulatedModes = CollectionUtils.stringToSet(multiModalConfigGroup.getSimulatedModes()); for (String mode : simulatedModes) { if (instance.getRegisteredModes().contains(mode)) { log.warn("A routing algorithm for " + mode + " is already registered. It is replaced!"); } TravelTime travelTime = this.multimodalTravelTimes.get(mode); if (travelTime == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "No travel time object was found for mode " + mode + "! Aborting."); } Network subNetwork = multimodalSubNetworks.get(mode); if (subNetwork == null) { subNetwork = NetworkImpl.createNetwork(); Set<String> restrictions = new HashSet<>(); restrictions.add(mode); TransportModeNetworkFilter networkFilter = new TransportModeNetworkFilter(network); networkFilter.filter(subNetwork, restrictions); this.multimodalSubNetworks.put(mode, subNetwork); } /* * We cannot use the travel disutility object from the routingContext since it * has not been created for the modes used here. */ TravelDisutility travelDisutility = this.travelDisutilityFactory.createTravelDisutility( travelTime, scenario.getConfig().planCalcScore()); LeastCostPathCalculator routeAlgo = this.leastCostPathCalculatorFactory.createPathCalculator( subNetwork, travelDisutility, travelTime); RoutingModule legRouterWrapper = DefaultRoutingModules.createNetworkRouter(mode, populationFactory, subNetwork, routeAlgo); instance.setRoutingModule(mode, legRouterWrapper); } return instance; }
@Override public PlanAlgorithm getPlanAlgoInstance() { final TripRouter tripRouter = tripRouterProvider.get(); ChooseActivityToInsert algo = new ChooseActivityToInsert( MatsimRandom.getLocalInstance(), tripRouter.getStageActivityTypes(), this.scenario, shopFacilityQuadTree, leisureFacilityQuadTree); return algo; }
@Override public TripRouter instantiateAndConfigureTripRouter(RoutingContext routingContext) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub final TripRouter router = delegate.instantiateAndConfigureTripRouter(routingContext); // add our module to the instance router.setRoutingModule("movingpathways", new AAMRoutingModule(this.scenario)); /* router.setRoutingModule(, new TransitMultiModalAccessRoutingModule( scenario, new InitialNodeRouter( router.getRoutingModule( "movingpathways" ), scenario.getConfig().transitRouter().getSearchRadius(), 1, scoringParams ) ) ); */ final MainModeIdentifier defaultModeIdentifier = router.getMainModeIdentifier(); router.setMainModeIdentifier( new MainModeIdentifier() { @Override public String identifyMainMode(final List<? extends PlanElement> tripElements) { boolean hadMovingPathway = false; for (PlanElement pe : tripElements) { if (pe instanceof Leg) { final Leg l = (Leg) pe; if (l.getMode().equals("movingpathways")) { hadMovingPathway = true; } if (l.getMode().equals(TransportMode.transit_walk)) { return; } } } if (hadMovingPathway) { // there were bike sharing legs but no transit walk return "movingpathways"; } return defaultModeIdentifier.identifyMainMode(tripElements); } }); return router; }
// package protected for tests final void removePassengerTrip(final JointTrip toRemove, final JointPlan jointPlan) { final Plan passengerPlan = jointPlan.getIndividualPlan(toRemove.getPassengerId()); final Trip tripWithLeg = getTripWithLeg(passengerPlan, toRemove.getPassengerLeg(), stagesWithJointTypes); TripRouter.insertTrip( passengerPlan, tripWithLeg.getOriginActivity(), Collections.singletonList(PopulationUtils.createLeg(, tripWithLeg.getDestinationActivity()); }
private Alternative<ModeNests> calcAlternative( final int i, final String mode, final ActivityFacility origin, final ActivityFacility destination, final Person person) { final Trip trip = new Trip( origin, router.calcRoute(mode, origin, destination, 12 * 3600, person), destination); return new Alternative<>( ModeNests.valueOf(mode), Id.create(i + "_" + mode, Alternative.class), trip); }
@Override public TripRouter get() { final TripRouter tripRouter = defaultFactory.get(); final TransitRouterWrapper routingModule = new TransitRouterWrapper( transitRouterFactory.get(), scenario.getTransitSchedule(), scenario.getNetwork(), // use a walk router in case no PT path is found DefaultRoutingModules.createTeleportationRouter( TransportMode.transit_walk, scenario.getPopulation().getFactory(), scenario .getConfig() .plansCalcRoute() .getModeRoutingParams() .get(TransportMode.walk))); tripRouter.setRoutingModule(, routingModule); return tripRouter; }
private void repareDriverTrips(final JointTrip toRemove, final JointPlan plan) { final List<TripStructureUtils.Trip> subtrips = getDriverTrip(toRemove, plan.getIndividualPlan(toRemove.getDriverId())); final List<PlanElement> newTrip = new ArrayList<PlanElement>(); newTrip.add(PopulationUtils.createLeg(; // "state" variables, changed in the loop: // - keeps track of the passengers currently in the vehicle. // Pick-up or drop-offs are created at each change Set<Id> currentPassengers = Collections.<Id>emptySet(); for (TripStructureUtils.Trip subtrip : subtrips) { final Leg leg = getDriverLegIfItIs(subtrip); final Route route = leg == null ? null : leg.getRoute(); final Set<Id> newPassengers = route != null ? new HashSet<Id>(((DriverRoute) route).getPassengersIds()) : Collections.<Id>emptySet(); // note that no check of the mode is done... if (!newPassengers.equals(currentPassengers)) { newTrip.add( PopulationUtils.createActivityFromLinkId( JointActingTypes.INTERACTION, route != null ? route.getStartLinkId() : subtrip.getOriginActivity().getLinkId())); // as the spatial structure of the trip is modified, it is possible // that some pre-existing subtours are removed. Thus, a driver that may // have walked to a pick up (because at the same location as its departure) // may then have to drive to pick up the second passenger directly if // the first passenger was removed. Setting all non-driver legs // to car ensures to have a consistent mode chain. // XXX It could be done in a smarter way, so that if no subtour is removed, no modification // is done // For instance, when removing an "intern" trip, first PU and last DO are // left untouched, and thus access and egress leg need not be touched. newTrip.add(leg != null ? leg : PopulationUtils.createLeg(; currentPassengers = newPassengers; } } TripRouter.insertTrip( plan.getIndividualPlan(toRemove.getDriverId()), subtrips.get(0).getOriginActivity(), newTrip, subtrips.get(subtrips.size() - 1).getDestinationActivity()); }
private boolean microRouteCurrentLegRoute( Leg leg, Person person, int currentLinkIndex, double time, Network network, TripRouter tripRouter, Random random, Plan plan) { Route route = leg.getRoute(); // if the route type is not supported (e.g., because it is a walking agent) if (!(route instanceof NetworkRoute)) return false; if (random.nextFloat() > 0.3) return false; // only 30% replanners PersonImpl p = (PersonImpl) person; int legnr = plan.getPlanElements().indexOf(leg); // logger.warn(legnr); if (p.getAge() == legnr) { // logger.error("agent already replanned"); // return false; // agent has been replanned already } else { // p.setAge(legnr); } NetworkRoute oldRoute = (NetworkRoute) route; /* * Get the Id of the current Link. * Create a List that contains all links of a route, including the Start- and EndLinks. */ List<Id<Link>> allLinkIds = getRouteLinkIds(oldRoute); // int links2go = allLinkIds.size() - (currentLinkIndex + 1); // if (links2go >= 3) { Id<Link> startLink = allLinkIds.get(0); Id<Link> endLink = allLinkIds.get(allLinkIds.size() - 1); // The linkIds of the new Route --------------------------- List<Id<Link>> linkIds = new ArrayList<Id<Link>>(); // start of the old route linkIds.addAll(allLinkIds.subList(1, currentLinkIndex)); // currentLinkIndex exclusive // micro-reroute part of route --------------------------- Id<Link> currentLinkId = allLinkIds.get(currentLinkIndex); // link 1, currentLinkIndex = 1 Link fromLink = network.getLinks().get(currentLinkId); int jump = random.nextInt(links2go - 2) + 2; // start with 2 int toLinkIndex = (currentLinkIndex + jump); // jump over one link // Id<Link> toLinkId = allLinkIds.get(toLinkIndex); // Link toLink = network.getLinks().get(toLinkId); // Facility<ActivityFacility> fromFacility = new LinkWrapperFacility(fromLink); Facility<ActivityFacility> toFacility = new LinkWrapperFacility(toLink); List<? extends PlanElement> planElements = tripRouter.calcRoute(leg.getMode(), fromFacility, toFacility, time, person); // if (planElements.size() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException( "Expected a list of PlanElements containing exactly one element, " + "but the returned list contained " + planElements.size() + " elements."); } Leg newLeg = (Leg) planElements.get(0); Route newRoute = newLeg.getRoute(); linkIds.addAll(getRouteLinkIds(newRoute)); // currentLinkIndex => startLink // remainder of the old route --------------------------- if (toLinkIndex + 1 < allLinkIds.size() - 1) { // if route is not yet finished: linkIds.addAll(allLinkIds.subList(toLinkIndex + 1, allLinkIds.size() - 1)); } // Overwrite old Route if (linkIds.size() > 2 && toLinkId.compareTo(fromLink.getId()) != 0) { List<Id<Link>> middleLinks = linkIds.subList(0, linkIds.size()); // to is exclusive // String str = oldRoute.toString(); // int lo = oldRoute.getLinkIds().size(); oldRoute.setLinkIds(startLink, middleLinks, endLink); // if (oldRoute.getLinkIds().size() != lo) { // + " :" + str + "\n" + // oldRoute.toString()); // } } // else do not replace route } return true; }
private void initializeFreeFLoatingParkingCarLeg(double now) { this.state = MobsimAgent.State.LEG; PlanElement pe = this.getCurrentPlanElement(); Leg leg = (Leg) pe; Route route = leg.getRoute(); // create route for the car part of the freefloating trip parkingSpot = parkingModule.parkFreeFloatingVehicle( Id.create(vehID, Vehicle.class), this.scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().get(route.getEndLinkId()).getCoord(), this.person.getId(), now); double travelTime = 0.0; List<Id<Link>> ids = new ArrayList<Id<Link>>(); Provider<TripRouter> tripRouterFactory = controler.getTripRouterProvider(); TripRouter tripRouter = tripRouterFactory.get(); Coord coordStart = new Coord( scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().get(route.getEndLinkId()).getCoord().getX(), scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().get(route.getEndLinkId()).getCoord().getY()); TwoWayCSFacility startFacility = new TwoWayCSFacilityImpl( Id.create("1000000000", TwoWayCSFacility.class), coordStart, route.getEndLinkId()); Coord coordEnd = new Coord( scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().get(parkingSpot.getLinkId()).getCoord().getX(), scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().get(parkingSpot.getLinkId()).getCoord().getY()); TwoWayCSFacility endFacility = new TwoWayCSFacilityImpl( Id.create("1000000001", TwoWayCSFacility.class), coordEnd, parkingSpot.getLinkId()); for (PlanElement pe1 : tripRouter.calcRoute("car", startFacility, endFacility, now, person)) { if (pe1 instanceof Leg) { ids = ((NetworkRoute) ((Leg) pe1).getRoute()).getLinkIds(); travelTime += ((Leg) pe1).getTravelTime(); } } LegImpl carLeg = new LegImpl("freefloatingparking"); carLeg.setTravelTime(travelTime); NetworkRoute route1 = ((PopulationFactoryImpl) scenario.getPopulation().getFactory()) .getModeRouteFactory() .createRoute(NetworkRoute.class, route.getEndLinkId(), parkingSpot.getLinkId()); route1.setLinkIds(route.getEndLinkId(), ids, parkingSpot.getLinkId()); route1.setTravelTime(travelTime); // route1.setVehicleId(new IdImpl("FF_" + (vehID))); carLeg.setRoute(route1); this.cachedDestinationLinkId = parkingSpot.getLinkId(); // set the route according to the next leg this.currentLeg = carLeg; this.cachedRouteLinkIds = null; this.currentLinkIdIndex = 0; this.cachedNextLinkId = null; return; }